
Wrath of the demonic king

In the world of cultivators and magic there layed one guy whom was both a cultivator and a dead king of legend with the powers of a vampire. His path is uncertain and his powers are dark but yet had a little light for the crime he was accused of by the clans he did not commit. Will he be able to walk the right path? Will he be able to prove his innocence?, not that he cares but for a certain woman he has to try for she lost the ability to cultivate because of him. Will he win the woman he loves heart as himself or will the woman he loves be the end of him?. Read to find out and if you believe this book has potential let's not be stingy and leave a vote okay?. Disclaimer: The cover does not belong to me and if you are the artist and want it to be taken down please contact me and I will do it immediately.

Darkswan · Ost
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56 Chs

Overwhelming darkness

After the ceremony everyone got together for lunch and congratulated the new leader, Lien was happy about being the new leader but she did not like when people flock around her, it made her uncomfortable so she went over to Wang whom was sitting by the lake under the purple blossom tree all alone.

"Hey" she said and he looked at her,

"Hello there, wanna sit?" he asked,

'"Sure" she responded with a sigh as she sat down.

"What's wrong?" he asked,

"Nothing and that is the problem everything is just too calm" she responded,

"Don't you like calm?" he asked,

"Of course i do but after silence there is always a storm and that is what i am worried about" she responded,

"Maybe you just need to relax a little bit" he said,

'"I cannot do that especially if someone is trying to get Yu out of their way" she replied,

"I understand your concern but do you like ever think about yourself?" he asked,

"Of course i do, it's just that Yu he is... someone i really cannot afford to lose either" she responded and he smiled,

"You really are something else Lady Lien" he said then patted her on the head and she grabbed on to her hairpin.

'Other people care about spoiling my hair but you don't" she said and he laughed,

"You hair is beautiful whether it is neatly combed or bushy" he replied and she smiled,

"Thanks for boosting my confidence all the time leader Wang" she said,

'You are welcome, you better not get used to me being around" he replied and she gasped,

"He is right i never actually placed much thought into it, but it is a little too late for that i have really gotten used to you being around Wang" she said to herself.

"I know Leader Wang, don't worry about it" she said and he looked at her,

"What's wrong?" he asked,

"Nothing, i am going to go have lunch, aren't you coming?" she asked,

"No, i will be leaving now" he responded and she frowned then he left.

The girl went and joined her friends.

"Are you okay?" Ai asked,

"I am fine" she responded,

"I hope you haven't fallen in love, your wedding is coming up soon" Ai said and Lien's eyes widened and she smiled nervously,

"Don't worry i have not" she said as Yu grabbed on to her from behind and hugged her in front of everyone.

She then turned to him "Yu are you okay?" she asked as his eyes glowed black and everyone saw,

"What is going on with him?" Alix asked,

"Nothing that concerns you" Lien responded,

"Yu what is it?" she asked and he looked at her as his eyes went back to normal, it turned out that the darkness was starting to overwhelm him.

She sighed and gave him some water to drink.

"I am sorry for stressing you out even on this day" he said then walked away and Lien's eyes widened in fear.

"If you do not fix him we will put him down" her uncle said as she looked at him sternly,

"I am not the frighten little kid you used to know, so i would like to see you try and lay a finer on him you might just lose it" she replied,

"You will regret protecting him Lien" her uncle said,

"I do not care, now before a ruckus is created i suggest you stay quiet" she replied and her uncle grabbed on to her hand.

"You are noting like your father" he said and she trembled.

"How can you say something like that to her uncle?" her brother asked and Yu heard.

Lien saw that he turned around and she ran to him.

"Yu let it go please just let it go already okay" she said as he looked at her uncle sternly.

"Yu...." she said as she pulled him into the mansion.

Everyone ignored what just happened and continued eating.

Yu and Lien went into the garden and sat on the swings.

"I am sorry" he said and she sighed,

"Yu are you okay?" she asked and he smiled as if he was in pain.

"I am fine Lady Lien, do not worry about me anymore" he responded as he held her hand.

The girl noticed that Yu was not herself and the snake mark on her started to hurt, she held on to her waist in pain.

"Yu i want you to go to the lake and mediate for one hour, it may cool your mind" she said as she stood up,

"Why?" he asked and she looked at him,

"What do you mean why?" she asked,

"Are you trying to change me too?" he asked,

"Of course not, i am only trying to help you in any possible way i can Yu, if you keep on like this you will eventually hurt yourself and others too" she responded,

"Liar" he shouted as he stood up and she jumped,

"Yu... just do as is say, please calm down" she said,

"Enough, you are all just liars, all you do is try to change those you practice the dark arts, we are not that different, you people are just afraid of our powers, you are just like your uncle" he replied and teas rolled down her cheek.

Hu was passing by and he heard a commotion, due to the commotion everyone came to the garden.

She saw them and Lien got nervous.

"Yu please...." she said as she stretched out her hand towards him and her hit her hand away.

The ring in his hand scraped her by the side of her wrist causing her hand to bleed.

"Everything okay here?" her uncle asked and Yu looked at him in anger.

"Uncle everything is fine, everyone please leave" she said,

The guy that Yu got into a fight with from the Yunmeng clan came forward.

"Why is Yu angry Leader Lien?" the guy asked.

Lien swallowed deeply as she stared at her best friend in that state.

"The darkness he cannot control it fully" she said to herself.