
World Of The Sword

Huguel is a drug dealer leader of the slum where helping poor people is innocent against bandits.

PlayerOliver · Urban
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14 Chs


Huguel's suggestion to visit the nearest police station raises eyebrows among his fellow leaders. They know it's a risky move, but Huguel insists they need to do something to improve their relationship with the authorities. As they approached the station, Huguel took a deep breath and walked forward. He introduces himself and explains that they are there to discuss ways to help the favela and reduce crime. To his surprise, the officers listen carefully and even offer a few suggestions of their own. At the end of the meeting, Huguel feels that they have made some progress. As they left the station, Huguel couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Maybe, just maybe, they can work together to make a difference in the favela.

Huguel's sign draws the attention of both the police and residents. It becomes a symbol of hope for peace, but also a warning of retaliation if violence continues.