
Terrifying Physique!

Seeing the devastation caused by a casual punch, he couldn't hold back his excitement and unleashed a series of continuous punches. He was not being this way because he had changed, rather he felt it was benefitial for him. As long as he unleashed all his power in this place, he could be able to gain more from the fight. Something like this was common sense. Especially since he had climbed to a whole new level of strength. Instead of slowly adapting to it, making a move just seemed right. After he walks away, he would have more control over his strength than if he went into seclusion for a century.

The attack he had sent out was indeed impressive, and even after collapsing the waves coming his direction, it remained unabated, striking into the water surface. The result was a massive hole being left behind in the water. The water seemed to have been parted when looked at from a distance, but the truth was that it had been annihilated.