
World of Rita

In a world where most of the population have awoken a power called system follow our protagonist Keith Astral on his journey to gain power and fame and to restore his family's name.

Jacko91 · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening Ceremony!

My name is Keith Astral I'm a typical eighteen year old high school student, I had just recently turned eighteen, I live in the town of Greystone a part of country of Trinity alone due to my parents and older sister having died years earlier I have no other living relatives. I'm average height for my age 5'2, I have a lean build, I have white pale skin with a okay complexion, I have short messy brown hair that fall to my shoulders and brown eyes ,my looks aren't bad but they aren't good either for girls to swoon over me.

At this very moment I'm seated In a hall which walls are colored in white that is the great hall a part of the building that is known as the tower of awakening, a tower that symbolized the country of Trinity's history as it was the only thing that remained from that era, the tower of Awakening has another name the tower of Rita a name that is well known in the history books as being a legendary hero of the country of Trinity. The tower of Awakening is a landmark in the country of Trinity as it's what helps people recognize that this is the capital city as it's the only capital with the tower of Awakening. the great hall appears to be able to hold at least least five hundred people in here but right now including myself there are four people seated as well as the guard by the chamber door.

"Rex Bone" called the guard

In the first row of seats which was three rows in front of mine sat a guy, he got up from his seat and began making his way to the chamber door. Rex Stone is a short guy with a lean build, he has pale white skin with a okay complexion he has messy blond hair that falls to his waist and sapphire blue eyes, he was a handsome looking guy who was most likely very popular at school. Once at the chamber door the guard opened the door and once Rex had walked in the guard closed it again.

Now that Rex has entered the chamber the remaining people that are left seated including myself is another guy and two girls altogether there are four of us seated in the great hall.

You might be wondering why I'm here at the tower instead of attending school? Its only natural that you would be wondering that.

Today is a very special day as a special ceremony is being held…It's the awakening ceremony!

The awakening ceremony is a special ceremony that has been held every year since the days of Rita,around the month of July.

Why is that you ask? According to the history books it is the month that the first person in history Rita awoken her system and it was decided that the ceremony should be held on the same month that she awoken hers.All young adults around the country whom recently turned eighteen years of age are required by law to attend.

The ceremony isn't done unnecessary there is significant reason for it.

Around a thousand years ago the country of Trinity was once home to all sorts of races from elf's to even dragons, with the humans holding the seat of power for generations. It was a human that was king of Trinity and as a race humans were the weakest of all the races that lived in Trinity at the time. Like all things harmony never lasts.The other races grew tired and irritated of having to obey the king of Trinity who was a human the other races didn't like the idea of humans the weakest race ruling Trinity. The humans had ruled over Trinity since its founding it was only natural that the humans believed that they were the rightful rulers of Trinity. The dragons the mightiest and strongest of all races wasn't about to just sit by and allow humans to continue to act superior to the other races despite them being the weakest race.The dragons having had enough of humans rule they declared war on the humans in fact they declared war on all races they intended to show every races the might of the dragons and that are meant to rule.

How was the human race even suppose to compete against all of the other races you ask? They weren't. They had no chance in battle against any of the other races and they knew that.

Humanity was nearly brought to extinction.Their numbers continued to decrease by day either from dying to buy the remaining humans time to flee or from a illness that they didn't have the means to cure.The remaining humans total was only a few thousand, since the beginning of this war millions had died.They prayed everyday for this this nightmare to come to a end, they tirelessly prayed for a miracle to happen.They prayed despite knowing that it will never happen they just prayed to give them hope in this dark world.As if answering all their prays out of all the remaining humans a sole human rose up to face the other races head on.

Was this woman crazy or did she have a death wish! Probably both.

The remaining were shocked beyond belief as they watched this woman defeat a group of elf's with little ease which should of been impossible as elf's are one of most gifted races when it comes to magic.The remaining humans were convinced that this woman was a goddess that descended from heaven to save them in their hour of crisis.This woman wasn't a goddess at all but a human just like them that had worked as a doctor before the war started and lost lots of friends and even her own family.This woman had awoken to a mysterious power called: System. As if a chain reaction had occurred every other human around her began awakening this very power as well it was a mystery that even to this day has never been answered.Together the remaining humans fought back against the other races whom up to this point have forced humanity to near extinction.

Was this system enough to give them the upper hand?

For as long as they can remember the other races had thought that humans were nothing more than Pitiful and a weak race but that all changed the moment the humans awoken the power of system the other races were given a slap In the face as they all witness the tide of the war change.With their new power the humans easily defeated some of the most powerful and mightiest races that once seemed impossible to imagine they would ever defeat the remaining humans were aiming for a goal in ending this war.

The humans had proved to almost all the race except the dragons the ones that stated the war.The dragons didn't even think that humans were even a challenge to them but reality slap them in the face when the woman overpowered a dragon and one by one the dragons fell from the sky to ground to the dragons it was a nightmare but to the humans it was a dream come true they had dreamt of the day that they could teach the dragons not to underestimate them.After all the races had been defeated the current king of Trinity Kaien Frost exiled them from Trinity and this same king married the woman that had given humanity their future again. This woman was known as Rita.

"Wendy Diego " called the guard

Seated in the third row of seats a row in front of mine a girl got up and began walking towards the chamber. Wendy Diego was below average height she had a slim build, she has a decent size chest, she has white fair skin with a great complexion, she has long blue hair tied into twin tails that reach her waist she was a cute looking girl.Just like Rex the guard opened the door for Wendy then closed it once she went in.

Now that just leaves myself and two other people seated in the great hall waiting patiently for our names to be called. When I arrived around nine this morning this hall was packed solid with people that I had to stand for almost three hours straight.

This tower of awakening that I'm currently seated in has the ability to awaken the power called: System.This tower was named after that very woman that gave us a future to look towards and it's a very fitting name as she was the first to awaken the power. The awakening Tower of Rita is its official name as a tribute to her so that she is never forgotten or that we never forget our past and all those that died during that war all those years ago.

Through the power of systems humans finally begin to grow stronger than they ever have before. I know it sounds like a dream but it's thanks to the system that we are here today as we almost became extinct.

Thanks to the points they earn that they earn by doing various of missions their systems give them,a single point can be exchanged for a days worth of life it's thanks to this that we humans are able to live longer we had previously been able to do,points can be exchanged for various things from within the system itself. Points are just use to obtain things from the system they can be used to level up the system itself.

Oddly enough no one ever wants to level up their systems.

The reason for that is the existence of side effects or as they are commonly known as system unique skills its the main reason why a lot of people have refused to level up their systems.Once awoken the systems come with a side effect that is referred as unique skills that that relates to that very system depending on the system you have your side effect is going to be similar to it, no one has the same system or side effect.They are called side effects cause it can either hinder one's daily life making it almost impossible to earn points and can even deduct points instead of giving points or make one's life very easy.Side effects grow stronger with each level that is gained. These side effects can really cripple people and it's the reason why many people have up right refused to level their systems up.Most people choose not to level their system up at all they prefer to stay at level one the longest a person can stay at level one without levelling up is around twenty years at best.The magical energy that the system releases would build at a very dangerous rate to the point that the person would instantly die from too much magical energy in body to handle.

"Millie Wood" called the guard

Just a row behind me a beautiful girl stood up and began making her way towards the chamber. Millie Wood is average height 4'8, she has a slender build and her chest is large, she has white fair skin with a great complexion, she has short black hair that falls to her shoulders and black eyes, she is simply beautiful.Just like the previous two people the guard opens the door for her and closes it once she goes in.

All those whom attend the awakening ceremony all come with high hopes that includes myself, of awakening a powerful system stronger or similar to their parents but unfortunately it doesn't work like that the process of awakening the system isn't known it's mostly kept secret.

Why was it a secret?

The only people that the secret are the higher ups in the government most likely to prevent the other races from finding out the secret of humans mysterious power.The other races still don't know anything about the power that gave humans the advantage to win the war a thousand years, so all information about the awakening process is kept secret cause who can say if they found out the secret that they wouldn't repeat what happened a thousand years ago.

"Keith..Astral " called the guard

I got up from my seat my legs were aching as hell I had been seated for at least five and a half hours so I was glad to be called. I Made my way towards the chamber door the door itself was like everything else in the great hall in was fancy looking it looked like it was made out of emerald.once I'm at the door the guard opened it like he did for the others that went in before me, once I had walked through the door the guard closed it.

"Whoa!" I leaked in surprise "I wasn't expecting this"

The chamber was bigger than I expected it to be I mean from outside the town you wouldn't expect the rooms in the tower to be big it had limestone titles across all the walls of the chamber from top to bottom and at the back of the chamber was a huge tree. The tree was huge enough that it grew through the floor above, in the centre of the chamber there was a set of tables,something that looks like a pedestal and of course a chair. Right next to the tables was a elderly man he looked to be in his sixties, he was short with a big built, he had long grey hair that to the middle of his back and emerald green eyes, he is wearing a old grey robe.

"I'm elder Fa Crosswood" introduced the elderly man "I'll be in charge of your awakening today"

"I'm Keith Astral" I introduced myself "I'll in your care today"

"Yes, I know " said Elder Fa "try not to be too nervous"

Easy for him to say it's a special ceremony that will affect one's future depending on the system that is awoken. Elder Fa handed me a bottle with some unknown green liquid inside off the table I was skeptical to even accept the bottle from him as I didn't even know what was inside the bottle.I accepted the bottle nevertheless as this tower was sacred ground, they wouldn't go around poisoning people as the punishment for doing so inside this tower is that they are put to death.

"Drink this" instructed Elder Fa "it will help start the awakening procedure"

"What is this?" I asked wanted know what I was about to drink "it doesn't really look safe to drink"

"It's nothing to be afraid of" replied Elder Fa "It's awakening potion that will begin the process of awakening your system "

"Don't ask what's it made of as I'm not permitted to answer that question" added Elder Fa "it's strictly forbidden for me to reveal what's it made of"

"Have you been asked that question before?" I asked "cause you are well prepared for the question I had"

"I have" replied Elder Fa "In fact I've been asked once already today"

I was still nervous about drinking this potion despite being told what the liquid is but nevertheless I drank the potion as instructed by Elder Fa and I will honest it tasted vile like nothing I've tasted before in my life,I don't want to drink anything like this again. One moment passed and nothing happened and then all of a sudden a I felt a intense pain throughout my entire body a pain that I've never felt in my life.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed in pain "it hurts"

The pain continued for what felt like eternity when in fact it was only a minute that had passed. The pain slowly began to subdue and which I was glad for then as I opened my eyes I saw it right before me it looked like a display screen you see on some of those videos games

"Judging by your expression" said Elder Fa "A congratulations are in order. "

"You have successfully awoken your system without any problems occurring " Added Elder Fa "which is a relief for me@

"Do problems occur during awakening?" I asked "as you seem pleased that no problem occurred."

"Certainly. They happen from to time though they are rare" replied Elder Fa "it's extremely rare but some can die from the awakening procedure"

"I guess I'm lucky then" I said "as I'm still alive@

"That you are" spoke Elder Fa "Now then, take a look at your system. You should see a option called system menu as it's the only option there"

Elder Fa was right  there was only one option available I wonder if more options will appear later on.I selected the system menu with my mind just by thinking open system menu which I have to say was very handy.Upon seeing my system details my jaw dropped to the ground.


System name: Desire

Star level: 10


Name: Keith Astral

Age: 18

Race: Human

Gender: Male


System level: 1

Max level: Unknown

Points for next level up: 10,000

Magical Points: 0

Life partners: None

Missions: 0

Skills: None


Buyable skills and abilities level 1:

1) Desire scent: 1,000 points

Skill description: This skill lets of a scent that makes any nearby women aroused and sexually attracted to you: Max usage once a day.

2) Stamina: 100 points

Skill Description: This skill increases your sexual stamina allowing you to fuck woman longer.

3) Penis Length: 150 points

Skill description: This skill Increases the size of you penis and no one likes a cock that is a size of a twig.

4) Semen Volume: 200 points

Skill description: This skill increases the amount of semen you can eject upon ejection.


Points earning method:

1) See a woman naked: 15 points

Description: it simple see a woman naked there ain't nothing to it but to a virgin like you this might seem impossible but it ain't.

2) Touch a woman's breast or ass above her clothes: 30 points

Description: Touching a woman's breasts might sound like a dream.

Permanent methods:

1) Kiss: 10 points

Description: Don't be shy give a good kiss.

2) Give cunnilingus: 50 points

Description: Don't just stand there make the girl feel good.

3) Get Fellatio: 50 points

Description: From woman not men! You understand me!

4) Vaginal Sex: 100 points

Description: Don't think just go with the flow!

5) Anal Sex: 110 points

Description: Your a man of culture aren't you?

6: Impregnating: 1,000 points

Description: Who doesn't want to make a family?


Side Effect: Desire Burst

Description: You will loose absolute control of you body for a time period. All your physical abilities will be enhanced.


"What the hell is this?" I muttered to myself "you got to be kidding me?"