
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs


" Money, dope, Prostitution, Protection, Guns. All these things that I control and yet I'm lacking a large amount of money. So, tell me boys. What the fuck is going on?!"

Hammerhead asked his top men.

" Boss, I can explain."

One of the men said to Hammerhead.

" Well? I'm waiting Vito."

Hammerhead said as he glared at the man.

" Boss, over the past few months more and more of our warehouses have been getting hit by some new vigilante calling himself Stryfe."

Vito explained as best he could to Hammerhead without losing his head.

" So, another one of those costumed piss ants is fucking with my money?! And that's the problem?! That's it?! We deal with the avengers, spiderman, daredevil, Luke cage and some new guy is the one responsible for costing me money?!"

Hammerhead yelled as he slammed his hands on the table.

" Boss, he's not like the..."

The thug talking was instantly cut off by Hammerhead shooting him his face.

" Did I ask you to speak? Who else wants to interrupt me?"

Hammerhead asked.

Suddenly the roof above them exploded and stryfe dropped into the room.

" I couldn't think of a better intro than that"

Stryfe said to the man.

" Get him!"

Hammerhead yelled to his remaining thugs.

Stryfe turned and grabbed the head of one of the thugs and slammed it into the table splitting it in half. He grabbed the man's gun and opened fire on the remaining Thugs, leaving only Hammerhead remaining.

" You think you can do this to me? You're a dead man dead!"

Hammerhead yelled at the man in front of him.

" You think I give a fuck? The man died a long time ago. The only thing that remains, is his stryfe."

Stryfe said to the man before running his knife into the man's throat and tearing it out the side., nearly decapitating Hammerhead.

" How many years did people suffer at your hand. If only spiderman or the others who came after you had the guts to just end your pathetic life."

Stryfe said to the corpse.

He quickly exited the secret compound that Hammerhead was using and made his way back to his secret lair. Once he arrived, he noticed that someone else had managed to find it. Using his powers to manipulate sound Stryfe quieted his footsteps and used his super hearing to find where the man was.

He saw the man standing in his room, dressed in a costume he was all too familiar with.

He walked up behind the man and grabbed him into a choke hold

" What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

Stryfe asked the man.

" Answer me, Summers!"

Stryfe demanded.

" Trying to..."

Scott choked out.

Seeing that the man couldn't breathe Stryfe let him go.

" You have five minutes. Talk!"

Stryfe demanded.

" Nathan look I'm sorry..."

Scott was saying before Nathan cut him off.

" None of that Summers! You came here looking for me for a reason. Get to it!"

Stryfe demanded again.

" Okay, eighteen hours ago a man turned himself into a North Dakota Shield facility. Reverend Matthew Risman, leader of the purifiers."

Scott explained seemingly gaining Nathans attention.

" He just gave himself up? I refuse to believe it. Those fucking purifiers. I've killed many of them over the past few months. And one thing I've learned is that they don't just give up."

Nathan explained.

" You're right. We're still finding out more details, but here's what we know so far. He marched into the base and told the agents he wanted to confess his sins. But it turns out, he was just there to commit more of them. Apparently, Risman had a purifier working inside the facility. Less than an hour after he turned himself in, he and his men killed sixteen shield agents. William stryker and his purifiers killed more students in a single night than we've lost in all these years since Xavier's institute's doors first opened. But Stryker and his purifiers have always targeted Mutants. Xavier, the x-men, the students, the baby... For Risman to attack humans... To stage an assault on a shield facility... This is an escalation in his actions like nothing we've ever seen. Now, it seems likely that the purifiers have several high-ranking members inside the government, which is why shield ignored the purifiers attack on the mansion. This also explains why they didn't act on the attack on the hospital in Alaska. But this is something Shield can't ignore, no matter how many men the purifiers have on the inside."

Scott explained everything he knew to Nathan as best he could to keep the man interested.

" So, why'd he, do it?"

Nathan asked.

" Risman was after something. Something so important, he risked everything to get it. And it's only a matter of time before he uses it against mutants."

Scott explained.

Nathan took a deep breath as he realized where this conversation was going.

" Well, if those Nut-jobs are dumb enough to come after us again, we'll take them down hard."

Nathan said to the man.

" No. Not this time."

Scott replied

" I figured. I think I know where this is going."

Nathan stated.

" I'm sorry. If you don't like us, I understand. If you hate us I understand. We as adults left you kids and went on with our lives, while the rest of you struggled. If you want to kick my ass later then that's fine. But for now, I can't wait until there are more dead Mutants on our doorstep and I think you feel the same. You're going after Risman and his purifiers before they get a chance to do whatever it is they have planned. I know this because I've been following your work all these months. You've been ruthless with the trash of this city and that's what I need right now. Someone who's going to go in there and put an end to this threat permanently."

Scott explained to the man.

" I get the feeling there's more to this."

Nathan stated.

" You're not going in alone. I've Called X-FORCE Back into action."

Scott replied to the man.

" Hmph, I don't know if I should be impressed Summers or if I should follow what my gut told me to do earlier and beat your ass. What's Frost got to say about this?"

Nathan asked

" Emma doesn't need to know. No one does."

Scott replied.

" Impressed I am. Though it doesn't matter or have you forgotten there is no X-force anymore. Not after the purifiers killed Caliban and Warpath went Mia. oh, and let's not forget You Disbanded the X-men, there isn't anyone I trust to go into the field with me like I did them.

Nathan replied.

" I know where he is. He's going after Risman. With or without X-force.

Scott Explained.

" I have others joining. But I want you to be a part of it as well."

Scott stated.

" You already know my answer summers! Stryfe cannot allow Risman to continue hunting our people. X-force will have my soundwaves."

Stryfe declared.

" Then take this. These are the coordinates to X-forces meeting. Good luck Stryfe."

Cyclops said as he left the man's lair.