
World Quest

Jacob Springer a human from earth met his end during the global extinction. Met with no other choice, before he died he asked for a single wish. A single wish for another life. Who would have guess that right after he died, his wish will be heard. This is the story of Jacob Springer, a human flesh in another world. This is , WORLD QUEST

dionescuyn · Fantasie
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25 Chs

A golden body

The next day, jacob went up early morning to water his plants. To his surprise, all of it had began germinating and producing healthy sprouts, this means that all of jacobs plants are growing in a rapid rate.

Usually a plant needs a couple of days or three for it to germinate. Never did he expect that all of them will germinate soon. This made jacob be delighted. Thus he proceeds with his daily chore and prepared himself to have a great walk.

Last night, jacob decided to visit the entire city to see what is happening inside the kingdom. On his way, he saw couple of citizens who were talking about the happenings last night. It seems like a man named general clayford have opened up the sixth floor, yet the king itself have restricted everyone from accessing it.

Citizen: Do you think it has something to do with the general?

Citizen 2: I dont think so, and beside it is also a great opportunity for our low level warriors.

Citizen: Well you might be right.

Jacob continued walking while gasping out the things that is happening inside the kingdom specially the tower of doom. He then went for a left turn and saw the kingdoms Tavern. Where most of the information are circulated.

sfx: Door opens

Tavern Guard: Welcome to the Atlantis Tavern.

sfx : crowd chatting.

Jacob went to a nearby empty sit and ordered something to eat.

Jacob: Here!

Jacob raises his hand making the waitress aware that he wants to order a food, thus the waitress then proceed to assist jacob.

Waitress: Hi dear customer, what would be your order for today?

Jacob: A meat and bread.

Waitress: Meat and bread, that would be 3 silvers in all, is there anything else?

Jacob: No thats it.

Waitress: No worries we will have it serve to you any minute soon, ok?

Jacob: OK, thanks.

Meanwhile jacob is keen enough to gasp every information that are circulating inside the kingdoms tavern.

Customer: It seems like, the king himself have ordered his personal warriors to guard the gate to the 6th floor.

Customer: What? Then can we access it?

Customer: Apparently no, It seems like, the king is giving the our low level warriors a great boost.

Customer: I heard that even the mage guild have also restricted their level 4 and 5 from entering the tower of doom.

Customer: Did they?

Customer: Then thats probably the reason why.

Customer: So when will they stop the restriction?

Customer: That, we dont know. Yet its a great boost indeed, that way we could temporarily level up and gained the recognition of the shadow deity.

"Shadow deity?, arent they following the water deity Aquarius?" claimed by jacob.

Customer: Have you heard, that the mage guild have successfully produce another level 6 wizard?

Customer: Really?

Customer: Apparently he is a young man, he holds 5 elemental affinity just like general clayford.

Customer: In our knights Guild, we also have produce 4 level 5 great warriors and we expected them to reach level 6 soon.

Customer: Our kingdom is indeed growing up in power.

Customer: We have to, the global tournament is coming near, thus we have to do our best and get stronger, that way we could defend our kingdom towards the other great empires.

Cusromer: Thats right.

Customer: Assasins guild have already produce the very first couple of level 7. I think, princess mera too is going up to level 8.

Customer: Thats a great news.

Meanwhile, the waiter serve jacobs food on his table.

waiter: your food is now serve sire, enjoy your meal.

Jacob look at the waiter and give him a big smile.

Jacob: Thank you.

"It is indeed a great place, information are almost everywhere "claimed by jacob as he began eating his meal.

Customer: Lately a couple of assasins have noticed a giant skeleton of snake on the northern forest, they tried to figure out how did it appear mysteriously.

Customer: Really?

Customer: Yes, and you know what?, the skeleton has no traced of being burnt nor being eaten, it just mysteriously appeared on that place.

Customer: Strange, and what did the assasins do after that?

Customer: They tried to use the skeleton as a ladder to get off from the cliff, however halfway they have to retreat. The forests lurks with several Humungous monsters.

Customer: Legendary monsters?

Customer: Yes, those assasins are all level 5, and they did not dare to move any further. When they report it to the guild, princess mera and his team of level 7 decided to venture it.

Customer: Then that would be great.

"The northern forest, im afraid they wont be able to handle it" claimed by jacob while he is eating his meal.

at that moment the door from the tavern opened up and an adventurer pops out giving out a great news.


as soon as they heard it, everyone is filled with joy.

sfx: crowd cheering.

Customer: Oh my, Really thats great? We are just talking about her earlier.

Customer: ahaha, its a great news my friend.

Customer: Give us a sake here!!!

And the whole crowd celebrated for the princess success.

"A level 9, hmmm. i guess theyve murdered another specie from that forest." claimed by jacob.

At that moment, a sudden question then pops out on his mind.

"Wait, did they hauled the body of the giant monsters?. Its not possible" claimed by jacob.

Moment later, he had realized that he missed something very important. Then just at the nick of time, jacob remember the monster core that he obtained from the giant snake that he had slained.

"Oh god, monster core, i needed those monster core" claimed by jacob as he hurriedly finished up his meal..

Jacob: Heres my pay, thank you for the great meal.

After that he immediately run towards the kingdoms gate, as fast as the hurricane, jacob vanished in the kingdoms tavern. With jacobs current physique he could dash the kingdoms gate and arrive on it for 30 minutes.

"Ever since ive cleansed out my body, i could feel the great boost in my physique ."claimed by jacob while running.

It is indeed true, his speed is incredibly fast.

"I dont even feel tired at all, i bet i could even fight those humungous monsters head on" claimed by jacob while running.

What happpens to jacobs physique is called enhancement of body cultivation. In this world, people tend to get themselves to be dependent from the blessing of goddesses. However, in jacobs case, it is not. He is using the essences of the world, consuming it in his body, training it by accumulating its resources building his own strength without rellying on the blessing of the godesses. And currently the changes that have gone through jacobs body is indeed great. The once red bones have turned into purple skeleton. This only means that each of his bones are already several hundreds stronger than the regular bones of any normal humans.

His muscles and flesh, despite of not being a musculine, each of it were intact and compressed, they are hard and tough. His nerves and sensory organs are also several times stronger than any humans of the current era. They're gradually working in sync and coordinating together in one entire amazing body. Jacob only needs to tamper it right now and he will be able to obtain, a stronger body called golden body. In ancient china, a golden body is almost at the peak of human bodies existence. A body that cannot be injured nor be broken, that is golden body.

Later, after several hours of hiking and running, jacob have finally reached the spot where in he believes the princess of atlantis leveled up. In front of him were 8 headless body of giant monsters.

Jacob: What a brute princess.

He then used his eagles eye to check if there are monster core inside and to his surprised, 6 of them have a monster core. With his cooper sword, jacob pulled out each of those monster core and pilled them like a tall tower. He then cut his palm using his knife and let out his blood flows unto the pile of monster cores. At that moment, six monster core gradually dispersed and entered jacobs body, cleansing it out from impurities and enhancing it even more further. The dead flesh of the six monsters gradually disperse and a massive gas particles covered jacob instantly.

Jacob have not yet tried absorbing 6 monster core at a time, it was his first time, and right now, his body is almost on the verge of breaking. It seems like his body can no longer handle the rich essence that six core produce.

Jacobs state of consciousness is also in severe pain. His blood gradually flows out in body, his mouth, ears, eyes, nose, arse and his sword. Still jacob persevere and remained calm, trying to circulate everything inside him, he is currently having a mix feeling of being hot and being cold, it was a strange feeling that is bothering him from circulating the essences inside him.

Meanwhile, a pool of blood has already covered the entire area around jacob. It was a horrible view. Yet jacob persisted, jacob is like a fountain of blood himself, sitting cross-legged releasing out a pool of blood at a time. Any human who would experience this, would definitely die. It is a sure kill situation, just the blood loss alone is impossible to survive. Yet jacobs heart, brain and nerves are perfectly fine.

What is happening to jacob is just a refining and tampering process of his body cultivation. In the future ,budhists believes that loss is a gain. This is literally whats happening to jacob. Each of the monster core essensces are tampering and refining jacobs entire body preparing it for a much more better one.

The golden body. Each of his bone marrows are being cleansed out thoroughly, each of his fibers are being tampered, each of his joints and ligaments are being tampered, everything that is inside his body his organs they are currently undergoing on a massive transformation. All of this things are necessary process to obtain a golden body.

After long couple of hours the monster core essences around jacob was fully consumed. By that time, jacob opened up his eyes and stood up. His body figure had shrink a lot due to severe blood loss. Yet he is perfectly fine, in fact, a loud growl from his stomach roared up. Seeing 2 giant piece of monsters meat is around him, without hesitation, jacob tear it up with his sword and pulled out a chunk of its meat and started devouring it.

His unbearable hunger made him eat the chunk of fresh meat without noticing that it is still raw, he did not even noticed the pool of blood around him, nor his sorry state figure covered with his own blood. By the time he finished up the entire chunk of meat, he then realized that its still raw, thus he decided to create a fire on the nearby field. Jacob then enjoyed his feast.

It is already night when jacob finally finished up the entire course of roasted meat. After eating, he finally gasped out what had happened to him, thus, he immediately went back to the kingdom to take his rest. He could have gone first to the nearby river however he felt that a strong presence of a malicious monster is present around him, thus, he decided to move back to the kingdom despite of how horrifying his look is.

The moment he steps his foot in the kingdoms gate, two guards who saw him jumped out with fright.

Guards: WHA!!!!!!

Their horrified faces was unimaginable, its hard to believe that the guards of the kingdom would be terrified that easily. However as a guard they have to validate jacobs existence thus they halted him for awhile to check his identity.

Jacob had given them his identity token.

Seeing how he looks and how he was covered in blood, the two guards asked jacob with slight hesitation.

Guard: You..you are still alive, right?

Jacob. Yeah, perfectly doin fine .

Guard: What happened out there?

Jacob: I kinda had some encounter and was drenched with the monsters blood.

The moment they heard monsters blood, everything made sense for them.

Never did they know that it was jacobs own blood.

Guard: You may now enter the kingdom Mr.Jacob.

Jacob:Thank you.

Jacob walks on the street at night on a bloody figure and most of the citizens who saw him are terrified, his whole presence have perfectly matched the eerie sensation of the night making almost everyone who saw him be frightened.

"Good night everyone" claimed by jacob as he laugh out loud by himself.

It is already past midnight when jacob reach out his residence, he then head first to the nearby river stream to take his bath and cleansed himself from being drenched with his own blood. As soon as jacobs cleansed himself, a grand image of a royal elf appear to his reflection on the river stream. Right now, he is like a half human half elf under the moonlight of the night.

Jacob cannot believe it and he is quite delighted with it.

He then closed his eyes to check his status and found out that nothing did really change, or not.

lvl 2. Jacob

Str. F--

aGi. F--

Vit. F

int. f--

Luck. S+++


Title: Gardener


Skill: Immeasurable luck, heavenly comprehension, godly facade, godly farmers hands.


The moment jacob saw it, he was surprised and claimed.

Jacob: Im no longer a coward? im no longer a coward?

jacob is in shocked of what he saw, the first thing he had noticed is his title.

Jacob: I am no longer a coward.