What if you could do anything you want? Godly abilities would be easily in your grasp. Women? Money? Easily obtained. Anything can be made in your sandbox. What if someone who is incredibly creative was given this power? Who just wanted to make interesting things for his own entertainment. Well that is what happens in this Worldbuilding/Creation Novel.
POV Magnetic Carlos:
The demon pushed me out of my chair and my face was making its way towards the ground, again. Darkness consumed me as my head hit the ground.
Another unknown amount of time later I found myself moving, I could tell I was moving due to my body being jerked around. I was in something. All the sides were enclosed. The faint heavy breathing of someone was heard from outside of my prison.
A language that I didn't know made it to me, suddenly I felt my enclosure drop onto the ground and start rolling. Yes the thing I was in was rolling down a hill or something, and it wasn't slowing down.
My body was stuck to the side of my cage as I rolled down the hill until… *CRACK*.
'Ow, that hurt, but it seems that I have stopped rolling. And is that light? Wait… am I in an egg shell?'
Surprised at this revelation, I try to break my way out of the egg cage I was in. *Crack* I kicked my leg off the inner shell of the egg and was able to crawl my way out of the egg.
When I got out I found myself in a desert, but this desert was weird. Instead of the yellow dunes I normally attributed to deserts, the dunes were gray? Like gravel.
'Huh are my hands usually yellow? And where am I? Is this the world that the demon was talking about? Did I reincarnate?'
There was nobody to answer my question, but I had to wonder what just happened to me?
'Ok so I died, then met a demon that was talking about reincarnating me, then I found myself in an egg being transported or carried somewhere, then I was dropped and I rolled down this hill, only to find out that I may not even be human?'
I have confirmed that I'm not human, and also I'm naked, in the middle of a desert.
"F*lk me lyfe"
I tried speaking but it came out as a jumbled mess.
'I don't want to be stranded by myself in the body of a newly born… thing, so I should probably follow the tracks leading to my transportation, if I don't find anything at least I will know which direction I came from.'
There was a slight mark on the gravel like dune that showed where I rolled from so I followed that up the hill and when I got there I found two pairs of feet moving, or should I say running.
'It looks like someone was running away from someone else, like maybe my mother was running away from someone and dropped me. But why do these feet look weird? They have spiky toes, oh… wait, these are exactly like my feet.'
'Now i had to decide, do I follow the tracks, or do i go in the opposite direction hoping to find Civilization? I can't see any sign of civilization that way, so I don't know how long it will take me to get there. I may die of dehydration, I'm also only a baby, though I can walk.'
I decided in the end to follow the tracks, I knew they couldn't have gone far. So I started running, I was in a hurry to catch up. And I was actually able to see them from a distance, it was too far to make out any details but I could tell there were 2 people.
As I got closer I noticed that they both stopped in place, unmoving. When I got even closer I noticed that these people were also not human, looking at their faces they looked like chameleons.
The first chameleon had a machete in hand and was swinging it down at the other chameleon that looked like a peasant. The first chameleon had some leather armor that kind of looked like a bandit, while the second chameleon gave me some familiarity.
Above them was a transparent chess game that was playing out rapidly, I could tell that my mother was the one playing black while the bandit was playing white, just glancing at the game I could tell white was winning.
'That's probably my mother, I'd rather not go in this life without a mother, how could I save her? I don't know what will happen when she loses that chess game.'
While I was thinking the chess game ended, and when it did, my mother fell over, unmoving and the bandit laughed.
An unrecognizable language once again hit my ears, the bandit turned his head to me and started laughing even harder. He said something else and then I found myself in a chess game.
[$&$#$ - wager his clothes, what will you wager?]
'I instinctively know what it was talking about? I have to wager something of equal value to his clothes, and since I don't have anything I have to wager my life? What is this? I have to wager my life? Over some clothes? I don't want to!'
But I had no choice as I was forced to wager something, and the only thing I had was my life. The chess game started, the outside world was moving in slow motion, I had the white pieces and my clock was ticking down, I had 1 hour and so did my opponent.
E4 my pawn moves, he goes for E5 and we have a king's pawn game. I develop my knight, but he goes D6? D4 i move my pawn, he takes with E5XD4 i take back with my knight. I had an early lead in development.
The game continued, he kept making slight mistakes, and eventually I found a place to sacrifice my knight. If he took my knight it would be checkmate in 5 moves, so he would have to leave it. He took my knight! My heart was pumping, I was excited about what would happen.
I checkmated his king but the game didn't end. He had to move his king still, he moved it to a place where I could take it, it was a checkmate. Taking his king, the game ended, in my mind something new appeared, like an inventory in a game I had gotten the bandits armor, I instinctively knew that I could either gain it or destroy it.
'Oh crap he looks angry!'
I watched as he raised his machete high into the air, frozen in place I didn't know what to do. The machete came crashing down on me. I covered my head with my hands and ducked down. I cowered in fear waiting for the pain to come but it never did.
[You have challenged $&$#$ - what will you wager?]
'EVERYTHING, I will wager everything I have.'
When I said that I had to wait for a little bit, but eventually another chess game did start, I knew instinctively that he had to wager his limbs and his machete.
'Ok so what have I gathered from this, I can challenge people to a game of chess that's in my mind, and we have to wager things.'
The game started and I was more confident this time. I was playing the black pieces this time, but that didn't matter. This guy sucked. The game played out, it started pretty slow, he was trying to close up the position, but i was easily able to find a breakthrough point.
A1 was promoted to queen, I was easily winning this game, I had a grin plastered onto my face. If i could do this with all of the people in this world then i could easily rise to the top of this world. I was cornering his king. He would soon have nowhere to go, and I took it.
The game ended and the legs of the bandit completely ripped off of his body, the machete he had in his hand was also gone. He screamed in agony.
'Holy crap, did I do that?'
Ok i was starting to regret betting everything, he's probably going to die due to blood loss. I wanted to put him out of his misery, so I entered my mind and selected 'Machete'. The machete appeared in my hand and was too big for me to handle, but I was able to lift it above my head and swing down on the bandit's nape.
The sharp machete cleaved straight through the guy's neck killing him. I swallowed the throwup in my throat, it was the first time I killed someone. When I killed him everything in his mindscape appeared in my mindscape, I instinctively knew what everything was, and I was surprised to see something called, 'Agama Soul'.
'Agama soul? So are these creatures called Agama? And whose soul was it? My supposed mothers.'
I wanted to gain the 'Agama soul' so I selected again. A blue ball appeared in my hand. I would survive better if I had a mother to guide me in this unknown world so I prayed to the Demon/God and put the soul into my mother Agama…
Pov MC:
I was sitting back and watching the Livestream, a surprising amount of viewers flooded into my stream.
[Mankillplier - what company made this, the CGI looks so good.]
[Prettypie - @Mankillplier i don't know, is this some special tv show, those chameleon people look amazing]
[TheobviousBot - wow this is so good, click this link for women near you https:...]
[Loudmanwithgreenhair - Holy crap did he just kill that guy!!!!]
[Unspiffingamerican - I can't believe that they killed off the first women on the show… oh wait she's been resurrected!?!!]
'Little do any of these people know that what they are watching is very real and I made their entire world just so I can live stream. But this show needs a big bad, it is kind of boring to watch someone become more and more powerful without any obstacles.'
'I want a list of all agama that are the same age as Magnetic Carlos.'
A List appeared in front of me l, scrolling through the list i found someone interesting, a newly born child that has been thrown into the dumpster because of the color of his natural purple skin.
'Perfect, I want this child to hate all agama, he has clumped them all up into a single category of evil, he believes that it is his job to purge the world of all agama. He is a genius at chess and has the potential to become as good as Carlos, but he needs to train hard.'
'That should make him the big bad, and oooh, how about I show the origin story to the stream. I want the origin story of this big bad too be shown to stream'
After Carlos put the soul of his mother back into her body, and revived her. The camera panned to a different egg, breaking out of the egg was a purple agama, instead of the normal yellow. The agama looked at him with disgust, they've never seen such a hideous agama before.
The place of this egg was a nursery. They took eggs from mothers that couldn't take care of them and nursed them until they hatched, which they will then be sold when they are considered adults, only if the mother or someone else doesn't adopt of course.
The agama were so disgusted by the purple skin of the newly born big bad, that they grabbed him and threw him into the local garbage dump. The expression on this big bad was of fury, then the camera switched back to the pov of Carlos.
[Dailydoseofcoffee - I feel so bad for poor purple buddy, I hope he kills them all.]
[Masterofkekw - Kekw Kekw Kekw kekw keke kekw]
[Restinpeacetechnoblade - Blood for the blood god, kill them all little purple guy]
'Ah this is fun, let's see where this goes from here. I hope I don't get too bored of it, because currently it's really interesting.