Taylor trap in the locker called out for help, ends up summoning Hasbro heroes. Now the world of Worm now have some old fashion heroes to save the day.
Out in space The Simurgh has been trying to look into the future but found her vision blocked somehow. This has never happen to her before, her vision became block once that Taylor girl triggered and summon all those beings. Unknown to her the Q had blocked her vision as for them it's a simple matter to do it, once they put their minds and effort to it. They also fixed Eidolon's power so that he couldn't create anymore Endbringers. All she could see is the present, and both Leviathan and Behemoth are under attack.
Leviathan is being lifted out of the sea by the combine might of a number of heroes. Celestia and Luna using their powers that allow them to move stars and planets, Magneto, Jean Grey, Raven, Doctor Strange and many other magic users and those who have telekinesis or similar powers, backed by transformer ships using their tractor beams, lifted the struggling Endbringer up in the air where the Autobots open a large space bridge underneath it which the heroes drop it into. Leviathan found itself in space close to the sun, where an autobot ship was waiting and open fired on it the blast that's meant to destroy an autobot battleship, blasted a hole in Leviathan sending it flying into the sun where it burns up to nothing. (1)
Behemoth is facing off with Godzilla from the Monsterverse, who is absorbing all of his radiation, aided by the giant city sized transformer Metroplex. It's not even a fight as Godzilla is bigger then Behemoth and Metroplex is bigger than either of them. Once Godzilla knock Behemoth onto its back with a powered up atomic breath, Metroplex just stomp on him with his massive weight crushing him underneath. Followed by a fully charged up blast from Metroplex's main cannons, sure it took a couple of blasts and Godzilla also joining in with his atomic breath, but they eventually reduced the Endbringer to nothing. (2) (3)
"And you're the last one," Discord's voice said surprising Simurgh.
Simurgh Look around unable to detect the spirit of Chaos.
"Once you no longer able to just see in the future, you suddenly lost the only real edge you had against someone like me," Discord said appearing in front of Simurgh who tried to use her mental powers on him but found them all blocked.
"Please you really think you'll be able to do anything to me?" Discord said easily fending off the mental attacks. "I'm the spirit of chaos and you really think mental powers would actually work on me? Not to mention the others."
Simurgh stop her mental attacks and look around seeing she's surrounded by Mxyzptlk, Batmite, the genie, Amazo, and Doctor Manhattan.
"Taylor wanted to make sure you and the other Endbringers are taken care of and with you, she made sure to call in the big guns," Discord said smirking seeing the shock look on Simurgh's face.
Later -
In the Q realm Discord is hanging up the picture frame that held Simurgh, who is pinned down like a butterfly on display. He now has a house in the Q realm, seeing how bored the Q are and need chaos in their lives, he's been giving them some stimulation in their lives. He's putting the still alive Simurgh over the mantle of his fireplace, who has been reduced in size and depowered with the display being the same type that Q uses to keep his collection of living beings.
"Nice start," Q said sitting on the sofa.
"She is one of a kind now in this universe," Discord said.
"No more Endbringers are going to be showing up," Q said.
"There is the matter that Taylor wants to help the people with powers that they can't control," Discord said.
"That's for others to do. I have to deal with a cosmic time worm," Q said being busy like the rest of the Q in making this universes safe for Taylor.
"Oh, well at least you're not bored now," Discord said.
"Yes that's true," Q said who does like he has new things to do and a infinite number of other universes to visit now.
Author's Notes -
1 - Leviathan maybe powerful and its shell is very dense, and immune to many shard powers but the Hasbro Heroes abilities aren't shard base and don't follow the same rules. So a whole bunch of heroes who can lift things up combining their powers together and sending him falling into the sun will kill him. Also seeing how the Transformers weapons are meant to destroy other giant transformers, their weapons are more than enough to harm and kill Endbringers.
2 - Yes Godzilla is in Marvel comics, just that he can never be named in them due to trademark or something with the parent company that owns Godzilla. Also Godzilla from Monsterverse is going to show up in DC comics so he's also in DC comics now. Which both series have multiverses in them in cannon, allowing me to bring Godzilla in the story.
3 - Seeing how Metroplex is a one man army, with bonus points that he's the size of an army for giant transforming robots. His weapons and size would allow him to take care of the Endbringer even if their shells are as dense as a galaxy, thanks to it being powered by energon and fired by a city sized robot.