

Her new life chosen and now but known to the animals as (Lyric) Nathlyda before becoming a fox she had every tail of animals and she controlled her body to act as one big soul for the animal tails.

She had learned to speak their languages and know the Magic and Spells within the Spiritual Animals.

At the time of attack she was learning how to morph each animals tails inner and outter of the body strengthening the tails and the magic in them.

Including learning about the weakness of each Spiritual Animals as well the one animal she had memorized was the fox now on

They had been waken to who they're but not only that they could see the Souls of Color and the Twin Souls and Two Spirited.

Nathlyda has awaken as Lyric and her become one she listens and hears and feels animals being hurt and a piece of her arm got a cut on it she rushed to the animal and healed its wounds.

The silver fox intervened and said that way will lead you to trouble for your human and animals don't trust what they don't know.

The silver fox thought Lyric could not understand her but when she saw her morph into the rabbit to help the rabbits out she understood that this human is the Goddess of Animals.

Being the descendants from Owls Lyric and Sydney had changed the bloodline interjecting the Fox in the blood line they changed the way of the new souls.

Lyric already started changing things from the time her eyes open here on this planet in the kingdom she was a child now she had gained the information of all human and animal souls.

Her hearing and eyes sight improved rapidily she could change into any animal by just thinking it or be human or the 100 tailed fox with a twist she was a different breed.

Arriving at the cave the bears greeted Lyric they had asked her if she could be a bear as well she thought and morphed into become a black bear.

The animals around her were empressed by her they were curious about how she could heal the other animals.

Lyric spoke ancient words the cave began lighting up in all the colors of the souls and finally Lyric's fox ears appeared through the bears ears and her all tails started morphing into a silver fox tail.

Her hand became a paw and she licked the wound on the silver fox and sat up and said.

Its time a none color with a flame appeared and floated down from her fur onto the silver fox who was hurt and not breathing barely.

Lyric become human to find other ingredients for the silver fox in the cave she slept beside the fox a fire keeping them warm.

A phone call rang in as Lyric sat up and answered it the voice said Nath you haven't check in it's been a month she respond am training I almost got it Frost.

Just gave me another month and I will be home with bells on!! Ok sis plus Trey is out here.

Laryc went to speak but Lyric interrupted her I'll see you in a month promise kiss Winter for me bye.

The silver fox woke up and started growling at Lyric who was on the phone she attacked Lyric when back was turned.

The taste of Lyric's blood made the silver fox feel out of sorts it passed out beind Lyric's wounded body.

Days passed the smell of blood attracted wolves and coyotes to her body the animals smelt her and ran to find Trey the wolf some rabbits lead Trey too the body of the humans.

When Trey arrived his sister had been badly hurt and she was healing slower then usual.

He went to touch her but a force field of sorts pushed him away from her body so he sniffed around the area and found another human with silver hair behind Lyric.

Trey and the other animals moved the other human away from Lyric's body the rabbits gathered leaves and berries for the two women the birds carried water bottles filled with the Magic of the Pond.

The Queen of the Swans entered the cave she gathered her fellow Swans around Lyric's body and the unknown human and open and closed they're wings as the crows poured the magic on Lyric and the unknown woman.

The Queen said we need some of Lyric blood untainted Trey go to Laryc get her blood you have a day and half as a human to get there and back only her blood Laryc's no one else's.

Trey morphed into a 6 feet with brown wavy hair and one green eye and one animal wolf eye hazel his brown skinned man a merged out into the City his body had drawn him to Laryc's house.

He rang the doorbell and Xandra answered with baby in hand she said Hello Trey Frost!!!!!!

Really loud as she was letting someone know he was here Laryc popped her head out and said I thought you and your twin wanted a extra month.

Trey smiled with curious smirk and said Well yes we do want a extra month but I wondering if we can speak for a moment alone how about Frosty?

The smiled getting more curious Laryc responded don't call me that and of course.

We can speak alone she excused herself and went into her office which had memories and pictures of Trey and Nath and their parents and her.

Trey said I need your blood and only your blood for Lyric please she only has a day a half and you can't come back to the forest so please Laryc.

Laryc nodded her head and pulled out a knife she went in the kitchen got empty pop bottles rinsed it out and proceed with the knife the blood that flowed out had different color of souls it stopped at two bottles.

Her arm healed up soon after she hugged him and said gave her my love and make sure she's comes home after your trip.

Please take care of you and her and with that same curious smirk he walked out the door and disappeared like he was never here.

Back at the cave the silver hair woman has woken she is now panicking for fox body is gone and she is a human but the animals are speaking to her and she can understand them.

Footsteps approach and wolves and foxes started growling as the footsteps get closer the sound of the growling starts to lessen at the footsteps which is now in the cave its Trey with the blood.

The Queen of Swans takes the blood and the Magic of the Pond and mixes it together she poured it on Lyric's wound she began glow and her bones cracked her tails morphed in and out and finally her body stopped.

Several years went by and the silver hair woman had adapted too her human form she had built a cabin away with Lyric who has recovered.

It had been 19yrs since that time Lyric lives in both Human and Spiritual Worlds she is Nathlyda Frost in the Treasure City of Feasts but in the Hidden Village and Forest called Heaven she is Lyric the Goddess of Human and Animal Souls.

The silver hair human fox and Lyric lived happily ever after for their story has just began for adventures are stay a foot.