
vs Avengers

Pov. Rogue.

' The Avengers? Why are they here? We aren't even involved in this mess. And yet still they came after us. Why?' Ah asked myself as Ah ran through the halls of the school. ' Ah said I'd stay out of it. We all did. So why are the Avengers coming after us?' Ah didn't have time to think about the answer. As soon as Ah ran out of the school's doors Sam, Remy, Frenzy, and Kitty all rushed outside as well.

" We don't want trouble." Falcon told us.

" Dropping in unannounced at times like these is a good way to find it." Sam told the man as he came to a stop in front of the group.

" Sam, it's okay. Falcon radioed they were coming." Kitty explained. " A whopping thirty seconds ago, but we won't mention that." Kitty stated, throwing any credibility the Avengers had at the moment out of the window.

" That's more warning than we got that a bunch of your teachers were joining up with Cyclops to attack our friends." She-hulk told Kitty.

" Any Faculty member entering this conflict is acting as an independent individual. Including the one fighting on your side." Kitty told the woman, obviously alluding to Logan's involvement with the Avengers. " All we're trying to do here is teach. Which isn't easy when She-hulk's land on our lawn."

" Look, things are already way more out of hand than any of us want." Falcon spoke. " You say you're holding class? That's great. That's wonderful. We've just been asked to come here and make sure no more fuel gets added to the fire. And that nobody else decides to take individual action." Falcon explained.

Ah looked back to see that Remy, Frenzy and Sam had all been angered by Falcon.

Frenzy was the first to explode. " I'll take an individual action upside your head you smug son of a bitch."

Followed by Remy. " You see us comin to your home and making threats, homme?"

Ah couldn't blame them for being mad. Ah was too. But Ah didn't think fighting right now would be the right thing to do. Thankfully Kitty stepped in.

" Gambit. Frenzy. Stand down." Kitty shouted, getting in between the two teams. She then turned to Falcon and glared at the man. " I'm supposed to believe, Wolverine signed off on this?" Kitty asked.

" He's..." Falcon hesitated. " Out of reach at the moment." Falcon spoke.

" We don't know you, or Moon knight, or She-Hulk. I want to talk to Beast." kitty demanded.

" He's still in space." Moon knight spoke as he stepped into Kitty's face. " On what's probably a suicide mission. Trying to stop the Phoenix Force from incinerating our planet. Like it has to hundred others. You wanna believe it's coming to make the world all rainbows and ponies, fine. But we've got enough problems without you people getting in our way." Moon knight spoke.

" Did the guy in a white hood really just say you people?" Frenzy asked.

Ah looked towards the school as the others grew angrier and then turned back to them quickly.

Remy and the others seemed ready to fight and so did the Avengers. But they weren't the only ones. Ah Quickly three myself in between the two teams. " Guys. Behind you." Ah shouted. Ah then pointed towards the school and Falcon and the others spotted the students coming out of the school ready to fight.

" Before y'all came here, we were fixin to have a school day. You got a problem with that?" Ah asked Falcon.

" None whatsoever." Falcon replied, still eyeing the students.

" Then maybe we can come to an accommodation." Ah spoke. Ah was still trying to solve this problem peacefully. And yet ah just knew things weren't going to be so simple.

"Hh." Kitty sighed. " All right. You stay out of sight of the school. Watch through binoculars, have your bird do it, I don't care." Kitty told the man. " But don't distract the students. You are not welcome on or on any part of the property where classes or activities are held. You remain outside a hundred-yard radius. That's non-negotiable." Kitty explained to Falcon

" We can live with that." Falcon replied. He then turned and walked away with She-Hulk and Moon knight.

Ah let out a sigh of relief with Kitty having solved things peacefully.

" Unbelievable. We stayed out of the fight. But they want to put chains on us anyway. And you all just sat there and took it. Typical." Frenzy complained. " What are we supposed to be teaching these kids? How to roll over for humans?" Frenzy asked.

" We're teaching them you don't solve all your problems by beating the hell out of people." Ah told the woman.

Frenzy grunted and looked away from me in anger. " Well, one of these days they need to learn that sometimes you do." Frenzy spoke.

Ah sighed and continued walking back to the classroom, thinking about what Joanna had said all the way back.

" Mimic, if we got to throw down, can you copy their powers, n'est-ce pas?" Remy asked.

" Well... last time I Mimicked a hulk, I got radiation poisoning. But maybe if I don't hold her powers for too long." Mimick spoke.

" Non." Gambit stated, cutting the man off. " Ain't worth de risk. We can handle the t'ree of dem. Ain't like they got Thor or Iron Man out there." Gambit spoke.

Ah turned towards the two men in disbelief. " Ah thought you didn't want to fight." Ah asked Gambit.

" Ain't got a burnin desire to. Don't want the kids to, if it can be helped." Gambit replied. " But I ain't lived dis long by hopin for the best."

"So, you're like Bobby? You think Ah'm being naive?" Ah asked the man.

" I think you worked damn hard ta get here. Powers under control. Place ta call home. A teacher, a leader, giving kids what you never had. Understandable you'd be relunctant ta shake dat up. Specially in a way dat takes you back to a place you'd prefer not to go. I don't blame you for holdin tight ta what you got, chere. But I was you, I'd think abit on what it'd take to make me let go. Cause de problem with standin still... Dat ol' world just keeps spinnin right on around." Gambit explained. Ah listened to every word he spoke and even thought about them once he left the room.

It wasn't until Ah heard the students shouting behind me that Ah came back to reality.

Pov Shiva.

Things are getting heated. I don't like it.

" Dude check it out. About time someone here took a stand for us." Julian shouted.

I looked out the window with him, match, and Glob Herman and saw Frenzy standing in front of the Avengers.

" We shouldn't be egging this on man." I told Julian. I could feel the stares of the others on my back. I knew what they were all thinking. Hell, even I was beginning to think the same. The Avengers came here to make sure we stayed here. To watch us like Prisoners and it pissed me off to think that they believed themselves to be better than us. To know better than us. But this was above us. I stared out the window watching along until Moon knight, lunged at Frenzy and started choking her. Frenzy reeled back and punched Moon knight into the ground and I knew any chance of things ending peacefully just went out the window.

"Awesome!" Match shouted.

" No way in hell are they keeping us prisoners ever again. Come on!" Julian shouted.

" Oh Lord." I heard Rogue shout as well. I turned and watched all of them run out of the classroom.

I grit my teeth and turned back to the window to see She-hulk and Falcon attacking frenzy, but I stood still. That is until I felt a tug on my arms. When I looked down I saw Idie, the youngest girl in the school, holding my hand.

" They aren't going to lock us up because we're devils, are they?" Idie asked.

Idie was a troubled girl. Ever since the incident that happened at the Mutant Museum in Los Angeles, she's been under the assumption that she and all mutants are devils that are going to hell.

" Dude, you said you'd crush any challenge that came our way. Are you going to let the Avengers walk all over us?" I don't know who asked it, but I still heard it.

I remained silent, simply staring down at Idie.

" Hope is my friend. Please Help her." Idie asked once again.

* WHACKOOOM!* A loud shockwave reverberated throughout the school. I turned my attention back out the window. To see that Herman and match had been knocked out. And that Julian was on the ground, blood pouring out of his ears. And I snapped.

Pov Rogue.

" NO!" Ah shouted as the kids hit the ground. Ah ran over to check on them. Herman and Match were unconscious. But Julian was bleeding.

" Jen those were students!" Falcon told the woman.

" I didn't know. I... I saw a monster." She-Hulk spoke.

" Course you did." Ah stated. Ah was mad. Ah was angry. Ah was hurt. And Ah was done letting my students get hurt.

" They attacked us!" Moon knight shouted.

" Quiet." Falcon told the man. " This was a mistake."

" Damn right." Ah told the man. Ah turned around and ah grabbed She-Hulk by her throat and moon knight by his face and Ah started taking their powers. Ah felt She-Hulk trying to break free. but the more she struggled the more Ah took. Ah tightened my squeeze around her throat and threw her over my shoulder.

* CLINK! Glass Shatters!

Ah looked up and saw one of the classroom windows explode. Ah looked up to see one of my students hurtling right towards us. Shiva's face was twisted in anger.

" AHHHHHHHHH!" It was like looking at a beast in anger. And it was coming right for us. That's what Falcon thought as the four-armed boy descended.