
Foul Smell of Death



Everyone was shocked. Seeing their neighbors' daughter walk out with a stranger from her home who looked sick and had one arm under her oversized t-shirt.

They cursed the fils de pute wishing that he could have just died from childbirth or poisoned while growing up, who was now surrounded by soldiers but took no effort to look scared. It was a scene... God! I can't find the words to describe it. For those with twisted morals and values, It was pleasing to see and they will remember it for the rest of their lives. But for the holy ones, they had somber faces criticizing the unfolding situation.

"Max, leave the teenager alone and let's talk." Vega says as soon as we stepped out of the door.

"Talk about what!?" I stopped and answered her while looking straight into her eyes.

She moved closer to us and said in a low voice that only the three of us and the soldiers who had encrypted communication devices could hear.

"We need you. It's from above and it's pretty urgent."

The teenager looked between us as if she had discovered an unexplored territory.

I took a bite of one of the apples I came out with. With my face devoured of any emotions, she couldn't figure out what I was thinking.

"It is better to be violent if there's violence in our hearts than to put on the clock of non-violence to cover impotence." After saying that I pressed the button on the key lock and walked to one of the cars. Completely ignoring Vega.

I was shocked to see the car unlocked itself and opened the driver and passenger doors then it started itself. Which world was I living in? Or... is it because I have been focused on myself to notice the lovely world spinning around me!? I took self-pity on myself as I promised to live my life to the fullest extent because who knows what will happen tomorrow?!

'Fu*k! Is her father a contract killer? If not then how can he afford such a car?' I ask myself as the car in front of us probably costs a fortune.

As we reached the open driver's door, Bravo 1 made a move to stop us by firing in front of us. I reacted quickly and the teenager held my hand over her t-shirt while streams of tears flowed down her cheeks and soaked her t-shirt.

Everyone was shocked but registered in their minds what I could do in a fraction of a second. The teenager's life was in my hands and they had to consider conservative measures.


Several individuals who were clad in black tactical suits and face masks were seen heading single file in the direction of the first helicopter explosion. They were releasing a suffocating aura while they maneuvered to their destination.

People who saw them immediately turned around and ran the other way. There was no telling if they would be shot dead as their instincts told them that the group wasn't here to give out candies.

As they reached the wreckage, they slowed down while keeping a vigilant eye on their surroundings so that they couldn't be ambushed. As the rest put up a perimeter, four of them went to inspect the bodies. Fewer of them were still intact but the remaining ones had organs and body parts spread all over the place. And with no survivors.

From a few meters away, one could spot several bodies though intact, they were covered with blood and some had foreign materials like branches of trees sticking out from different locations of their bodies.

It was a gory scene that if one had a neuralyzer, they could just wipe their memory clean so as to forget what reality has deemed possible happen in front of their eyes.

The air around was rich and thick with dust particles but also had a foul smell of death hanging on the air making the ones who survived the ordeal but were unable to escape puke out all the breakfast they had not long ago consumed.

The sounds of sirens could be heard from a distance not far from here. News channels were arriving one after another trying their best to cover the situation from a safe distance.

Seeing this the individuals dressed in black hurried their operation.

After arriving at the scene. The first thing to do was to erase easily identifiable traces which can expose the identities of their fallen comrades. As four of them squatted down, they produced bottles of clear liquid from their backpacks. Starting from the bodies which were near; applying the liquid on the deceased fingers, a quick reaction was seen upon skin contact. Leaving boiled flesh with the fingerprints wiped completely.

They continued from the bodies to the body parts and were soon wrapping up. They saw the cameras filming but they were unconcerned by the fact that they were breaking news at this time.

Just as they were about to leave the scene, loud screeching sounds of a car being forcefully stopped were heard and everyone turned to see the commotion.



Just before the car came to a halt and the individuals dressed in black could react, the sound of a gunshot was heard closely followed by another sound of a second gunshot.



Only two sounds came of bodies dropping down with shock registered all over their faces. Two of them had holes now oozing out fresh blood on their foreheads that were slightly of a larger size from the normal rounds used.

Da, da, da, da...!

Ta, ta, ta, ta...!

Soon enough sounds of submachine and semi-automatic rifles being fired were heard as the gunfight sounds filled the air. The slow crowds that were gathering from a safe distance broke into a run for the second time to save their lives as the gunfight ensued. Even the news channels were seen to take several steps back and use their vans as shields but were continuing to broadcast the live-action.

As soon as Delta 4 stepped on the breaks. Delta 2, through the rolled down windowpane, pressed the trigger and a .50 cal sniper round exited the muzzle of a Barret M82A1 with a velocity of 853.1 m/s. Then another round exited shortly after the first round.

Now, why would Delta Team use rounds that are normally used to take down light armored vehicles?! They had to assure their victory as from the previous confrontation with the new arrivals ended up being a one-sided killing.

After seeing two of their comrades down. They formed an attack battle position and started firing at the GMV. With little cover, they could only retaliate while making an escape.

And an all-out gunfight was unleashed yet again on the once peaceful and calm neighborhood.


Before I opened the door, I told the teenager to be cooperative and that I was sorry for what I was about to do.

I placed my left palm under the t-shirt just below her left breast where the heart was. I knew with a little force I could break her ribcage and crushed her heart.

We walked out in that awkward position.