
Our Relationship

Mr. James suddenly burst into tears as he went back to reading page after page of his wife's heart notes. Especially the two-year sheet where he was separated from his wife.

"I-I have a child?" said Mr. James confirmed.

"Oh really?" Juno asked pretending to be surprised.

Basta comes with food in his hand also a smile on his face. "I think you can start looking for him, Sir. Who knows your son has been waiting a long time for his biological father to see him,"

Mr. James looked at the food provided by Jin and looked surprised. "Looks like the ones my wife always makes. How…?" ask Mr. James hangs.

"I saw a lot of fish and potatoes in your refrigerator so I think that's what you guys often make, so I just did it the way I usually make it. But if it looks like it, I'm very grateful. Taste it first," said Jin.

Without a word Mr. James ate a piece of super crispy fish and he started crying again. "How-how can that be? It tastes very similar to what my wife always makes," This time, tears of joy and longing were running down her cheeks.

"Isn't it delicious?" Basta asked.

"E-good. It's so delicious. Perfect," said Mr. James wiping his tears with his clothes on his sleeves.

After Mr. James devoured the last mouthful of the food Basta made, somehow feeling happy and relieved in his heart. It was as if his wife gave him encouragement from there.

"I think I should start slowly looking for my son now. Maybe he needs me somewhere. And I will make sure I will be responsible for him for the rest of my life. Thank you both. Thank you, "said Mr. James looking at him with a smile this time.

"Then we should also go home. Until we meet again Mr. James," Basta closed who had stood up from their seats.

"How about I want to see you guys again? Maybe for a cup of tea?" Ask Mr. James who felt so grateful.

"One day, Mr. James. One day," said Basta leaving Mr. James's house with Juno.

Go back past Orion at the same point they came before. Alvo had already welcomed them at Althea with Dion and Ega applauding.

"You guys are great out there," Dion said giving a thumbs up.

"Basta as usual your cooking looks amazing, let me try the fish and chips like you made earlier. Can you make one for me?" Ega sulks.

"Yes, yes, Ega. I will make one for you later," said Basta, who knew very well about Ega's spoiled nature.

"You are also very good Juno," said Alvo, patting his shoulder proudly.

"What are you guys saying. I didn't do anything," Juno said lowly.

"Ah who said? If it wasn't for your words that man wouldn't have stopped himself from committing suicide," Ega and Dion simultaneously hugged Juno who they always considered a baby among Xanders.

"Hey hey please stop this! I'm not a baby anymore!" Juno sulked which actually made Alvo, Ega, and Dion hug him tighter. While Basta chose to stay away and observe him in silence.

Of course, even though Juno often seemed to disobey him, or seemed reluctant to do everything and acted like he couldn't do anything, but as an older brother, Basta really loved him. He also knows that Juno has extraordinary talents and abilities. He also always appreciates all his brother's work even though he never shows it. A love and hate relationship that coincided exactly like what was going on with Vaz and Orfe.

Like now Orfe was playing his trumpet again and again and overheard Vaz's piano tinkling from the next room. To be honest even though he came from the same father, Orfe always felt that Vaz was much better than him when it came to music. Many times Orfe wanted to give up being part of Xander. He didn't feel good enough or capable. Moreover, his mother, who happens to be still alive, wants him to stop playing the trumpet and live as an ordinary person and also works in an office in Saudi Arabia, where Orfe's mother is from. That's why Orfe also never visited his mother, only looked at her from a distance. Sometimes calling her even though it's always the same topic her mother said. Of course, the Xanders have super smart phones to communicate with each other just like humans.

Orfe peeked at Vaz in his room which was right next to him. Meanwhile, in front of their room is Dion and Ega's room. Orfe actually just wanted to see, but it turned out that Vaz knew of his presence. The chiming of the piano had stopped even though the beautiful hand was still hanging above the keys.

"Why are you just standing there?" Vaz asked without turning his head.

"Ah, I just wanted to hear you play the piano," Orfe said finally walking in and sitting on the side of Vaz's bed.

"Want to train together?" asked Vaz kindly.

"Ah no no. I'm not good enough," Orfe said evasively.

"Your music is quite good," said Vaz, who didn't really talk much.

"But not as good as you," Orfe said again and Vaz chose not to respond anymore.

Vaz's piano playing was heard again until Orfe decided to speak again. "Basta and Juno are back. I heard they succeeded in their mission,"

Vaz didn't answer, just nodded along with the beautiful music he always wrote himself.

"When will we go on a mission together? I feel much more confident when I'm with you," Orfe said honestly.

Again Vaz didn't answer and just shook his head this time in response.

"Why do you always reject me? Is my trumpet playing that bad?" Orfe asked again.

Again Vaz just shook his head in response.

"Gosh Vaz. You don't even think I exist," Orfe said leaving the room.

Vaz, who had just woken up from playing his own piano, looked around his room and noticed Orfe's absence. Honestly, Vaz always loved Orfe like his own brother. It wasn't that he didn't want to go on a mission with Orfe, but he really didn't want to play the piano on earth anymore and possibly harm a lot of people. Yes, it's different from Orfe, which is free to play any music. Vaz can't play sad and sad music because it can make people who hear it feel worse and even choose to die. Something that until now Orfe and several other Xanders didn't know.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Orfe asked again if he was not good enough that Vaz never wanted to go on a mission with him on earth. Orfe thought about what his mother had said to him to stop playing the trumpet. Of course he loves his mother but he also loves and loves work as well as the other Xanders especially his older brother Vaz. It was just that Vaz's actions on him made him lose his confidence even more.