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OneFist · realistisch
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1948 Chs

Normal Sleep Schedule Challenge

So my sleep schedule has been really unhealthy in recent times. I'd go to bed around 11 pm, write a chapter till around 12 am and then read until I'm too tired which is around 1 am to 3 am, mostly dependent on how interesting the current novel is. This bad habit of mine has definitely negatively affected my health so I've decided to attempt a normal/healthy sleep schedule challenge.

The rules are quite simple:

1. Be in bed by 10 pm

2. All electronics are to be shutdown prior to 10 pm

3. No midnight snacks

4. Sleep at least 8 hours

5. Don't set an alarm

6. You are not allowed to give up on this challenge

Victory conditions:

1. Live to be at least 100 years old

2. Die without breaking any of the rules


1. 1 free pass to pick where you'll end up in the afterlife

a few of the popular options are heaven and reincarnating into a rich family

2. A huge boost in positive karma

But since I'm not attempting the do not procrastinate challenge and it's already almost 12 am, I'll start the challenge tomorrow. Or maybe the day after that. Who knows but it would be beneficial to start asap.