
Wrong preys

I killed my mother and I don't mean it was a mistake. She deserved it, I thought until I .... a serial killer falls in love with a cop. _________ Andria smith's dream of an easy and free life was shattered the very moment her dad stepped out the door never to return. Blessed with a careless or rather irresponsible mother, Andria knew better than to care for herself alone - with quest for revenge buried deep inside her soul. Then she falls for a cop ( one destined to haunt her). What? Love? ...... definitely not what she planned.Would she be able to handle the disaster that Followed? Andria is thrilled as she discovers the reason behind her mother's cruel nature. what happens next? Let's explore the complicated world of an innocent sweet loving child who turns out a serial killer....

Philia_Hilz · Urban
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21 Chs

A serial killer?

After receiving details of the crimes from Sampson, Nathan and his team gathered over drinks.

"These photos look similar..." Claire said observing the pictures after a long period of silence.

That's the way they've always been. Whenever they had a private meeting, there was always silence at first. More like they were meditating or rather communicating with their minds. There's this undefinable strong connection between them and Claire was usually the one to start a conversation.

"You're right. The techniques are same although done in different manners" Nathan nodded pointing at the pictures.

"So... you're saying the two women were killed by one person? A serial killer?" Scout curiously asked.

"Think so. Looking at the evidence of missing fingers and situations surrounding the deaths like finding the rings in their pockets" Claire answered.

"It's clear the killer isn't a thief. But maybe an assassin?" Nathan replied looking at the bagged rings.

"An assassin or not, we would definitely find out when we get a clue on all these..." Scout replied pointing at the stuffs on the table. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the heat on his forehead.

Claire slowly drank her glass of water not taking her eyes off Scout. He was undoubtedly handsome and watching him wipe off his sweat made her smile.

He caught her starring and she immediately looked away.

Nathan was the smart and brave guy in the team, that made him a perfect captain and he was always 2 steps ahead of his teammates. He had an overall affection for police work.

Scout was the shy type. Shy with girls and brave with boys. He was very determined and had just one aim for joining the FBI - to find out his mom's killer. He has a secret crush on Claire too. He was handsome and had a black mole behind his left ear.

Claire was the one with guts and doesn't think twice in doing whatever her instincts tell her to. She had a curly hair which was blonde. Her facial features were beautiful and she had the cutest smile ever. Most importantly, she didn't have passion for police work since her dad forced her into it.

"The question here is why?...why did she kill them? I mean there must be some sort of connection or something." Claire asked looking devastated.

Scout calmed her down. "We would definitely get to the root of these. Don't stress yourself"

She looked at him and tried not to smile.

"I remember Dane said his late mom used to be friends with some women until something happened and they parted ways..." Nath replied looking at them. He gulped down a glass of wine.

Nathan had interrogated Sisa's son, Dane earlier that morning.

"So?" Scout asked confused.

"It would interest you to know that Marie was one of her friends. They were five best friends all together." He concluded.

"You think their separation is connected to these?" Claire was unconsciously tapping her fingers on the desk which made slight sounds.

Nath nodded.

"That means she still has other women on target? If I'm right." Scout asked pouring out a drink.

Nath nodded again.

Claire rubbed her palms in fear. "This is bad. Real bad..."

"Here's what we should do: to catch the serial killer, we must find the other women. That way, we get to understand the genesis of all these..." He suggested leaning forward.

Scout scratched his hair as though he was thinking. "Since they were friends, Sisa must have documentaries about them. Like photos or something?"

Claire and Nath concurred.

Claire poured the boys a glass each and they cheered "let's do this"

They nodded smiling happily at each other. She packed the books and photos pertaining the scenes inside a bag.

Looking up, she noticed Scout was about to cry. Not again...

"It's fine... please don't do this" she rubbed his shoulder consoling him.

"We would definitely find out who your mom's killer is. Remain strong for her." Nath added.

They both knew why scout was tearing up. And had promised to help him find her killer.

"I just hope I find her soon. My mom's soul isn't at rest yet..." He complained rubbing his eyes.

"Trust us okay? After this case, your mom's own would be next. I know it would be difficult to reopen her investigation since it's been years now but we would definitely do it. Even if it has to be secretly, we would definitely punish her killer..." Nathan assured him placing a hand on his shoulder.

Nath knew his friend too well. They've been friends like forever and even went to high school together. If actually there was anything that kept scout alive, it was the zeal to find his mother's killer.

"Oh my goodness! I totally forgot. Silly me!" Claire scolded herself while glancing at her cell phone, the time precisely. "I'm really sorry guys but I have to leave. It's actually something important"

The guys looked at her and sighed. She's always the first the start up a conversation and also the first to always leave unexpectedly.

"What is it this time?" Nath asked her.

"Probably one of her useless dates" Scout replied annoyed. He was jealous.

"I wish..I might never go on a date since some dull guy is scared to ask me out" she said wickedly and winked at him.

Nath knew she was referring to Scout. Oh poor Scout!

"Bye Nath" she waved and left.

Scout was perplexed. He turned to Nathan and immediately looked away.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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