
Wrath with Mixed Feelings [BL]

'Why everyone hates me. is there any reason to make them hate so much? Why is everyone hiding the truth from me?' the young man looked at himself in the mirror. ......... " Don't worry. we will find the truth when the right times come. Don't be sad about people who hate you cause they will hate you more in the future..... "

MIRAB3LL3 · Urban
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13 Chs

Go out with them


"Hiroto. What are you working out of here? Aren't you determined to stay with the children right now?" What the fuck he implied. Did something just arise here? Wait where the fuck am I.

"Akari, tell me where I am. " I'm so stressed out with him. Was he the one who gave rise to me here? He invariably creates a predicament when I am perpetual with him.

"Hiroto, you don't recollect. We are already matrimonial and you are the one whose purpose to me when we are at our modern house. Are you disregarding that or are you just attempting to fabricate on me?" He is crying because he speculates that I am his husband.

"Yes, I memorize that you but what just transpired here. There was no one there." I try to look around but I can only see a deserted house.

"That guy craves me, Hiroto. Please assist me. I don't crave to perceive suffering for 7 months with him. I don't yearn to dwell with him." What he is just trying to say. I barely can discern that he was okay but why he conversed like he relinquishes his perception.

"What are you conversing about? I can see that you were fine but why are you conversing like you don't memorize your child beside you."  He stared at me like I was one of the killers.

"He bestows a bruise on my abdomenn, my neck. That's why you can't recognize it because he just wished to blow at the places that no one belonged to detect. You need to divulge me because you're the only one that will never accuse me." He cried on my shoulder before I caressed his hair to make him unwind. He breathed steadily but he was still sobbing.

"Where he gives you the bruises," I asked him softly and he showed me where that guy hit him. There were 5 bruises and there prevailed also a cum on his chest. I can see a fingerprint on his neck and it exhibited how powerful the grip was going to be.

"Who committed this to you? Tell me who did this to you so I will slaughter him." I shake him but he just only shook his head to tell me that he does not want to tell me who is commending this to him.

"Akari, please tell me who did this to you. I don't wish to see you prefer this. Please just tell me what his name is." He hugged me tightly before mumbling softly.

"That guy is ********. He is the one who did this to me. Please he will murder me if I confide this to anyone but he does this to everyone I love." He was crying out and screaming until they just came out and only whimpered.

'Who is that guy but why I can't hear plainly when he mumbled that guy name and he will be slain everyone he cares for. So that means people who are always close to him. I surmise only his mother because his sister and the father never looked after him at all.' I thought before glancing at him and hugging him to comfort him more.

"Don't worry I'm here if he wants to mistreat you then he needs to be face to face with me first. You don't need to feel frightened because I am always by your side. Please remember those words." He hides his face at my chest before sniffing the pheromones to make him feel prudent.

"Thank you for always supporting me. You know that I cherished you even though you don't love me back because you only craved my body but not for my heart. I know that you still don't expect me but I still love you. So stop loving me so I can find prosperity on my own. You can have a family with my friend. That's what you want right, just go to her and marry her so you can leave me alone." He said softly before dozing off because of the exhaustion from the pressure that he gets when he does too much work by himself.

"I'm sorry I should divulge to you more. I'm ashamed for everything from what I ever do to you. Please absolve me and stop telling me that because it's not your deficiency at all. I am the one who should say that because you warrant this world."

I cry on his shoulder because he has too much burden on his shoulder until he feels like he is the one who gets the blame.

"You don't have to tell an untruth for yourself just expecting to make sure if I was ok or not because I never deserve to be a human but I only deserve to be an animal because I'm not precise like you. You have everyone to respect you while no one loves me because I'm nonentity to them." He gave me a sad smile before he kissed my lips with passion and full of love and kissed him back.

We were both panting like we were in heat. His lips were swollen but it made him look more attractive than before. He smiled and I did the same back at him.

"Can I do something to make you mine again but I'm serious. I will ensure you and our child. Now please tell me what you wish ." I took his hands before slowly caressing and it peeped more smoothly than before.

"Something. You can make me delighted by drizzling me with so many loves. You similarly can assist me with exhibiting your true love for me. Don't ever kiss someone then I or I will cut your dick in half." His desires are chilling when it comes to the last sentence.

"Then, I will do it just to make you pleased with me. ''We make a pinky promise to show our promises that I would never betray him by going out with another omega and beta.

I was woken up by the rings. I glanced at my hands and just say that it was just a dream and nothing going to occur but the promise that we make. I need to make the wish come true and I will indicate to him so much, love.

"Don't worry, Akari. I will make you feel love again and I will enable you and our children to have the satisfaction that you were waiting for." I looked at the ceiling before checking my phone and blocked all whore that I just made out because I need to do this just for my wife only and he is the only one that I will share the love with.

I threw everything in this house that referred to the omega. I will give this to the back and I ask my Secretary to tell this thing to all Omega that I will never go to love them because I already preferred to get out from this thing.

I phoned Akashi to come into my office so we could talk about this thing together. I loitered here for 30 minutes and I finally could hear someone just knocking on the door then I instructed him to come in.

"Sir, did you need something?"

"Yes, I want you to tell all omega that we just have a contract and shoved them from here."

"Sir are you sure about that because there may be someone who will go to defy it and they will make a fuss."

"If they do that then we can just take them to the cops so they can sleep in jail."

"Sir, you only do this for him right."

"What did you mean by him. It's not like I know what you say ."

"Akari, that guy. If you expect to make it more adequately than before. You should make it enormous than just kicking out of the whore."

"I don't know what I should do because this is the first time that I  expressed my love for him."

"Sir, there were so many ways to make it better but you need to loosen up first before you think about it. If you do something without remembering what you just do then it makes it disastrous ."

"I think you're right. Maybe I should take a rest first. You have an off day today and tomorrow to benefit me."

"Are you sure about that because who will go to regulate the company while we go for a walk ?"

"Just told Bokuto to do all of that while we went." I can see that he was smirking when I said Bokuto.

"Then I will do it, sir. Take a rest as long as you want, sir."

'Finally, you Bokuto you can sense how I felt when I was the one who performed this. And now you will be the one who is going to do it.' Akashi thought about it before supposing what manifestation that Bokuto will give when he knows about this news.

'Damn what's awry with people in this company. They gaze like they expected to do revenge on each other' I think about them before taking my key and going to his house.

I got a call from Jessica. I already thwarted her but why can she still contact me? This girl sure is extraordinary.

"Where is your house? I need to tell you something right now. Why can't I memorize the way to go to his house?" I make a circle around the village and I still can't discover his house until our kids are playing around the house with two Huskies.

'Thank you, God. Finally, I found my wife .' I prayed to God for thanks. I got out of the car and jogged to where they played.

"Kids, did you know where your mommy is? I wanted to converse with him about something significant ." I try to start a conversation with them but their face never alters a little bit. Still, blur with how I speak or with how I wear right now.

"Master, are you that guy from the school?"

"Yes, I'm that master, and I'm here to confront your mother." I hope they will approve of me.

"Yes, you can convene our mother but play with us before you meet him because mommy makes a meal for us." They make puppy eyes and I can't be refuted for how cute this kid is.

"Sure, kiddos I will play with you guys. Don't bother, I would never fabricate for kids like you guys.  After he finishes cooking then I will show you something unexpected." We play like there is no tomorrow because of how wild we are.

"Momo, Tendou, come here your food is already done. Come here right now before it's earning cold." Even his voice was captivating to me. Why have I never respected him before like another man who is gracious with their Omega?

"Mommy, mommy there was a guy from the school."

"Yeah, he fiddled with us and he was so pleased when he chatted with us."

They were talking and left me behind in the front yard. I just grin while peeking at them talking.

'I should regale him better than before. Why I never admired him like another Alpha. He gazed so delightfully even though he's demanding with work but he still looks glorious.'I just grinned while thinking about his beautiful smile.

"Hiroto, why don't you join us. There is still a chair for you. " he strutted there holding a ladle and wearing a pink apron but I can see he was wearing a bra inside it.

"Hey, whether you want to come in or not. Don't just stand there like a statue, at least give me a riposte before I close the door and never let you come in." His face looked so fiercely because waiting for my response.

"Yes, I came in but are you sure that you were impressed while I was playing with your kids and eating your food?" He just nodded at me before locking the door. No people were coming into his house.

"It's ok because I cooked too much food and I don't know why I do that. I hope you appreciate the food." He said to me before going to the kitchen.

"Wait, why don't you eat your food even if you're the one who cooks it." Did I do something to him until I didn't feel well?

"No, it's not about that. It's just the kids never feel optimistic because they informed me that they never retain a friend at school and they told me that they were getting picked up because they don't have a father but have a whore only. It stings so bad while seeing my baby getting bullied by that jerk." He was crying messily right now because the pressure makes him less effective and feels like there is no life inside his eyes.

"Akari, you should stop thinking about that because you are more vital than anyone in this world. You are a mother that takes care of twins with no father, just you who takes care of them. If you wish me to assist you in taking care of you guys then I am inclined to do it. But please take care of your health first before everyone because who will insure them while you're gone. " I kissed his forehead and he sobbed on my shoulder to cry more but there was no sound because he doesn't like our kids concerned about his health.

"I will do it and thanks for everything. You enabled that pervert, you carried the bags and you even revealed your compassion towards the kids and you also played with them." He murmured before sniffing my alpha pheromones to make him calm.

"Even your smell makes me calm. You smell so decent and I like you and I know that too early but I hope you will reply to my declaration anytime you want." He cupped my cheeks before kissing my lips with lust.

"Akari, I know that was too sudden but you had got to get out with me. We can go with kids because I don't feel wary if they stayed here while we were gone, right." He thinks about it before replied with an Okay.

"You can instruct them because I need to rectify my clothes first before going out." He then runs upstairs but still wearing the apron. I walked to the dining room and saw they were still eating.

"Hey kids, did you prefer to go somewhere because I will drive you guys to the place that you liked ." I smiled at them before they replied.

"Can we go to the zoo? I wished to satisfy the giraffe. "

"And can we two go to the unfair? I wanted to go on the roller coaster." He still wants to go.

"You can't go there because it's not stable for people your age like you. You can take off somewhere with more insurance. Like Ferris wheels." I told them to argue with an adult. Finally, she said that it's okay.

"Kids, I need to check your mother if he is already or not." I heard no sign from them so I take this as a Yes. I can't listen to anything but only my footsteps trying to get close to Akari rooms. When I got near I heard someone whimpering.

"Akari is that you. Can I come in just for trial? Do you need some help?" I spoke from the door and paused for his reply to me.

I stood in front of the door like a guard, not making a move until he said 'come in' and I came inside the room but only saw him swiveling in a ball at the bed. He still wears the same clothes from where I met him.

"What's immoral? You can inform me of what transpired to you. " I fondled him and he never tries to revolt. He just cries and I despise it when he's crying so I release my pheromone to make him loosen up and it's working.

"I don't know what I should wear and you may be guessing that I was weird for wearing this thing and you may have thought that I was offending. " he referred the thing is to his bra and I don't discover it bizarre because it's looked the only natural to him and maybe there was the justification why he wearing though.

"Why did you think that I was trying to say that you look unusual while wearing that? I don't think that you look awful and you have a purpose for wearing that. " he just nodded before standing up just wanted to get the clothes from the dresser.

"Why didn't you confide in me that you were possessing two genders and you never notify this about to everyone. If you feel skeptical about the question you don't need to push yourself." I looked at him from behind but I needed to close my eyes because he needs intimacy.

"Hiroto, why do you cover your eyes? It's not like I'm a girl ok." He said to me, chuckled sadly.

"It's just you need some privacy and I wished to say sorry for doing that to you. I am sorry for committing that I yearn you will absolve me. " I kneeled and bang my head on the ground to show how sorry I am to him.

"Hiroto, you don't retain that. I notice that you will confess sorry to me and I already forgive you. The thing that I never confide in anyone is I won't divulge to them at that time because they believe I'm dreadful for having a two-gender. My mother always said to me that I was an exceptional kid from God because I'm having boobs and dick in the same body.

I took those phrases inside my soul and she also announced that people were covetous of what I have because they don't retain what I have." I dare to peek at him. When I glanced at him he indicated his glamorous smile at me.

"Hey, don't stare at me like that, you look like a creepy guy right now."

"Oh, a creepy guy with a deep voice and that's me. "

He just giggles at the jokes but I didn't expect that he was kissing me on the lips. I kiss him back until we realize that we lack to breathe.

I was still confused as to why he was kissing me. I gazed in front of me but didn't discern anyone. I heard somebody was wandering to the door.

"I drive the car." He revealed to me the key and that was my key. That is the reason why he kissed me.

"Damn, that was so fucking hot. How can be so fucking hectic with just kissed me?" I touched my lips while thinking about him.

"Hiroto, let's go before it gets darker. You don't need to speculate about it because you can have it while we are at someplace." He was shouting at me and I still don't know if the kids were with him or not because I don't want to feel uncomfortable.

I got downstairs and looked at him, who was only wearing a hoodie and shorts. He looked sexy in those clothes.

The kids were jumping up and down because they were excited to go to the amusement park. He comes to me and gives back the keys to me and I don't know why but I just take it from him and drive to the place.

We went to the amusement park and it was vivid and it looked so delightful.

We had so much fun but the worst thing is Akari was repulsed after eating something from the shop and I don't know why he eats it if he realizes that food was not desirable for him at all. The kids and Akari never feel weary but I feel unproductive already. 

The chilling thing is he expected to go to the Ferris wheel. I didn't mean that I was appalled but that thing is big and it is so fucking slow.

"Hiroto, are you coming or not. If you feel fearful don't worry I'm here for you. Just follow me, okay?" He grabbed my hands before pulling me up and led me to the damn place. The kids were intrigued about this thing while I looked like a pessimistic kid who doesn't have a friend.

"Thanks, I don't know what I should do without you."

"Don't be so astonished about this. You're tough but why are you intimidated about height anyway. "I cry at his shoulder and he wipes out the fake tears.

We remained inside the thing and I didn't want to unroll my eyes even though he compelled me to open it. He sighed for a little bit and after that, I couldn't listen to anything until I felt someone stroking me and wriggling my body.

The discomfiting thing is I am crying out like a girl. He resisted it before cackling at how I screamed.

"Oh...my...god... Are you the one who makes that racket? You sound like a dying white woman in the horror movie." He laughed at me again before wiping his imperceptible tears from his cheeks.

"You look frail when you scream and I never fabricate about it because that was the most attractive thing that I ever listened to in my life but what makes things gladder is the guy that I love-." He cut himself and just settled there awkwardly after what he just said to me.

"You know if I can invalidate the time. I will make it more fortunate than this year because maybe we can have an optimistic family and cute kids. I know that I was a creep at that time but people will rewrite for the person he cherishes the most. And the person is you, Akari. You're the guy who I was speaking about."

We glanced at each other before leaning on our kiss. I thought that it was just us who were here until I heard someone coughing. I glimpse at the front and see the kids with horrible faces.

"Mommy, that was so unpleasant. Why are you bussing him in front of us?" The boy said to him before making a puke face with his sister to do the equivalent thing.

"Why didn't you notify me that they were here with us? I feel so bad for being a mother like this. I'm so terrible." He hid his elegant face in his hands because he was mortified.

"Why are you concealing your face from me? It's not your fault at all because I also didn't know that they were sitting with us. " I patted his back before raising aloft his chin and looked at his flustered face.

I kissed his pointy nose but it was getting inadequate because his face looked like a shade of red right now.

"Why are you kissing me, you pervert man? You know that kids were stationary here right." He became furious but it turned into a cute cat.

"Why are you being so ferocious to your soon-to-be husband? You know that I can smooch you whenever I want because you are mine and I am your husband." I said this to him and made it a little bit psycho because it makes him intimidated by my deep voice.

"That was so fucking pungent that I ever heard in my whole life. I don't know why but it makes me turn on more with just that thick daddy voice." He whispered the last sentence to my ears so that only me and he could hear about that.

"Mommy, mommy looked at that. Can you see it, mommy?" We looked at where our kids were looking and I saw the most impressive cities with light and I didn't even know that we would go to an amusement park until night.

"Yes, I see it. That was the most beautiful thing that ever arose in my life. "He takes my hands away from me but puts them on his lap and I ask why he does that but he is just modest and enjoys the conveyance.

I take this as my windfall. He's sick of love huh. I took out my phone and took his resemblance without him realizing that I was taking his picture. I smiled at the picture of him.

'He has the most beautiful grin ever in this world. I wanted to contend with mine and I need to soften before doing that because that juncture will come and I will take him as my wife and my other soul in this realm.' I thought about the future of our family.

I kissed his forehead and put the kids on my lap so we could get a kick out of our time together.

To be continued,

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