
Nothing like Home

It's so quiet in the house, it's...too quiet...BAMMMM!!!!!!!!

"AHHHHH!!!" I yelled, "WHAT THE HECK!?"

"Sorry…." a voice said. It was Sherman.


"I was practicing running for track. There's a big tournament next Friday."

"Then why, I need to know, is there a whole in the wall!"

"I couldn't stop in time…."

"Well Louis is gonna be mad...and I'm not staying to see that."

I got out of bed, grabbed my pillow and blanket, and went downstairs to the couch. Just as I had reached the bottom, the door opened.

Oh no…..

"Boys, I'm home. Sorry I was late, my friend needed help with their homework."

I tried to tip toe back up the stairs when Sherman came zooming down the stairs. Well, I assumed so since I saw a bright orange light zoom past me. Yup, he has a superpower. Sherman quickly turned on the lights but instead of greeting his brother, he grabbed his brother's stuff and ran upstairs and came back.

"Hello brother!" Sherman said, but his voice had this little stutter in it.

"Did you just do something nice for me?" Louis said confused, "Ok, what happened."

"N-nothing! I just wanted to do one nice thing for you..hehe."

"Actually Sherman DID-" Sherman grabbed my hand, and sprinted down the hall to the kitchen.

"Harry! Don't tell him what happened! He will ground us AGAIN! And I don't wanna stay for that…"

"You aren't worried about me getting punished are you…" I said suspiciously. He never cares when I get grounded.

"Wh-what? Why would you say that?" he stuttered.

"You never care and I know when your lying Sherman."

"Fine, I really don't care, but I have a tournament coming up and if he grounds me I won't be able to go! He might not even let you go to the soccer tryouts'' he said.

I didn't want to agree with him, but I knew he was right. I wouldn't get to go if Louis grounded us.

"Fine." I said. Then we walked back to the front door, only, Louis wasn't there…

"BOYS!!!" Louis shouted. His voice came from...upstairs. Oh no! Were in a lot of trouble now… Sherman and I ran upstairs, and when we reached my bedroom, we saw Louis standing there, really angry.

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE!!!" Louis yelled, now staring at us.

"Well, you see..I was practicing my run for track, and then Harry stepped in front of me and I couldn't stop running, then Harry just backed up, without a care,and I ran into his wall."

I was so angry at what he had said, but I knew that Louis would probably believe Sherman, since he is older than me.

"I really want to believe that it was Harry's fault because it always is, but why would he step out of the way and let you run into his wall and ruin his room, Sherman?"

"umm ...I don't know…" Sherman said, now a bit more frightened.

"Well, I don't believe you Sherman, but because Harry didn't tell me about it sooner, I will punish BOTH of you."

"WHAT!" I yelled, now furious at both sherman and Louis.

"Did I stutter?" Louis said, with his evil glare, meaning it would get worse if I didn't listen.

"No sir…"

I walked downstairs looking at the floor. Why can't they understand. Why can't I stand up for myself! I got my blanket and pillow that I had grabbed earlier and went to sleep.