
Worldshift A New Beginning.

It's been years since the system emerged on Earth, yet strangely, the world remained unchanged—no monsters, no apocalypse, no towers, no gods; everything was normal. That is, up until the unavoidable happened. Transported alongside the rest of humanity, Lucius Maxwell arrives in a new world, one filled with intelligent and dangerous races. As he explores and travels through this magical realm, Lucius unravels the mysteries surrounding the enigmatic "System." However, a hidden past haunts him—a past he can't seem to remember, a broken time. ---Author Note To Readers: This is the tale of Lucius Maxwell, unfolding not only his journey but also the lives of those around him in both the new world and the old. Each character comes with unique backstories and intriguing hidden details, weaving a narrative that unravels the complexities of their pasts and the mysteries that bind them together. --- Just a heads-up:The story is slow-paced. The positive is that it allows you to experience a very satisfying character growth, giving you a full image of their personalities, feeling their emotions, and witnessing how they deal with struggles while pursuing their goals. However, it's worth noting that this may not be for everyone, as some readers may find it slow and choose to drop it. Nevertheless, I believe that having a story written this way will fill you up instead of leaving you wondering about the missing plot holes. [Author Note: Check The Auxiliary Chapter: Zone Map for an Epic Map!] Tags: #HiddenPlots, #System, Angels #MinimalRoleOfSystem, #NormalMC, #UniqueStory, #OlderMC, #D&D Monsters, #MatureMC, #Romance, #NoArrograntCharacters, #GameElements, #Goblins, #Kobolds, #Dragons, #Golems, #Demons, #Gods, #Bloodline, #litrpg

Crown_Nyx · Fantasie
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288 Chs

The Temple Doors Open


The humans from beyond the island stood in shock, their faces etched with confusion and fear.

 "How?" one of them whispered, breaking the eerie silence that had fallen over the group.


"How did he die without any of us noticing a thing?" another tremple voice echoed.

He was under their protection, yet he had fallen without warning!

A man known for his prowess in battle and strategic mind now lay motionless on the ground, his life extinguished without warning.


They knew that when he employed that skill, he became vulnerable, and they always ensured he was not left alone.

How could he have died?!


"Ranks, form up!" bellowed a voice, commanding and cutting through the din of unrest.

At the behest of the colossal figure, soldiers scrambled into position, calming down and remembering their training.