
World of magic and sex

Once upon a time, there were two young wizards named Ariadne and Flood. They decided to take a shortcut through the magic library, only to find themselves trapped inside. They met a mysterious Librarian who told them that the only way to escape was to pass a series of tests. So, the two wizards set out to complete the tests, which included tasks like solving riddles, navigating mazes, and even befriending a grumpy dragon. In the end, they succeeded and made it out of the library, richer in knowledge and friendship. And they all lived happily ever after - the end!

Godshunter · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 1

Our teenage protagonist is walking home from school, lost in thought about his crush. Suddenly, he hears a strange buzzing sound and feels a tingling sensation all over his body. The world around him starts to blur, and then everything goes black. When he opens his eyes again, he's no longer in the real world. He's in a strange and unfamiliar place.