
X-Men: Genesis

It's a new time for the X-Men. Charles Xavier's school for the gifted is changing in ways that no one could predict. Genosha wiped out. Half of the mutant population gone. What a time to be a mutant right?

TrapcardD · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs


The end of the road, as far as this year goes. And what a sour note it is. Two of my friends dead, and one of the most beloved teachers gone as well. That's right. Esme and Sophie Cuckoo, two of the stepford sisters, were dead. And so was Miss Grey, she was given a planetary size stroke by that magnetic jerk.

I only found all of this out from Mr. McCoy after I awoke in his lab, the day after. I woke up drenched in sweat and covered in bandages. My entire body hurt. It felt like I was made of lead. Mr. McCoy had placed a hand on my chest, to help me breathe easier. And injected me with Morphine. My injuries were bad, but Mr. McCoy said the worst had passed and that due to my body being what it is, it wouldn't be long before I healed completely. Physically anyway.

No amount of training could have prepared me mentally for what we endured. Seeing my friends die was hard. And quite honestly, I was doubting whether or not being an X-Man is what i really wanted to do. I told Mr. McCoy this and he simply told me to give it some thought over the summer. I told him I would.

The hero bit, I was still all for it. But I don't know how I'd handle losing more people like that. But that's what Logan told me. We can try to save as many people as possible. But we can't save them all. That really does speak wonders now, as I stare out at the newest grave sites in our school yards.

" Hey, David. It's time to go." Irina spoke to me as she came into my room. her suitcases packed and ready to go.

" Right, Coming." I replied.

I grabbed my bags and then looked at my old room one more time. The images of the past school flashing in my mind, as if they had happened yesterday. During my time here I came to love this school and what it represented. But perhaps it is time to let these thoughts rest. At least for now. I think a long and quiet rest over the summer is exactly what i need to ease my mind.

And who knows maybe when I come back, I'll figure out exactly what it is I want to do.

I sighed and nodded, and then I left the room for the last time until the next school year.

I walked with Irina down to the shuttle bus, Mr. Summers was the one taking us to the airport today. Irina was heading home to Los Angeles, and I was heading to Oklahoma. Which meant that we were taking the same flight. We would stop in Oklahoma, and I would get out and Irina would later go on to Los Angeles.

" Hey, okay. Everyone ready to go home." Mr. Summers asked as best he could. Obviously tired and weak. He had just lost his wife.

There was an unspoken quiet on the shuttle bus. Mr. Summers sat down and started the bus engine.

Then we left, as simple as that. No, lasers, no explosions. Just a quiet bus ride to the airport.

When we arrived at the airport, Mr. Summers pulled me to the side.

" Hey, David. I heard from Hank, that you're questioning being one of us." Mr. Summers spoke.

" Yeah, just losing so many people so fast. It just... Just bothers me. In ways that I don't like." I told the man.

" I know how you feel, and I'll be honest in our field, death can come at any moment. But you handled yourself well. Against the brotherhood no doubt. And not just any amateurs. You handled yourself well against veterans. Men who used to give the X-men a run for our money. I just want you to know, I think it'd be a waste if you let your talents go to waste." Mr. Summers spoke.

" I'm grateful to hear you say that Mr. Summers. I can't promise, much. But I will tell you that I will think about it." I told the man.

" That's fine. Now go on, have a good summer break. And David, stay safe." Mr. Summers told me. He smiled. For the first time that day he smiled. He was happy. Or content maybe. Either way i remember those being better days. Summer break was simple. Reconnecting with my family and resting. And thinking. I had suffered more than most kids my age did. But I also achieved more in my short time there than any other student. And I have to admit the idea of being a hero was still something, i looked forward to. If only I knew that summer how bad things were going to be the next year. How truly horrible they'd be. i might not have come back at all.

End of Vol 1.