
Chapter 8

…thanks :)

'You're welcome. Now, let's go kill some more skeletons. Shall we?'


Atta girl.

- Later -


With a solid hit to the skeleton's unprotected skull, I wipe the sweat off my forehead with shaking hands as I pant heavily, watching the skeleton's body break apart and fall to the ground. For the last half an hour, I had taken on several more skeletons, each one the same as the first and proving to be easier to kill the more my [Swordsmanship] leveled up.

Leveled Up - Skill:

[Swordsmanship] (Passive) - Lvl. 7 (Novice)

It hasn't made me into some legendary fighter, but I can feel a slight change in how I hold my sword, and a little less energy being wasted every time I strike. But the most important thing for me right now, is the fact that the skeleton I just killed was the last one needed to reach Level 2.

Sora Sakai - Level 2 [0%]

Human - Normal

Way to go! You really smashed that last one!

'Thanks Gaia. Now is there anything left to do, or is that all there is for this Dungeon?'

So far, it had been nothing more than a straightforward walk down the dirt path with a skeleton appearing every so often. While it made things easier on me, it also got repetitive quickly. There's only so many dead trees and skeletons I can stare at before I get bored.

Nope! That's it for this one.

This was what you might call the tutorial, it'll be harder next time.

That's…potentially worrying.

Quest Completed

[Dungeon Conqueror]


Unlocked - [Class Selection]

Unlocked - [Dungeon: Close]

Skill Unlocked:

[Dungeon: Close] (Active) - Lvl. MAX

Allows you to exit the Dungeon at any time.

Alright, now I've got a way out of here. But that other unlock is certainly interesting…'Hey Gaia, does Class Selection mean what I think it means?'

Oh yeah! I was wondering when that would appear.

You're going to love this!

Instantly, a new textbox appears in front of my vision. And the longer I stare at it, the more I feel like laughing maniacally.

Choose a Class:

[Warrior] [Mage] [Thief]

I wondered when I'd come across this! I couldn't be called a Gamer if I didn't get to pick a class, and without even having to think about it I knew exactly which one I was going to choose.

Gamer has chosen:


If there's one thing I've learned from video games, it's that magic provides far better options than the other two choices.

Choose a Specialization:

[Arcanist] [Elementalist] [Healer] [Illusionist] [Necromancer] [Summoner]

Now comes the difficult part. Which magical power do I want to use? Whichever one I go for will likely be how I see myself going forward as well as how others will see me, and I don't want to waste time leveling a specialization that I'll come to regret later on. So while Illusion sounds fun, I doubt it will help me very much in the early levels, and I need something that hits hard.

Arcanist is too broad, and the possibility that it'll end up being a support-type specialization like Healer is, is too great a risk to take at my low level.

[Elementalist] [Necromancer] [Summoner]

Between the remaining three choices, I have to get rid of Necromancer. It's far too often seen in a bad light, and I can't be making enemies yet without allies of my own.

[Elementalist] [Summoner]

Hmm…this is a tough choice. The ability to wield elements is obviously tempting, but I need allies soon if I'm eventually going to have to fight against Devil Peerages and Dungeon monsters in large numbers. I doubt the Dungeon is just going to keep putting a single skeleton in front of me at a time.

It won't.

It's a meanie.

Well, that makes the choice obvious then.

Class Unlocked:

[Class: Summoner] - Lvl. 1 (Novice)

The ability to summon other beings to fight at your side.

The higher the level, the more that can be summoned.

Skills Unlocked:

[Summon: Spirit] (Active) - Lvl. MAX

Summons ethereal animal spirits that act as spies, warning you of danger and allowing you to see through their eyes.

Able to summon +5 per Summoner Class level.

[Summon: Servant] (Active) - Lvl. 1 (Novice)

Summons humanoid servants that act as simple workers.

Able to summon +1 per Summoner Class level.

Two summons to start off with, and one that's already maxed? Hopefully they'll prove useful. At least [Spirit] will allow me to keep an eye on things happening in Kuoh while I'm at home. It's too far away to travel every time I want to check on things, and without wings or a form of teleportation, I'll likely only go into town from now on for food, clothes, and school.

I should test these out before I go any further. "[Summon: Spirit]."

At my words, a golden magic circle appears on the ground in front of me. Rising out of it is a group of five animals, made entirely out of ethereal golden energy. There are three deer, a fox, and a rabbit. And each one stares at me obediently with glowing golden eyes, waiting for my command. '[Observe].'

Spirit - Level 0

I didn't know that something could be at such a level. 'What does Level 0 mean Gaia?'

It means it's super weak.

Like, one hit and it goes POOF weak.

Which means I can't use it in any sort of combat situation. Damn…

Well, let's see what it can do.

Motioning towards the dirt path I had been walking down ever since I entered the Dungeon, one of the deer trots off without a sound. It moves surprisingly fast, and as it does its body starts fading before it disappears from sight. For a second, I worry that it's dispelled until it reappears farther down the path.





"If you wish to access more chapters in advance... It's available on my Patreon with a 20-chapter lead over WebNovel."
