
XXX Primal: A Warhammer Fantasy Story

The Desires of a Goddess of Chaos are Unfathomable and as chaotic as her and her brother’s personalities, on a whim she wants to see if a version of the one planet where the great game is played by her and her brothers and makes it in her image. After giving and order to one of her favored Daemon Princes, a journey is set for him as he loses everything he was to start from scratch and start a new in a world in Slaaneshes image. Fighting, Killing, Gratuitous Sex, and World Domination, all for her to watch and enjoy.

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March on Clan Spittel

Remember just look up izer5 on discord or Nameless#8598 if you want to find me the really old way of the old username system for discord as well.


As we marched northwards and across the gorge between the mountains of the southern sentinels and into Clan Oppulance territory.

My army consisted of three units of Slaanesh Worshiper Skink Javelin's, Three units of Chaos Marauders, Three Units of Chaos Marauder Spears, Four Units of Forsaken of Slaanesh, Two Units Spawn of Slaanesh, Two Seeker Chariots & Two Chaos Furies of Slaanesh and with me being my own unit fully filled out my army's current roster.

But we were in no real rush as I had no plans to take any settlements and only focus on sacking them to gain more slaves to be made into cultists along with more women for both me and my men to have our fun with.

But as the journey was more than a few days away and that it's a really bad idea to explore the Lustrian Jungles at night after a full days March we made a make shift camp for the night, of course after all my men made my tent for me and set it up perfectly before they could go and make their rather well off nicer looking, but much smaller and not as decadent as mine, tents themselves before preparing their food and wine for everyone.

As and army that follows our goddess Slaanesh we only ate the best meals that would keep us well fed properly and that being meats and wine as unlike other armies who live off stale bread, dry jerky like meats, gruel and grains, we only ate what we desired, not that it didn't help that anytime we set up camp all we would need to do is make a small temporary portal to the realms of Slaanesh to easily acquire said foods from the ring of glutoney that is absolutely stuffed to the brim with all kinds of foods.

If we were say regular mortals not marked by our goddess, eating any foods from their would give us a constant never ending hunger that would want to make us eat until our bodies burst from the pressure of being over stuffed but since we are her followers it makes it so we don't have to suffer that ill begotten fate of those wretched souls and we will always no matter where we are have food to keep us filled, which makes it so we suffer no attrition damage from any type of landscape either, including the deep seas of the world.

But after setting up camp and eating everyone including myself went to rest with some of the Chaos Furies keeping to the high tree tops to keep watch after I gave them the command to do so while I took two of their female members to keep my bed warm for the night, though I won't try and impregnate anyone within my army while I'm on the war path as that would hinder my army in the long term so I used their mouths to pleasure me while I used both my mouth and fingers to pleasure them as well.


So the night past and morning came to which we got ready for the day as we packed up camp and continued northwards.

Soon enough we reached the Mangrove Coast, a Skaven settlement just north of the Southern Sentinels mountain range where to the east their was also another Skaven Settlement that was located within the Southern Sentinels themselves and had taken the name of the mountain range as the name for said Skaven city.

"Skaven, can't make things even slightly beautiful above ground with their city's all below." I say looking at the ruins that is the Mangrove Coast.

Skaven don't live above ground, instead what they all do is destroy the settlement above ground before going underground and using the settlements resources to create under-City's beneath settlements as to confuse would be enemies into thinking its nothing but a ruin and hiding the true fact of what lurks underneath.

As we entered the ruins of the settlement we soon the skittering sounds of rats moving about until finally the army and garrison that had been sent to protect this settlement had arrived to face us.

Now most Skaven men are rather ugly looking rat men, but these Skaven men had clean soft fur unlike their matted fired cousins, even the Skaven slaves who weren't allowed to wear luxurious clothes and armor and only had rags on their body also looked clean as well.

Everyone was groomed properly and none were showing signs of starvation and in fact everyone, including the Skaven slaves, looked well fed.

"You-You must be A-Abbadon Yes-Yes?" One of the Skaven, a well armored Skaven Warlord said as he stepped forward to approach me as I looked at him with my sword tip stabbed into the cracked and broken cobblestone road of this settlement.

I just nod, "The Matriarch asks-asks what you shall do-do with settlements to the north yes?" He asks in his Skaven dialect of repeating words at least twice.

"My men will sack the settlements for their valuables and to capture slaves, if Clan Oppulence wishes to take the settlements we sack we care not, we will even leave all the food for your clan to claim as a sign of friendship from us to you." I said which caused several of the Skaven behind him, which I believe were better known as Stormvermin based upon their weapons and armor, to mutter and murmur between eachother before he held up his hand to silence them.

"Then we-we have a deal." He says before facing north as I turned in that direction as well as he pointed towards that direction.

"Craven Clan Spittel, they-they take our lands from us while Matriarch VelVel was busy defending the borders from the Lizardmen threat, if you-you didn't stop the Cult of Sotek, Clan Opulence would have been-been in danger." He says before looking back at me.

"We-we March towards Chupayotl, Cravens took-took it from us not more than two days ago, their army is strong-strong, several Plagueclaw Catapults to attack from range, and strong clan rats for infantry with slingers covering their back line." He explained to me from the reports he received from the few garrison who were able to escape with their lives.

"Catapults, me and my Chaos Furies will fly above the battle field to flank and take out the catapults while my men will charge the city from one of its entrances while your army attacks from the other entrance before we overwhelm their defenses and take the city, we get the slaves and any gold while your clan reclaims the city and we keep doing this until either Clan Spittel is destroyed or their subjugated by my army." I go onto explain what the battle plan to which he rubs his chin as if in thought before ultimately nodding and agreeing to the plan of action for our upcoming battle.

With everything said we began the March on Chupayotl.