
Yamoshi Peverell (H.P. Fanfic)

A boy who just could not escape finally succumbs to truck-kun and the R.O.B. appears with an offer he can't refuse. That's right, three wishes and the chance to be reborn in any world. Our main character chooses the new name Yamoshi Peverell after making his wishes and is transmigrated to the world of Harry Potter. Read of his adventure of turning the world on its head while seeking what he has always wanted; action, friendship, and romance. He may or may not find the secret to multiverse travel. Stay tuned. ;)

The_Square_Squad · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Ch 5 - Refining the Body

Timeskip (2 years later)

I have been collecting energy for the core within my heart for the last two years and I have finally reached a balance.

There is only the last step to complete the body foundations but first, 'status'.

[Name: Yamoshi Peverell

Level: 1

HP: 500 (VIT*100)

MP: 160

Race: Kryptonian-Saiyan (LOCKED)


STR: 5 VIT: 5 DEX: 5 INT: 16 WIS: 12 LUK: 1

FP: 0


Gamer's Mind Lv. Max

Gamer's Body Lv. Max

Reading Lv. 57: Increases reading speed. Upon reaching level 50 the use can instantly read a page but they must comprehend it on their own.

Meditation Lv. 96: Increases HP and MP regeneration by Lv. #*10%. Upon reaching level 50 the user can enter their mindscape. The higher the level the easier it is to enter and manipulate.

Boundless Foundations Procedure (body 99%) (mind 0%) (soul 0%) (combination 0%)

{NEW}Cooking Lv. 26: Improves taste of any food prepared by the user]

Other than reading I started to cook as a hobby over the year.

I couldn't start any other skills as it would effect my foundations.

I also set the system to not give me skills that I don't purposefully try to acquire from now on such as walking, eating, and breathing.

After checking my status I took one last breath and broke the core I had painstakingly built over the last two years near my heart.

The energy started to rampage and I drove it through the heart and into the blood vessels to travel through the entire body.

My skin turned red and vessels started to burst every few seconds.

Steam could be seen coming off me and blood was splattered in every direction.

Suddenly black mucus started to pour out of my body and created a shell around my body.

The shell hardened and then there was no movement for hours.

After 7 hours the shell started to crack and I stood up.

['Skill: Boundless Foundation Procedure' has reached 100% in body refinement]

['Perk: Pure Body' has been earned]

[Pure Body: Strength, Vitality, and Endurance will now improve 100% faster]

I quickly went inside to take a shower and when I came out to check the mirror I looked like a new person.

I was taller and even as a five year old there was some lines of muscles.

My hair and eyes were brighter and my skin was slightly darker than the pale color I was before.


I walked downstairs from my bedroom and was greeted by Roodey.

Roodey: "Good afternoon young master Yoshi. We have food prepared for you in the dining hall."

"Thank you Roodey."

I started to eat and thought about my plan for before going to Hogwarts.

Despite everything that will happen there I know that I will have a lot of fun.

I should finish building my foundations before Hogwarts as well as claim the Lordship for the Peverell family.

I should also try and gain guardianship over Harry once I become Lord Peverell.

I am his cousin after all.

I had asked the house elves about him before and apparently my father's father was Fleamont Potter's brother.

That makes mine and Harry's dad cousins and us second cousins I suppose.

I also have to do all of this under the nose of that old goat Dumbledore.

I do not trust him at all.

Besides everything I read from the Harry Potter books in my last life about his negligence towards Harry he is also in possession of the elder wand which is a Peverell artifact while the Peverell family is still alive.

I would bet that there is a conspiracy involving how he got the elder wand and even how my father was attacked by death eaters.

We were neutral and didn't care about the war but somehow he was caught up in it.

Despite me not putting into the background section for my first wish I'm sure that the world filled in the details.

[For multiple correct deductions, WIS+3]

Great, now I'm sure Dumbledore has it out for my family.

Since he doesn't know about me then his plan will probably use Harry to get the Peverell lordship because Harry could technically claim it.

[For a correct deduction, WIS+1]

That means I'm going to have to be extra careful and hide my identity as a Peverell when going to Hogwarts.

I'll have to create some kind of rune or spell to change my name on the book that records new student.

[For a well thought out plan, WIS+1]

Well that's a future me problem. Now I have to get started on my minds foundation.

I went back to my favorite spot in the garden below a large tree in the grass to the side of a bed of flowers.

Since I practiced meditation already while collecting energy for my body, now I can enter my mindscape with ease.

Once I entered I was in a place similar to Naruto's world inside the seal.

There were dark tunnels everywhere you turned and at the center I even found a cage with a large ape inside.

Its eyes were like two burning suns and its fur was similar to my hair color, a very dark red.


I realized that this is my bloodline and the cage is what has locked it away.

There are three symbols on the front of the cage and one is actually lit up.

This must be the body mind and soul portions of my foundation technique.

Once I'm finished I should be able to unlock my bloodline.

With that I quickly began spreading energy through my mindscape and to the tunnels that I had walked through before.

[Name: Yamoshi Peverell

Level: 1

{NEW}Perks: Pure Body

HP: 500 (VIT*100)

MP: 160

Race: Kryptonian-Saiyan (LOCKED)


STR: 5 VIT: 5 DEX: 5 INT: 16 WIS: 17 LUK: 1

FP: 0


Gamer's Mind Lv. Max

Gamer's Body Lv. Max

Reading Lv. 57: Increases reading speed. Upon reaching level 50 the use can instantly read a page but they must comprehend it on their own.

Meditation Lv. 96: Increases HP and MP regeneration by Lv. #*10%. Upon reaching level 50 the user can enter their mindscape. The higher the level the easier it is to enter and manipulate.

Boundless Foundations Procedure (body 100%) (mind 1%) (soul 0%) (combination 0%)

Cooking Lv. 26: Improves taste of any food prepared by the user]