
Yandere's Multiverse

basically dropped at this point.

DemonoidKing · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

"Curing Venustraphobia" (R18)

This is my first attempt at a short lemon so it probably won't be good but I'll still try my best.


'Welp there's no getting away from this so I might as well embrace it.'

Her smile calms down but her eyes are still hearts.

'Am I hallucinating or are those real hearts?'

(They are real hearts but they are only real because the girl that has it loves you.)

Diana, still grinding on me asks me "What do you want me to do to you?"

"I want you to fuck me." I say involuntarily.

'GOD I sound like a girl.'

She suddenly stops grinding and her smile twitches. She grips my lower stomach and kneels covering her face with her curly hair. I notice that my shorts are starting to feel wet.

'Did she come?'

(Yes she did and it seems like she isn't getting tired any time soon. I wish you luck Roger.)

Diana looks back up at me and I notice that her heart's eyes are glowing even brighter.

"I love you." She says.

"Do you love me?" She asks.

She's trying to look as confident as possible but I can see that she looks scared to know the answer.

"I-I can't say I love you. I mean we just met." I say.


Her smile turns into a frown before turning right back into a smile again.

"If that's true all I have to do is make you learn to love me!!" She exclaims.

Her breathing turns ragged as she starts to take off my shorts. Seeing the tent in my boxers she uses her finger and traces it from the base to the tip sending shivers down my spine.

She takes off my boxers showing my 7-inch penis standing to attention.

She takes a minute to admire it before she starts taking off her shorts showing her pantie-less figure with hair shaved into a heart shape.

She sits on my dick grinding on it before she slowly moves down the bed to where my dick is right in front of her face.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

She sniffs my balls then licks it from the base to the tip.

I can't say anything at this moment because it's my first time. I have a feeling if I try to say something it'll just come out as a moan and I don't want to embarrass myself any more than I have to.

She takes the tip in her mouth before slowly descending until her nose is touching my stomach. No gag or nothing just took it all in one go.

Her throat contracts slowly massaging my dick before she pulls out for a breath.

"Hahh hahh did you like that?" She asks.

"Yes," I say trying my best not to moan.

"Oh, your too cute~ "she says before she takes it in her mouth again.

'I can't hold on.'

She seems to notice me twitching as she pulls out to the tip before bringing her head back down quickly repeating this process until I cum in her mouth.

She savors it in her mouth rolling her tongue as if trying to etch the taste in her memory.

Pulling out she gets up to straddling me again and she opens her mouth showing me the cum in it.

"This is gonna be inside me soon~" She says before swallowing it.

Not wasting any more time she brings herself up hovering over my waist and use's her hand to put my tip in between her pussy lips.

"Wait Diana we sho-" She cuts me off by bringing herself down officially taking my virginity.

My mind started to go hazy from the pleasure.

She doesn't move. Her face is flushed and she looks as if this is the best feeling someone can feel.

"Doth yous lik ithsss?" She slurs.

"Yes. I love it. It feels amazing." I say no longer able to hold back from saying what I feel.

This seems to be the last straw as her eyes grow hazy and she brings her hips up slamming it down again.


I hear something but neither of us recognizes it as we are blinded by our pleasure.

She officially starts to ride me and if I was conscious enough I would be proud of how much I'm making her come.

Sho good. Sho gud! SHO GUUUUUD!!!" She screams as I cum in her resulting in her having her strongest cum.

My dick still in her we both pass out not noticing the cracked floor broken bed or my broken waist.


10 am In the room Roger's staying at-

I wake up groggily with a heavy wait on my body and a nice feeling on my dick.

I slowly register everything that happened this morning and I get really angry.

'FUCK I hate this!'

I don't mind getting raped. I actually like it as earlier I said that I wanted her to do it.

What I do mind is that she used her lasso to easily know what I was thinking.

I hate that she could have made me say all my darkest secrets just by asking me.

It makes me feel so naked and open.

'...Just like back then...'

(Do you want to talk about it, Roger?)

'No, I'm fine thank you though'

(You should check your rewards because during your first time Diana had broken your waist and I can only keep the pain away for so long.)


(Alrighty then

Lose your first time* Rewards- Sexuality, 10k$ and unbreakable condoms (6)

Break a bone during sex* Rewards- Fast regeneration, A band-aid (For your boo boo), and some soup

Have sex with Diana (Wonderwoman)* Rewards- Custom weapon, 500k$ and lasso of truth resistance

Make a yandere addicted to your dick* Rewards- A dildo, Addictive smell, and a coin

Make a yandere faint during sex* Rewards- Weakness sight, 25k$ and a yoyo

Having sex with a yandere is the first step to conquering them* Reward- Reactive evolution

You've done the forbidden... YOU'VE STUCK YOUR DICK IN CRAZY* Reward- 'Crazy' attraction)

'Oh wow, that's a lot.'

(Roger put on the band-aid, it'll make it so you won't feel any pain from your broken waist)


I take out the pink hello kitty band-aid and put it on my waist since my arms are still tied to my sides.

'Ok, first what does sexuality do?'

(Sexuality: You learn from sex extremely fast)

'Ok, then can you give me examples for how fast the regeneration is gonna be?'

(If you get cuts it will heal in minutes, If you get broken/missing limbs they will heal in hours depending on the injuries, If you get any fatal wounds it may take you a few days to recover. Though your healing factor will eventually get better on continuous use due to your reactive evolution. And if you are hit in the brain or your head is severed you will still die)

'That's really useful. What can I do with the custom weapon?'

(You can give it a description, a history-making it a weapon from the past (Effectively rewriting history) and one power and adjective)

'I'm gonna have some fun with this

'I don't really need to know what lasso of truth resistance does. I feel like someone heard my thinking and decided to help me but I don't know if I should be thankful or scared.'

'Never mind what does addictive smell do?'

(Addictive smell: The more someone smells you the more they are addicted to your smell)

'Ok, that's dangerous. Can I turn it off and on?'

(Sadly no its a passive power)


'What does weakness sight do?'

(Weakness sight: You can see the weakness on people and things

Green: Hitting it won't be that detrimental

Yellow: Still not that bad but enough to make an impact on said person/thing

Orange: It has a possibility to be bad but even if it isn't it will make it extremely close to being so

Red: Fatal in general

Black: Will mean death/destruction for person/thing

Pink: Sexual weaknesses)

'Although that is good that'll depend on if I can even hit the spots'

'This might be the most useful so what does reactive evolution do?'

(Reactive evolution: You will actively evolve when you are injured or exposed to external dangers so that they will no longer be of danger to you.)

'This will definitely be really useful but can you give me some examples'

(If you get shot through by a bullet and heal then the next time the bullet would not shoot all the way through you then the next time it would only go halfway through you then the next time it would barely pernitrate then next time it would just leave a mark and finally, it would bounce off without a scratch.)

'Will it evolve me to be resistant to poison or radioactive energy if I am exposed to it?'

(Yes, it says in the description "when you are injured or exposed to external dangers")

'Ok then...'



(Are you not gonna ask about your last power?)

'I'm scared but go ahead'

('Crazy' attraction: Crazy and mentally unstable women will feel an uncanny attraction towards you not as bad as yandere's but still weird all said and done)

'There it is I just got a bunch of amazing powers so of course you just had to come along and fuck my mood up.'

"Hhhuhhhhh" I sigh.




'Do you want a name?'

(W-Where did this come from all of a sudden?)

'Well I've been calling you system and it but you have become "human" so I thought maybe you'd want to have a name and gender'

'You can be a male, female, nonbinary, gender fluid, a toaster or a dragon, and just about anything else you can think of.'

(I-I'll just stick with female thank you.)

'Tsk, boring'

'So do you want me to think of a name or will you so it?'

(I want you to do it please)

'Alright then'


'How about Cassy. Cassy Steves. You can be my little sister'


'What you don't like it?'

(NO no I love it. It's just that when you said Cassy Steves I thought...)

'What did little miss system fall in love~'


'God she acts just like her...'

"Huhh" I sigh again.

"Hey, Diana can you move?" I ask.

She groggily sits up then looks at me with a frown and asks "Why?"

"Well you kinda squashed my waist this morning and I'd like you to get off of it." I say cheekily.

She looks down and see's my bloody and squashed waist before her eyes widen and she screams "WHAT!?!?"

I hope you like the chapter.

I did the best that I can for the se scene and I hope that you like the powers I gave the mc.

I have interesting plans for the weapon mc gonna get but you can still leave suggestions for other things he could get.

I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!

DemonoidKingcreators' thoughts