
XxReincarnated : novel

Frank is tired of their life. There’s too many restrictions from parental controls to age-related laws, so they decided to rewrite the world. First, they need to make a clean slate.

LilyStargazers · Krieg
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1 Chs

“I’ve decided to reincarnate…”

"What the hell are you talking about?" Carnivàl asked from her seat on Frank's desk.

"I said I'm going to reincarnate; I'm tired of dealing with all this BS alright."

"Dummie, you have to die to reincarnate. You can't just make the decision."

"We'll, it's too late 'cause I'ma do it!"

Carnivàl faceplanted before jumping off the table and onto Frank's bed. "You idiot, if you die, who's hang out with me?"

Frank's ignore her pout and responded, "I'm not gonna die, genius. I'll just reincarnate."

Carnivàl paused, her face covered by a loading sign.

"Hey, don't hurt yourself thinking." Frank chuckled and hit Carnivàl with one of the pillows on their bed. "I'll just take a nap or something. Did you know every time you go to sleep, you wake up with a new consciousness?" Frank held up a flashlight to the bottom of their face and said, "freaky, right?" in a spooky voice.

An irk mark popped onto Carnivàl's face as she shoved Frank hard to a pile of pillows. "I thought you were actually going to hurt yourself! Dummie, you had me worried."


"Yeah," she said with a small blush.

"Wow, I can't believe it…"

"I actually care about you, you know." Carnivàl lightly punched their arm.

"No… I can't believe you have feelings."

Carnivàl's jaw dropped slightly and it was at this moment Frank knew….

they fricked up.

Carnivàl smiled deviously as she summersaulted into the pile of pillows, grabbing two to use as weapons. Frank backed against the door of their closet with a large pillow for defense.

Carnivàl laughed as she through pillow after pillow at Frank, who was too busy watching her smile to dodge or block.

They both dropped their pillows when they heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Frank's face paled as Carnivàl ducked underneath some blankets.

"Francierra.." Frank's mom approached the door. They winced at the sound of their dead name. "Hey, what are you doing in there?" She tried the lock and knocked louder when she couldn't get the door open.

"Francierra. Open. This. Door."

Frank got up reluctantly and walked over to the door, mentally groaning as they turned the lock.

"Why did you lock the door?"

"I don't know, it's a habit."

Their mom roled her eyes. "Dinner's in ten minutes and I want you to eat with the family today." They both stared at each other until Frank's mom smiled, pleadingly.


"Also, what were you doing up here."

"Jumping on my bed," Frank responded quickly.

"Really, I would've thought you had a boy in here." Frank's mom lifted her eyebrow, suggestively.

Frank turned red. "Mom!"

"No need to yell."

"Argh.." Frank mumbled quietly. Carnivàl quietly giggled as they blushed even more.

Frank's mom looked around Frank's messy room from her place in the doorway. Eventually her eyes landed on the pile of pillows on their bed.

Frank's eyes widened in question as they watched their sprint towards the bed.

"Mom…ahem," Frank said, clearing their throat to hide the voice crack that both Carnivàl and their mom already heard. Their mom landed on their bed while laughing at Frank's facial expression.

She turned to side and looked through the blankets until she found what she was looking for. Smiling in triumph, she raised her hands revealing a black and white spherical stuffed animal.

"Can you put that down?" Frank asked through gritted teeth.

"Mmm, nope."


"We'll, because this is MY room and MY bed, since I paid for it."

"Carnivàl was a gift."

"Yeah, still in my house so this creepy thing is mine. I forgot how weird it's teeth and eyes look."

"You're gonna give her a complex."

"This thing is a her?"

"Someone's gender can't be determined by their appearance."

"Whatever," Frank's mom groaned slightly as she stood up, tossing Carnivàl over her shoulder. "I think it's been about eight minutes so see you downstairs in two."

Frank's rolled their eyes as they ran to catch Carnivàl; holding her to their chest as they watched their mom exit the bedroom. A few seconds after Frank's mom left the room, Frank closed the door, double-checking to be sure they locked it.

"We'll, that was annoying." Frank's turned to respond to Carnivàl, surprised to see her already back in her human form and still sitting in their arms.

"I'm so—"

"Don't worry about, you're mom's action aren't your fault." Carnivàl deftly leapt out of Frank's arms, using their bed as a landing mat. "Boy your mom is heavy."

Frank laughed as they made their way towards the door. "See you after dinner," they called over their shoulder.
