
Chapter 21

It's tempting to push through my exhaustion for one or two more Dungeon runs, just to see what happens when my Class hits Apprentice. But that'll have to wait for tomorrow when I'm well rested. Besides, I haven't just been slaying Skeletons the whole time either, I've also been working on my Profession too.

Leveled Up - Profession:

[Profession: Artificer] - Lvl. 18 (Novice)

The sheer number of Rusted Swords that I was picking up with each run-through of a Dungeon was ridiculous. Even with Skeleton Archers intermixing with the regular Skeletons, I was still pulling in almost 8 blades with each group. Allowing me to double my Artificer level in just a few hours. At the rate it's leveling up, it will easily pass my Class's level, and put me one step closer to making some truly awesome enchanted weapons and items.

But enough about Dungeons and leveling for tonight, what I need right now is a warm shower and a soft bed. "[Dungeon: Close]."

The massive golden magic circle is a welcome sight, teleporting me and my small force of Servants to the garden of my home, having been reminded by Gaia not to do it inside any more or else I'd track in more dirt.

You're welcome! :)

With nary a thought, I send my Servants off to complete the chores around the house while the rest of them take up guard positions throughout the courtyard and garden. There's a certain feeling of safety I get whenever I see them keeping an ever-watchful vigil over my home, their lack of needing to eat or sleep makes them perfect for the role.

Which is what makes the last two Dungeon chests' rewards so interesting.

Item Received:

[Golden Mask] - (Common)

"A golden mask that hides the wearer's face."

Offers minimal identity protection.

Skill Received:

[Promotion] (Active) - Lvl. MAX

Promotes a Summon of each type to Guardian.

Able to promote +1 Summon per 10 Class levels.

The mask is similar to the ones my Servants' wear, only it's gold and has eyeholes for me to look through. It's more of a statement piece to go with my 20 Servants than an actual item that hides my identity.

Also, isn't that number unbelievable?

Just staring at my Servants as they stand in the larger group nearly made me cackle at how many I have now. But the mask is not nearly as amazing as the fact that I actually got a new skill as a reward. The perks and items have been good, but this is potentially game changing. It means that I can farm skills through the Dungeons instead of just relying on my Class.

Now what it actually does, I have no idea. The skill's description doesn't tell me much beyond a Summon becoming something called a 'Guardian'? That really could mean anything, but based on how few Summons it can be used on, I can guess that it'll be worth it.

Mentally commanding for one of my Servants to come back, I watch as a female Servant stands in front of me with her Holy Sword planted into the ground. A quick glance at her pale neck and the small bruises littering it, I realize that those are the same hickeys I left on the Servant I spent the night with.

"Oh, hello again. I didn't even realize who you were with how alike you and all your sisters look." I apologize. Even if she's my Servant and can't speak, it's still rude that I didn't notice who she was. While we hadn't gone so far as to have sex, we still had quite a few intimate moments last night and this morning. "Are you willing to let me test out one of my skills on you?"

The only response she gives is a single, firm nod as she stands just the tiniest bit straighter, prepared for anything and everything that could happen.

Taking comfort in how utterly fearless she is in the face of being used a test-dummy, I cast my new skill before I change my mind, praying that it doesn't cause her any pain. "[Promotion]!"

A small golden magic circle appears beneath her feet, quickly rising up to the top of her head as a golden light covers her form. When it dies down, I notice that her all-black suit now has small accents of gold in the cuffs and tie, and her long, silky black hair has golden tips. But the most noticeable change, and one that I'm very pleased with, is her featureless white mask has changed to a smaller one that covers only the area around her eyes and ends at the tip of her nose.

For the first time, I witness the face of one of my Servants. The black eye's staring back at me practically sparkle with devotion, and the full, black-painted lips draw my gaze as I watch them move for the first time. "How may I serve you, Master?"

Her voice is soft, and filled with nothing but the desire to see to my every need; and it causes a stirring in my pants. But I need to push aside my arousal and focus on what exactly has changed beyond her appearance. '[Observe].'

Servant (Guardian) - Level 22

Choosing not to make a big deal about the fact that my Servants are now six levels above me, there isn't much to gleam from her status beyond the new title. "Do you feel any differently than you did before?" I ask.

"I feel…more aware, Master." She replies hesitantly, obviously not having fully acclimated to the changes yet. "Like I now see what is going on around me, and can think beyond the simplicity of just following your orders. I can now offer you my opinion, and provide more assistance to you beyond what you've asked of us so far."

So she's essentially become self-aware? If it wasn't for the obvious devotion in her eyes and tone, I'd be worried that she might turn on me like Skynet had in the Terminator movies. Instead, all I can think about is just how useful it'll be to have someone as an assistant, providing a different perspective on things which I might never have even considered before.




"If you wish to access more chapters in advance... It's available on my Patreon with a 20-chapter lead over WebNovel."

"In my Patreon, the entire novel is also available in PDF format in the store section for those who wish to read it in full. You can access Patreon from the website to purchase the book, or I'll leave the link here:


