
Worldwide Harem [bl]

Asahina Muyki is a caretaker for people of all ages. Children, teens and even adults. With each client he poured his love and full hearted dedication to them. He truly loved his job. There was no greater joy then making someone smile. Suddenly he transported into an unknown world while he was chasing a fly with his fly swatter. He found himself in the middle of nowhere holding his fly swatter. "щ(゚Д゚щ) < "Dear god why‽ )" Then he found a child in a trash bin of all places scavenging for food. A trash bin of all places!? ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ But the puppy dog eyes... Stop selling meng! This laozi can't handle it! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ *More adorable children, teens and even adults come Take it. Fine take my heart! I'll need to adopt you all as my children *clutches heart ノ ̄□ ̄)ノ ~┻━┻ ---------------- Help! ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ They're coming! The... The... The once innocent angels are now devils!? Σ(TωT) And they're after me!? ; ̄ロ ̄) "Master we all love you~" Ahhhh! �(゚□゚*川 (ノ′Дヾ) Run. But there is no where to go cause they're everywhere!?

Penguin_Flippy · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Run, Run, Run Away


"Thank you. I should get going and take some request. You must be busy. Thank you yet again."

If we go straight, there's a stairs to the 2nd floor. Next to the stairs is another counter with a sign [Quest Registration] on there.

So at the guild, I can take up quest or request for one. Have a bank account. Able to rent a room and train here.

That's basically it.

I look at Minaki who is dozing off.

Must have been bored to death. I should let him sleep. He must be exhausted.

I guess I should get a job now!

I wonder what the future holds.


I went to see the bulletin board where the quests are posted. The quests for F and E classes are:

"Client: Guild"

Deliver 10 Renstin grass.

Reward: 1 Big copper coin

※ Will give 7 copper coins for each extra stalk of grass

Rank: F

"Client: Guild"

Deliver 15 Linstone Rocks

Reward: 1 Big copper coin

※Will give 5 copper coins for each extra stalk of grass.

Rank: F

"Client: Blitz Bildon"

Help build the new monument at the center of the city

Reward: 1 big copper coin per hour

Rank: F

"Client: Guild"

Defeat 10 Goblins.

Reward: 1 silver coin.

※Will pay 1 Big copper coin for every additional kill.

Rank: E

"Client: Illstin Romaru"

Babysit the children and do domestic chores.

Reward: 2 Silver Coin Per Hour

※Will need to take a test and have at least done 20 E-rank missions, along with having had prior experience as a babysitter.

Rank: E

The last mission immediately caught my eyes but unfortunately I have yet to done any E-rank mission, after all I just got here and I'm and F rank. I'm surprised no ones taken it. I grab the last and first flyer and walk down the stairs back to the receptionist.

I learnt how money worked and 2 silver coins was quite a lot especially for beginning adventurers like me.

It works like this: Mithril →Platinum →Gold Coin →Big Silver coin →Silver coin →Big copper coin→ Copper coin. S

They smile at me.

"Got your missions?"

"Yep! I just have a question, would you be able to reserve this mission for me? I'm pretty sure I'll be able to take it in about a month."

She stares at me quite surprised.

"Are you sure? Rising from F rank in a month and being able to do 20 E-rank mission by then? If you were be able to complete such a feat that would be mind blowing. Plus that flyer has been there for a long time for a reason.

The person who put that on was an S-rank adventurer. He had found some kidnapped children and teens on a mission and has some really high requirements for people being able to take care of them since he loves them quite a bit. Many have tried but none have succeeded. So are you sure? I can put it on hold if you like."

I smile brightly and chuckle,

"I've always enjoyed a challenge. So bring it on!"

The female receptionist chuckled before nodding. She quick stuck a note on the flyer and tucked it under the table.

"I trust you. Ah yes, if you are unable to complete a mission you have to pay a retribution cost. Do you still want to take the F-rank mission."

I nod, they smile in return. Stamping it quickly before. She then hands me the herb I would be looking for.

"Here's a sample so you know what it looks like. It can be found near the entrance of the nearby forest called 'Golia Forest'. There are usually no monsters near there but you should still be careful"

I nod and smile at her thankfully before carefully examining it before handing it back.

I hand it back,

"Thanks, I think I got it now. Thank you!"

"No problem, good luck!"

I show her a thumbs up before turning on my heel. Minaki gripping my hand tightly as we walked out.


As we wandered to town to do the mission I pause, suddenly my stupidity coming to realisation.

'How could I forget to check my powers. It would have been dumb for me if I faced some monster and died just like that. Also I would be butting little Mina into trouble. But how do I make this work?'

I guide the two of us to sit at a small bench. I begin muttering phrases that might work,

"Stats screen..Open screen..Abra Cadabra...Open status...Status open....Appraisal, Status Open?"

Suddenly a holographic like screen appeared before my eyes, I smile triumphantly.

Name: Asahina Muyuki

Age: 21

Attribute: ??

Rank: Lv. 1

Class: F

Species: Human [Part God]


Item Box (Dimensional Storage)

Conditions: Crossing different worlds

Ability: 10+Lv.×1 amount of space, used for item storing.

Same type of item can be stored in the same box. The user doesn't feel the weight of items.


Conditions: Crossing different worlds

Ability: Able to know the details of things reflected in your vision, regardless of whether it is human or not.

All-knowing Dictionary

Conditions: Crossing different worlds

Ability: Once collecting a sample of any item it will put into the dictionary and you will permanently have information about it

Worldwide Search

Conditions: Crossing different worlds

Ability: Able to search up items from previous world and able to buy items via collected points or trading items of the same value.

Pocket Daycare

Conditions: Crossing different worlds and knowledge of childcare.

Ability: Will provide items needed to care for baby buns and so on.

Includes: Children toys, mini kitchen, baby cutlery sets,

press to show more...

My eyes widen as I look at all the skills, the last once made me chuckle. How considerate of them. And I'm part God? That's amazing! I turn to Minaki and give him a quick appraisal too.

Name: Minaki Ayashi

Age: 14

Rank: Lv.5

Attribute: Water

Class: F

Species: Human

Skills: Puppy eyes

I chuckle at the skill, puppy eyes? I mean It probably is super effective. And he looks so young to be age 14, looks kinda like a shota-okay that's weird. And his rank is higher then me? Really? Oh well.

I get up from the seat.

"Alright let's get going before it gets late."

The nod and follow me like a baby duckling.

So cute!

I begin formulating a plan for the day and the rest of the week.

Step 1: Leave the city and head to the 'Goliath Forest' to collect 10 or more stalks of Grass. Find it easily using 'Appraisal'. Maybe collect extra items

Step 2: Go back to the guild and hand in items and get money

Step 3: Find an in to stay in for the night.

Step 4: Rinse and repeat step 1 and 2 until I can have an upgraded rank.

I nod approvingly to myself a the steps.

It was easy enough.

By the time I finish my brooding I find myself I find myself right outside the forest. My eyes sparkled as I peered at it, how gorgeous.

The forest was ancient. The trees thick and old, roots that were twisted. It was filled with bird-song and animals that roamed.

All the trees were tightly-knit, just one strand in a massive web of life. Green leaves, yellow leaves, red leaves. It was a rainbow of rich, autumnal colours. The scent of earth and water drifted through the air. It was a picture of serenity.

But that doesn't mean I can let my guard down.

"Careful okay Minaki."

The child nods in response to my nods, holding my hand a fraction tighter.


We began our search for the needed materials.


As the boy sprinted by way of the darkish and uninviting wooded area, his brain was once racing quicker than his toes. Twigs and branches assailed his face as he frantically attempted to verify his concern. He ran through the thick underbrush toward the trees as the briers tore at his clothes & brambles clung to he.

He pushed past the small saplings on the edge, The sticky sap from the cedars matted her hair & caused leaves to stick to her. Once under the canopy the world grew dark. There were few patches where light passed through the thick tree cover.

He continued to run in darkness stumbling over the fallen branches on the forest floor. Dirt covered his one peerless face. Occasionally an odd low branch would block his path or hit him in the face but he pushed on.

They were coming for him. He ran as far as his little legs could carry him. Not caring that his delicate bare feet were being damaged.

Tears formed in his eyes blurring his vision. He had no idea what he was doing, all he knew was they were after his life. But for what reason?

Breathless and exhausted he pushed himself to keep going, till the point of exhaustion. Causing him to collapse on the cold dirt floor. Suddenly, the boy stopped. What was it that he had just heard?

The snapping of a twig, perhaps - but he was in a forest; there was nothing to worry about, he rationalized. This noise had appeared peculiar to him. A shadow slowly emerged from behind the tree. An evil glint could be seen in e dark forest, one could assume a sinister smile was on their face.

Frantically he sprang up and began dashing towards hill, crawling upward. The loose foliage beneath his feet made them slip continuously. Pawing him way up, she felt as though her last ounce of energy had been spent within the last few minutes. Reaching the top, he held onto a small birch for support. Moving again, his knees buckled.

He began falling into an endless abyss. There was no one to depend on. The feeling of desperation of living. Hopelessness is what he felt. A stream of light lighted up his dark place. Desperate for help he crawled towards the source.

There stood the most angelic person he had ever seen.

His savior.

A soft melodic voice called out to him, ever so gently, ever so softly, ever so warmly.

"Are you alright sweet cakes?"


He had black out as he extended a trembling hand.

'I'm finally saved...'