
X-Men: Genesis

It's a new time for the X-Men. Charles Xavier's school for the gifted is changing in ways that no one could predict. Genosha wiped out. Half of the mutant population gone. What a time to be a mutant right?

TrapcardD · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs


Footage of what Magneto had done in New York city. We were flying in whatever Fantomex called his ship towards Magneto's tower. It was a quiet flight. We all knew what our jobs were. We all knew what was at stake. We knew what would happen if we failed. We didn't care. We had a job to do, and we were going to get it done.

" David, we're getting close. Are you sure you're up for this?" Mr. Summers asked one more time before dropping me off at my stop.

I sighed. It was a simple question, but the meaning behind it was so deep. This would be my first real battle where I wouldn't have one of the teachers to back me up. This was it. The big leagues. We were playing with the big boys now.

The sky outside the jet was pitch black. The black smoke from the ruined buildings clouded the sky. The people were crowded in concentration camps. Mutants ran wild.

I could say no and stay up here where it's safe. Or I could the right thing and help put an end to this mess.

" Don't have much of a choice do I, Mr. Summers? I either help or get out of the way. Stay safe or save lives. And if I have the power to do it then it's my responsibility. I'm going." I told the man.

Mr. Summers smirked and patted me on the shoulder. " Well said. But just so you know. You always have a choice. Whether or not you choose to act on it is something different. Never forget that." Mr. Summers told me.

I nodded and unbuckled my seatbelt. It was time for me to make my entrance.

The spaceship landed on a nearby building, and I stepped off it.

" Remember, just make enough noise to get their attention. Don't put yourself in unnecessary danger. You're safe up here. Only fight if you need to." Mr. Summers explained.

" Yes sir." I replied.

Scott nodded and then returned to the ship. Once the door closed the ship turned invisible again and flew off. Where I couldn't tell. I was too busy staring at the unnatural tower of metal in the middle of the city.

" I know you're supposed to be a new cultural artifact. But you're bad for the city. So, you're coming down." I raised my leg and started charging energy. Once I felt like I had enough I kicked towards the building and a large beam of light flew towards.

Once the beam hit the building a massive explosion rocked it, nearly toppling it over. I had put all my power into that, and it still wasn't enough to bring it down completely. Even if it had, I figured Magneto would be able to stop it from falling completely.

But I didn't have time to dwell on those thoughts. I raised my finger and started firing off multiple beams of light from my finger. I hit multiple buildings, causing multiple explosions. I fired one long beam across the streets that lit it up.

I looked out over the city and watched as Magneto's forces started flooding the streets and headed towards me.

I didn't think there'd be so many. But I didn't have time to worry about it.

I continued firing multiple beams out into the crowd, the explosions were powerful, but not strong enough to kill any of them. Though they would be waking up tomorrow with extreme body pain.

" All right. I think that's gotten their attention." I spoke. I looked at the tower and saw that it was shaking a little. Meaning the fight inside had already started.

" Hey, punk." This guy had an all-red suit with blonde hair. He also had a thick Australian accent

I turned my head to see a group of mutants climbing the building I was on.

" You got some nerve messing with the brotherhood." This one was short and green with a very nasty smell and a long tongue.

" No one messes with the brotherhood and gets away with it." This guy was fat. Big and fat.

" It's time to rock." This one was dressed in white and had dark brown hair.

I guess I've got a fight of my own to worry about. Godspeed to everyone else.

" Who are you guys supposed to be, the three stooges. And Joe?" I asked.

" Nah. Name's Pyro. And it's time to fry." The man in red ignited his hands and launched a large ball of fire at me. I rolled out of the way and tried to shoot at the man, only for the green things tongue to attack me. I reached up to grab it, but the ground below me started shaking violently. i stumbled, but I managed to catch the green man's tongue. I tried pulling on it, but it was strong. I was yanked off my feet by the man and pulled straight towards him.

" HAha!" The little man laughed as I came soaring straight towards him.

" Nice job, Avalanche. You too Toad. Now you ain't going anywhere little man." The big guy spoke.

" Crush'em Blob." The green thing spoke.

I smirked and curled up into a ball. If they wanted to play catch that was fine. I started glowing bright and turned my body into a literal ball of hard light.

During training, with Logan, I managed to harden the light on my arms and legs to empower my strikes and making them one hundred times stronger. Now, I just applied the same concept to my entire body. And at this speed and weight.

" Come to, Blob." The man sneered.

He put his arms out to catch me, but he wasn't prepared for the weight behind me. I slammed into the man's stomach, causing him to spit up his guts and sent him flying into the next building over.

" FRED! Why you little...." Pyro launched another wave of fire at me, forcing me to avoid once again. This time however, I managed to get my shot off, but Pyro was saved by toad who yanked him out of the way with his tongue.

" Screw this. Pyro, Toad get lost. I'm bringing this building down." Avalanche shouted.

" Are ya nuts? Avalanche, you could kill us both." Pyro shouted at the man.

" Then get lost. If you're scared that is. I'm flattening this loser." Avalanche declared. He jumped up and slammed his fist down on the roof.

The building cracked and the whole street started rumbling.

" YEEAAARGH!" Avalanche slammed his foot down and the very ground below the building caved in.

" Ahhhhhhh!" Pyro and toad and I shouted as well fell towards the ground. The idea of being flattened by the large pieces of the building behind me wasn't enticing.

In a ditch effort, I raised my finger and fired at the debris. Destroying as many pieces as I could before I eventually hit the ground.

The ground shook as the building finally hit the ground. I had managed to destroy quite a bit of the debris, but I couldn't get all of it.

" UghhH! I really wish, I knew how-to pass-through things right about now." I spoke. The pain in my abdomen was intense. It was searing and throbbing every second. Every time I took a breath it hurt. I looked down, expecting the worse. My stomach was purple. Telling me that I had broken quite a few of my ribs. Thankfully, it didn't seem like anything had been damaged too badly. I struggled to sit up. The pain in my stomach pounding away as I did. But thankfully I did manage to get to my feet. I looked over and I saw that Toad and Pyro had managed to survive as well, but i didn't see avalanche. So, either he was dead or just buried beneath the rubble somewhere.

Probably wasn't the brightest idea to bring down a building while you're standing on it.

" UGH!" I grunted. I grabbed my chest again and nearly fell over. I reached out and used a piece of rubble to help keep myself up. I was no stranger to pain, when you train with Wolverine, that's all you get. But this was something else. Something indescribable. It felt like every movement I made some hit me with a hammer.

* Boom! Boom! Crash! * The sound of explosions sounded off in the streets. I looked up and saw that Magneto's tower. Bright fire. Brilliant fire irradiated off of the building.

" I don't know what's going on up there, but I hope everyone else is doing better than I am." I spoke as I looked at the growing crowd around me. I don't think Mr. Summers expected these guys to attack me. But I think... I think I might be done here.

" Oh, what the hell. This is no time to hang my head." I picked myself up off the large support beam and stood on my feet. I have the destructive power, to handle this. But I don't know how long, I can stand up like this.

I raised my finger and fired at the crowd in front of me. Hoping to keep them as far away from me as possible.

There were still human's and other civilians nearby, so I had to be careful with where I shot and how much power I used.

I went to fire another, but I the pain returned. I coughed and felt my entire body set on fire, or at least that's what I thought.

" Hear me!" I looked up just barely and saw Magneto coming downing with his Xorn mask on once again. " The day I promised has now come. Magneto is here to shake the world's foundations!"

I just barely managed to raise my hand and shoot at the man, but I missed.

" You dare?" Magneto asked.

" Oh, I dare. Just didn't think I'd miss." I joked. I went to laugh but clutched my side in pain when i did. " Oh, it hurts to laugh."

" I will make sure you're dead this time boy." Magneto spoke.

He raised his hand, most likely to finish me. But before he could someone stepped forward.

" Hold it right there! NYPD, You're under arrest! You got a spare day and a half. I'll read you the charge sheet!" Oh, that brave man. I have to thank you. You might have just saved my life. But you might have doomed yourself as well.

" Your race will be extinct by morning. Where will your law be then? I can't help but notice that metal pin on your hip, officer. Line of duty?" Magneto asked.

The officer then began floating into the air.

" Damn, I gotta save him." I tried to fire again, but this time, I heard a crunch and collapsed to my knees.

" Look everyone. A human trying to threaten me. Kill it!" magneto demanded.

I could really use a miracle right now.

Magneto tried to kill the officer, but just then a large ship made entire of some kind of metal and on fire appeared behind him. And out from the ship came Mr. McCoy. He grabbed Magneto and slammed him into the ground.

" Mr. McCoy! I was just praying for a miracle, you handsome blue man!" i shouted in joy.

It was a relief to see that Mr. McCoy was alive. Hopefully that meant the other teachers had finally returned. If so, I'll never question the universe again. Thank you, Universe. So, much.

" Thank you, son. Now, just a moment while I tend to our esteemed guest." Mr. McCoy spoke. He raised his fists and jammed something into Magneto's neck. " There that will help stabilize the kick enhancer in your bloodstream. I can't believe you'd do this Xorn. You of all people Xorn!" Hank shouted.

" Mr. McCoy! That's Magneto!" I shouted, trying to warn the man.

" What?" Hank asked.

" Not Xorn. MAGNETO!" Magneto reached up and slammed the two syringes into Mr. McCoy's neck, stunning the man.

" OWWW! LOGAN!" Mr. McCoy shouted.

" Raaagh! Remember me, bub?" Logan asked.

" Logan!" Yes, here we go.

" I'm the guy you threw into the sun, bub! And let me tell ya, right now, the only thing keeping you breathing is a pacifist creed I don't wholly subscribe to." Logan told the man.

" What's all this Xorn garbage? You know who I am! Must I tear the adamantium skull from your head just to prove it, Wolverine?" Magneto asked.

" Yeah. Yeah. Quit stalling." Logan replied.

A brilliant blaze of fire erupted behind Magneto and Miss Grey appeared.

The X-men were back. All of them. Mr. Summers, Miss Grey, Logan, Miss frost, And Mr. McCoy. Thank the heavens for this miracle. I couldn't help but smile at the scene before me. Miss Grey in all her majestic, fiery, beauty. Makes me a little jealous of Mr. Summers.

" He's right, Erik. Don't let us stand in the way of your big moment." Miss Grey told the man. " It's hard to believe you went to such lengths this time. You should have been an actor."

" My helmet is thought-proofed miss Grey... This isn't going to end..." Magneto was speaking. Although Miss grey cut him off before he could finish.

" We're too late to stop you making another destructive bid for attention, true. So go on, Magneto-- Seize your moment. Talk to the people you want to rule. Make your pitch for world domination." Miss Grey told the man.

Slowly the words of the people began ringing out. Words of discontent, even from other Mutants. Saying how they didn't want him to rule, calling a loser and a skull faced freak. This dissent caused Magneto to go into a rage.

" How dare you! Don't you recognize who I am? What I am? This chaos is only the first stage. I am magneto. Trust me." Magneto shouted.

" Magneto? You don't look anything like him. How can you be magneto when Magneto is dead?" Miss grey asked. " Is this the Magneto anyone knows? Is this how he looks?"

Miss grey forcefully removed Magneto's helmet and revealed what was underneath shocking me. He looked nothing like he did the last time I saw him. Either he's a fake or Something happened during his fight with Fantomex and Mr. Summers.

" See you morons! I am Magneto!" Magneto declared as he showed his burned and blistered face to the public. " Ak. I am."

" And the worst thing you ever did was coming back, Erik." I turned and saw the rest of Magneto's special class, Emma Frost, Mr. McCoy, and the professor approaching.

" Professor!"

" Well, met Mr. Lance. You've done well my boy. You can rest now." The professor spoke.

I nodded and felt the weight of my body finally collapse and I fell to the ground.

" And you. Magneto had become a legend in death, an inspiration for change. Now look at you... Just another foolish and self-important old man, with outdated thoughts in his head. You have nothing this new generation of mutants wants... Except for your face on T-shirts. They have ideas of their own now. Perhaps it's time we put away the old dreams, the old manifestos... And just listened for a while. Your way will never work, Erik. This can't go on. I think you've had enough. I think we've all had enough." The professor explained to the man before hitting him with a psychic wave that brought him to his knees.

Miss grey approached the man and placed her hand on his shoulder.

" Yes... I have had enough." Magneto spoke.

" AHHHH!" Miss Grey shouted in pain. " What did you do?"

" a lethal Electro-magnetic pulse. You're having a planetary scale stroke, Jean. All that power I stored had to go somewhere." Magneto spoke.

Oh no, Miss Grey. He's killing her. Damn it universe. I just wanted one break. One good moment. And you couldn't give it to me. I'm not gonna let her die. I won't let him kill her. I can... Barely breathe. I don't have much left. But I got just enough for one least blast. I raised my hand and charged as much power behind it as possible and fired. My vision was blurry, so my aim was stifled. My arms were heavy, and my body weakened, so my light dim. But in a last ditch-effort I hit my target. My beam tore through Magneto's chest.

" Ugh! I'm so... Tired." The last thing I saw before passing out was Mr. Summers holding onto Miss Grey as the last spark of her flames went out.

Author's note- And that everyone is the end of the prologue. The next two chapters will be time bridged. Meaning the next chapter will address the events that happened after this one. And the chapter after that will be a time skip.