
Bloody and Embarrassed

New Rule

DO NOT fight back to back with Kira!

there are around 1.3 gallons of blood in the human body and thanks to the work of Kira his hair, socks, and clothes likely had the same amount absorbed into them, EACH

Having caught up to her after her reckless but effective charge at the enclosing mob of inmates, Cane had immediately set to work on supporting the larger woman during the fight. Throwing his knife and embedding it in the skull of an inmate that had been aiming a fire powered punch at Kira while she had been focused on the inmate she was currently squeezing the life from and extinguishing his powers had ensured her "safety" and from there he had worked at getting closer to the likely insane woman

due to the horde's tactic of surrounding her, he had faced some difficulty in reaching her, meaning that she was left defenseless from her blindspots, causing her to be quickly swarmed and left mainly restrained by the remaining 15 inmates that had been left untouched by her charge and his actions. thankfully however due to Kira's impenetrable skin, restraining her only created a fragile deadlock in which neither side was able to attack due to the horde's actions

a deadlock that was soon broken as Cane quickly set to work, while the swarm of bodies bulged and constricted against its captor Cane searched the 5 bodies that had been dropped during the charge, and from the assorted weaponry they held he took a new knife and a mace before laying siege to the mesh of bodies from the outside, cutting tendons and shattering knees until with a roar Kira broke free sending the ten plus opponents flying in multiple directions like ragdolls hit with a grenade

Having stepped back in time cane was able to narrowly avoid being slammed by the eruption of bodies and quickly moved toward his fighting partner

"Next time let's not-" he didn't finish as he quickly ducked avoiding a haymaker thrown by Kira in her battle state and then another kick that likely would have amputated his legs had it landed "KIRA! Watch your hits!" he screamed as he scrambled to avoid a third attack, this time a jab that moved so fast it left a cut on his cheek, the same cheek that had been cut only a few weeks prior

Thankfully whether due to his voice or due to her instincts Kira finally realized who she was attacking and looked at him closely before the joyous blush that she had gained in the heat of battle turned into a raging red tomato as she saw her actions and nodded at him, shamefully before turning away from him, still red to face the reorganizing horde

From that point the fight became rather simple, Kira played the role of "tank" as Leandro would put it, keeping the attention of the opponent and taking the brunt of any damage they dished out easily while Cane separated his focus on executing any opponents Kira crippled or let slip past, ensuring no one aside from Kira and himself were able to use their abilities and pitching in by weakening foes via a cut tendon or beating with his new mace

By the end, both he and Kira were soaked in blood, guts, and brain matter from head to toe, although he blamed her for that as her means of killing rarely left anyway to lessen the blood spray, especially when she lifted them over her head and ripped them in half! Once they were the only living occupants of the arena the crowd watching had gone wild and the gates to the outside had appeared through a wall sliding back through some unseen mechanism, Gates which Kira had immediately run through after the battle had ended and her embarrassment at her actions had returned, although due to own size and stature she had looked more like a charging bull than a blushing maiden

Shaking his head at her actions Cane had to admit he was surprised by how she ran off as in his experience she was far more of an upfront type of woman than both Jasmin and Alice but nonetheless he let it go and instead began his search for a shower. Fortunately the staff of the Midnight Brawl were some very nice people despite their place of work and quickly escorted him to the facilities, although they may have just wanted to avoid the mess of bloodstains

After a full fifteen minutes in the shower where he had scrubbed himself so hard that he worried his skin might now be a shade lighter than it previously had been, he changed into a suit that had been provided by the company and walked out of the bathroom to find Kira waiting for him in the hallway in a suit of her own, although hers looked ready to break at the seams, especially around the arms, thighs, chest, shoulders… it just looked too small on her

Seeing his surprised look at her outfit she shrugged, her ears tinted red "I didn't want a dress so I just found the biggest size of clothes I could find and put them on" pointing a thumb towards a door to their right she continued "the exits this way… wanna hit a bar or two before calling it a night?"

"Sure, sounds perfect" Cane answered, giving a nod "however you should know that the last time I walked home at night I ended up shot" he teased with a grin and offering his arm

Surprisingly however instead of grinning and giving a joke of hers like usual, Kira gave him an oddly intense look before ignoring the arm he offered, wrapping her own around his shoulders for what must have been the 5th time that evening and said, deadly serious "then I won't let you out of my sight" before beginning to walk him out the door

However, before they exited Cane heard a voice

*Ahem* "you know it's rude to leave without saying goodbye"