
Written realm :- The tale of author's Journey into his creation

Have you ever thought about going to your novel,  have you ever thought about the stories you make,  the person you killed in the novel..... This the story author who gets transported into his Novel world and his main aim is to return to earth to...........

lightyasiro · Fantasie
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Hero lila

In the year 2024, a strange phenomenon occurred. There was a sudden flash of bright light that enveloped the entire planet, and 10% of total human being on Earth was teleported somewhere else, leaving the planet empty.

When they returned a year later in 2025, they found that they had been imbued with extraordinary powers, and the Earth had changed dramatically. Demons, monsters, and other supernatural creatures roamed freely across the land, preying on the unsuspecting humans.

The world was now a dangerous place, but there was hope. The humans who had returned were no longer ordinary. They had become hunters, gifted with incredible powers and skills that allowed them to hunt down and defeat the demons.

The story revolves around one such hunter, who finds herself caught up in a web of intrigue and danger. Her name is Lila, and she is a young, headstrong woman who takes on the most challenging demon-hunting missions with ease.

As Lila fights to protect the people of her world, she discovers that there are powerful forces at work, seeking to manipulate the balance of power between humans and demons. Lila, with the help of her fellow hunters, must uncover the truth and foil the dangerous plans of those who seek to control the future of the world.

As Lila faces down one demon after another, she finds herself growing stronger and more confident. She comes to realize that she has a crucial role to play in the world's fate and that the key to fulfilling her destiny lies in unlocking the secrets of the past.

With epic battles, fierce monsters, and strong emotional bonds between characters, Lila's journey is one filled with adventure, danger, and excitement. As she fights to save the world, she discovers that there is much more to her abilities than she ever imagined, and that her destiny is intertwined with the fate of all humankind.

In the end, Lila emerges as a hero, a beacon of hope for all who seek to face down the dangers of the world. Her story is one of courage, strength, and the power of the human spirit to overcome even the greatest of challenges.

And as she stands victorious, watching the sunrise on a world saved from the brink of destruction, Lila knows that her work is far from done. For there will always be new threats, new demons to face and new mysteries to unravel.

As the world enters the year 2080, the hunters are still fighting battles against the beasts from other dimensions. The frequency of appearance of the gates has increased, and hunters are struggling to protect humanity. However, they have not given up hope and continue to fight with all their might.

Among the memories of the hunters, the name that is engraved in their hearts is Hero Lila. She was a skilled and fearless hunter who sacrificed her life to save humanity from the invasion of the strongest demon. It's her 20th death anniversary today, and the hunters are gathered across the world to offer their honor and pay their respects to her.

The author of this novel known as Hero queen Lila, Light. Who was lost in thoughts, about ending the story. As he had been writing about her, he suddenly found himself on the streets of New York City in 2060

The author was baffled and took a while to understand what was happening around him. He looked at the buildings, the technology, and the people, and they all seemed unusual to him. He realized that he had somehow time traveled to the world of Lila, and everything around him was centuries ahead of his time.

He walked the streets and watched as the world he had imagined in his story come alive. He noticed the gates appearing out of nowhere, and the hunters rushing to protect the people. He saw the drones flying in the air, guiding the hunters to fight against the beasts. He heard the deafening sound of the guns and saw the sparks flying everywhere.

The author was shocked and amazed by the new world he had entered. He realized that Hero Lila was not just a character in his book, but she had been a real hero who fought for humanity.

He looked around and saw demons roaming the city, destroying everything in their path. The author realized that he had been transported to Lila's world and that he needed to find a way to survive.

Just then, he heard a loud roar and turned to see the strongest demon The Entity he had ever seen approaching him. The demon was massive with sharp claws , 10 arms , 3 head (of greatest intelligence ) and 1000 teeth and the author knew that he was no match for it.

Just as the demon was about to attack, Lila appeared out of nowhere and charged at the demon with fierce determination. She had sensed the demon's presence and knew that it was her duty as a hunter to defeat it.
