
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · Fantasie
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21 Chs

The Palace on the Moon

After defeating the Shadow Guild members, our companions decided to explore the palace. They approached its towering gates which stood tall and imposing before them.

Emily raised her wand and tapped it three times against the stone floor. A moment later, beams of light shot out from her wand, illuminating the entrance in a soft glow.

As they stepped through into what appeared to be an enormous hall filled with crystal chandeliers hanging overhead reflecting light off gleaming surfaces everywhere around them Timothy gasped at how beautiful everything looked!

The group wandered around for a while, admiring their surroundings until Emily led them towards a massive door that seemed almost too heavy to move by hand alone. However, Emily pulled it open easily using magic spells learned from The Tower's library over time.

Beyond lay chambers filled with ancient artifacts scattered about; some were marred or broken beyond recognition but still held precious memories within their walls- objects passed down from generations long gone whose history remained encoded within each piece forevermore.

Alya stopped suddenly as if sensing something awry in this place - there was definitely more here than met anyone's eyes! She warned everyone else to be careful where they treaded since there could be traps lurking as well as hidden enemies waiting nearby…

They proceeded cautiously now without making any sudden movements so not draw attention towards themselves unnecessarily while keeping alert all times wary of potential dangers lying ahead or even behind them lest any threats posed imminent danger should arise unexpectedly once again just like before when enemies caught up quite surprisingly last time!

Timothy found himself drawn towards one particular artifact tucked away in an abandoned corner of one chamber after rummaging through shelves full scrolls detailing lost teachings regarding magical arts long forgotten…

It was a book bound by leather made out of celestial dragon skin embroidered with runes glowing faintly under dimming lights emanating throughout every surface inside this vast room containing knowledge unknown yet vital needed now more than ever before.

Timothy opened the book with shaking hands, eager to uncover its secrets. Before he had even read a single word, he felt his mind starting to expand and fill with new knowledge - magic that was beyond anything he had ever experienced or learned from The Tower's library!

Overwhelmed by this newfound power coursing through him, Timothy stumbled backward and nearly fell over if not for Alya who caught him in time! Emily stopped them both immediately since she sensed something went wrong as soon as it happened…

"What did you find?" Emily asked curiously while helping Timothy back onto his feet again.

"I- I'm not sure," replied Timothy shakily. "It's like my mind is full of information, but I can't seem to put it all together."

Alya stepped forward then gestured towards an imposing statue standing tall behind a curtain whose form appeared almost human-like yet also quite different – Its head elongated too much top was its eyes squinted; other features seemed out place among humans suggesting origins far removed from their own world altogether perhaps?

Emily looked at Alya questioningly before nodding slowly: "This statue must be ancient… very old indeed." She paused thoughtfully for another moment before continuing on her thoughts about what they should do next.

"We need more answers; we have come this far already only to turn back now would be foolish," Emily said resolutely. "Let us continue our journey deeper into the palace where more secrets might lie awaiting discovery!"

And so our companions pressed on further into the depths of the magnificent palace on the moon…