
Writer's Love

beanwrites_ · Teenager
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1 Chs


My bestfriend and my boyfriend. Yes, they're right infront of me laughing and talking, while holding hands. He seemed so happy with her, but I still can't break up with him even at this moment.

"Hey Zeila? Mind if you take a picture of us?" My bestfriend, Keira asked me. I just took her phone and silently took photos of them. My boyfriend never cared about me ever since he met Keira.

"Hey baby?" My boyfriend, Zach called Keira. Yes Keira not me, but Keira. "Yes hon?" She answers back. We're at Target right now and I feel like I'm a total ghost. I felt like I was nothing to them, so I decided to leave and give Zach a text. "I'm giving up on us, you have Keira you don't need me anymore. Have fun." I sent it. I broke up with him, I was still expecting a reply but he left me on seen. I have no choice but to move on with life alone. I can't force people to love me forever.

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