
Still Not To Be Friends Again

Now where did you leave off the last chapter? Oh yeah i remember now. So now i think Sumayah and Fiona understood right. But they didn't. Whenever i was with them they would run away from me and Savannah and whisper stuff. So i confronted them and i told them these exact words"why are you running away from me or Savannah". They replied "you told us not to whisper in front of you so that's what we are doing". To this point i was confused i thought they understood, but they didn't. I told them "if you have something to say don't say it now". They replied "No when do you get to boss us around". Now i have to tell you when I was in 3rd grade i used to whisper in Sumayah's ear in front of people. Now i know how people feel. Back to the story. Sumayah knew i was getting mad she said"This is what you get remember you used to whisper stuff in my ear about Sara". To that point i was speechless. Then somehow we became friends again and i was happy.