

Chuy456 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Ch: 2 ride to sect and questions?

As I was walking with the group going god's know where I started to look at the other guys here and notice that they all look quite poor and some even where a little scared. I asked one guy "what's wrong" and he was about to answer me but Zesso said "Kros-san please no talking right know I need to focus to make sure we reach our ride safely ok" I felt that dizzy feeling again and just said ok to Zesso. This is weird that dizzy feeling I just felt was the same feeling I felt when I first met him and he stated questioning me know that I think about why did I answer him so honestly. I have no idea where I am and have no idea about this Black Crystal Palace Sect and what it does.

As I was questioning want I was about to do I heard Zesso say "alright gentlemen we are behold the my ark." I looked and say this huge ship that looked like a fighter jet but a hundred times bigger and was made with materials I didn't know. Zesso said "my ark is different form the other as it's made for speed and transportation" and then the ark opened a walkway that came in front of and so we all walk on it to get in the ark and we weren't the only ones inside of it. I saw hundreds if not thousand of young men who looked like the guys I was walking with in this chamber and there was these guards that wore some uniforms I had never seen before the wore a kind of kimono but wore a chest plate under them and wore greaves with leather armor while wielding a halberd. Zesso wore something similar to them but his was of much better quality and had I think he had a katana.

Zesso than said to us "go join and chat with your new sect members while we wait for Qanta to answer any questions you may have." He then disappear literally he disappear right in front of us and I didn't know where he went. As so as he was gone the guys around me released a breathe I didn't they were holding. I asked them "what's the matter" and one of them said "it nothing it's just that the elder emits quite the dominating aura around him," one of them said. I didn't realize they felt that and asked them more questions like where are they form and why they join the elder to come here.

They said that they came form some villages that where form Qaiin region and I asked "the Qaiin region" one of them said "Yea you have heard of it right." I got shell shocked thinking 'shit where the f**k should I say I come form' I was nervous and just said "umm no I haven't heard of it" one of them said "what were you raised in the mountains." I saw an opportunity and took it "yeah I was orphaned and some old man saved and raised me till on-two days ago he was gone." They seem to believe me and one of them said "oh will that sucks he didn't teach you about the region you were living in" I said "no he just said I should be grateful he even saved me."

Other one of the group said "my dad used to say that I was lucky he didn't leave me in the mountains, so I get what you are saying." He seemed to sympathize with my pretend situation and I was thankful this guys bought it and asked "so what is this Qaiin region." One of the guys answered "the Qaiin region is one of four regions that belong to the Sun flame kingdom and we all come form a village that belong to the Qaiin region," "do each of you all come form the same village" I asked looking at the group realizing they look some what similar to each other. One of them said "Yes we all come form the Wu village" I see I look around us to the others in the ark with us and notice that most of the people here had similar hair and eye color, and were close to height with each other, and I would say that the most of the people here where either the same height as me (68 in.) or a bit smaller or bigger.

I also notice other crucial detail of the people in the ark there were no girls here just a sausage feast. I kept talking with the group and learned some of their names and some other people in the ark as well till I heard "Alright you brats that enough chatting now listen well!" a tall man I mean tall cause I saw some of people near him that I think were my height standing scared stiff cause they barley reached his knees. He had a bread that covered his neck and wore some kind of armor that was made of an animal I didn't know cause it covered in fur and was colored green. "My name is Ron Qanta Toran and I'm elder of the Black Crystal Palace Sect and I'm here to tell each one of you worthless pile of shit that your lives that you once knew are now over!"

After he said that I heard this sound like something was powering up and I saw that the walls were glowing elder Ron than said "form now on each one of you is a probationary sect member of the Black Crystal Palace Sect and that means you each must do everything in your pathetic capabilities to uphold the glory of our sect and the power it represents. We will reach the sect in a day or two where you all will being to become acceptable people that our sect wants Hahahaha." I felt chill when he laugh and also when he said any question?