
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantasie
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Chapter 20: Chase The Chaser???

Misha: [ Sees Mercedes and activates ( Rush, Melodies Gift, Calm of the Mind.) These abilities boosts her speed, boost spell controll, and boost her mind processing ability. After using this she touches Mercedes. ]

Mercedes: I'm it. This is fun. " Who should I get? " [ Senses Baymar and Frey, she chooses Frey. Mercedes uses her spells and abilities. ( Speed boost, Muscle improvement, Reinforcement, Rush, Lessen weight, Hidden steps, magic rush, Golden burst, Invisible image.) These abilities made her insanely fast. Mercedes casted all of these spells in an insant. She locates Frey and dashes towards her and touches Frey. Frey is it. Frey Frantically looking for someone to tag. Frey runs and senses Terrick. Terrick in a calm state just sitting and waiting. Frey rushes towards him with all of her speed tries to tag him but time runs out. ]

Kitaro: [ Everyone groups up] Hello everyone that was a fun game but 2 are eliminated. Sorry Frey and Falco. You two got tagged the most or ended as the chaser. Well Pam was picked twice but Faclo had a longer time.

Markus: Hahaha, Loser.

Falco: Damn. I am such an Idiot.

Frey: [😢😢😭😭😭] Nooo I was just getting there.

Kitaro: So 8 people left, Terrick, Markus, Mercedes, Pam, Sakriel, me, Baymar, and Misha. Those are the 8 people. Same rules and everyone tag count is reset. Lets goooooooooo. Frey pick who will be it?

Frey: Sakriel will be it.

Sakriel: Nice, I'll get Baymar because he is an easy target.

Baymar: Pfft, " This bastard. "

Kitaro: Okay let the games begin.

Sakriel: [ 2 minutes start. Time goes and the 10 seconds count down starts. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, ,3 ,2 ,1. Sakriel rushes in using life energy he boosts his muslces and speed and acceleration of each fiber. Sakriel was so fast he caught Baymar. Sakriel physically grabing Baymar and draging him across the floor and building. Destroying everything that was there. Sakriel made sure no civilians were injured during this fight. Sakriel throws Baymar into the side of the street.]

Sakriel: Get up you Sea Monster. Even though you have a Dragon Name, I wont accept it unless you are strong, but YOU ARE WEAK.

Baymar: [ Gets up and charges his mana. ] Sakriel ever since I joined the Dragons table you despied me ever since. Why huh? Do you have some hidden anger towards me?

Sakriel: No the truth is... How does someone like you get a beautiful wife. That is outrageous. You look like a aligator and aren't ecen strong compared to me.

Baymar: I was never trying when I fought you. Humans tend to be weak.

Sakriel: Take this. [ Life Energy enhanced punches. With his spells and abilities being activated, this fight qas so fast and devastating that it cause the area to be destroyed. Sakriel and Baymar in 1,000 gold debt each. ]

Kitaro: What is going on they both are just fighting and passing the Chaser along one another. [ They continue to fight. Baymar and Sakriel fights and it was like a war ground. The rest of the kings and queens had to evacuate the civilization in the area for a bit. Time ends.]

Kitaro: Hey everyone stop it now. Time is up.

Baymar: [ Breathing heavily, and Sakriel tired as he can be. Both, got down to one knee and were almost evenly matched but during that one knee Sakriel fainted and left Baymar the victor of that fight. ]

Kitaro: Since the 2 people were the most picked. Baymar and Sakriel are out for the next round. We have 6 people left. ( Misha, Mercedes, Pam, Markus, Terrick and myself. )

Kitaro: We are playing the same game but now another rule will be added. Never get tagged. Who ever gets tagged becomes out for the next round. If everyone gets tagged it is who ever has the least amount of tags enters the next round. Everyone got that?.

Misha: Clear.

Mercedes: What's the next round going to be about?

Markus: Who is the Chaser this new round? Can I be it?

Terrick: This game is very fun, I should incorporate it into my warriors training games.

Pam: My king would love this. My army would also appreciate this game. It is so tough. Injuries can happen and that's something we all must learn to counter.

Kitaro: Haha good, everyone seems to be in good spirit. By the way, Baymar are you okay? Sakriel really doesn't seem to like you?

Baymar: It is because he beat me during a introduction fight. Ever since he disrespected me. To be fair I was really weak back then now, I am a bit stronger.

Sakriel: [ Slowly gets out of unconsciousness. ]

No you definitely gotten stronger. Also what is that thing where you said you wasn't trying? You were definitely trying our introduction fight.

Baymar: Yeah, I was but I didn't know anything, my father hasn't told me about them or how they fight. I know now so I can fight better.

Kitaro: Is everyone ready? Pam you will be it because you still got the most tagged out of the rest.

Pam: Sure, now do I get a tagged touch while being the first one it?

Kitaro: Will being first one to be IT give you a count towards your tag times count? Well no but if you are still it after the time runs out. Then yes.


Kitaro: You heard her lets get going.

[ Everyone still playing started to go and move. This is the official round of 3 for Combat Tag.]

Markus: " I won't ever get tagged now I want to win this game and the money."

Baymar and Sakriel: [ During this time they repaired the broken houses with mana and fixed up whatever they can. It reduced the gold amount to 30 gold instead of 1,000 gold each.]

Markus: [ Senses everyone and makes sure he is alone. He sense Kitaro coming close but Kitaro isn't it so he talks to Kitaro.]

Markus: So what are you doing after this game? What is the next round going to be?

Kitaro: It will be a combat final. The few winners will fight eachother until unconscious, forfiet, or until they can't fight no more. This will be a no kill combat game as well. Ill tell everyone about it after the time runes out. We have 25 minutes left.

Markus: Haha you better not be It, because I really want to fight you.

Kitaro: Same, I'll get going now.

Pam: [ During this Pam chased Misha and touches her. Misha touched Mercedes. Mercedes uses her spells and moves to touch Terrick. Terrick grabs Misha. Misha touches Pam. Times runs out and Pam, Terrick, Misha, and Mercedes are out on the final round. ]

Kitaro: So the last 2 players are Me and Markus. We will be fighting for the last round. Hopefully everyone isnt tired.

Falco: Wait, you are fighting Kitaro? You lucky bastard. Markus you are SOOOOOO LUCKY. I wanted to fight Kitaro.

Soldier: Hello sorry to intrude but you have 1 hour before the send offs.

Kitaro: Oh okay that is excellent.

Markus: We have enough time.

Sakriel: Let's get to the fight. Markus is going to win for sure.

Chantel: My husband is having fun, I should have join too. I think if Marky used his weapons he woukd win.

Sakriel: Awe yes same as me, but our weapons are at the house. We didn't think we would fight.

Markus: Hahaha you're a bit wrong. I have a similar spell like Kitaro, but it can only hold 6 items. It is a space magic called Spacial Baggage. It allows me to carry any 6 items of any weight. It all has to be together and not in pieces of course. I already have a tent in a bag, a chair, a table, and my Legendary Chakrams Disks. My full set of armor in a bag called Golden Adamantine War Suit. Lastly my powerful necklace Life of the Party Rygatoh.

Sakriel: Wait? Are you seriously going to use all of it to fight Kitaro?

Chantel: Hunnie, are you seriously going to use that?

Frey: " Hmm if he does Kitaro will probably never have a chance to win. If I used my battle gear I would have beaten Kitaro so much easier but it is at home traveling to Freyhearts Kingdom is a 3 week trip on horse back. If I ran it would have been 1 week. Still Kitaro can't beat Markus with full gear it's impossible. "

Kitaro: Use them all I want to fight you like that.


Falco: Kitaro don't. They call Markus the God of War during his battles. It was because when Markus uses his full body armor and his weapons, he gets 100 times stronger. His armor and weapons boost his stats increasing it a huge bunch. I seriously think you would lose in less then 6 minutes.

Kitaro: Really? I would like to try it to see the difference in our skill.

Sakriel: Kitaro, listen if we all have our powerful gears. We could snap you like a twig. Yess you are strong but you aren't better than everyone else. You barely beat me and I wasn't wearing my gears. If I worn my gaunlets you would have lost in less than 10 minutes. Maybe less than 2 if I used my full powers with my gears.

Kitaro: [ Smiles and gets hyped. ]


Markus: Hahaha, okay everyone hears that correctly right. Kitaro wants to fight me with my gear. It will be a good match to see if Kitaro can challenge us at our full strength.

Soldier: " Oh yess I finally get to see Markus the God of War fight with his armor this is going to be so cool. "

Markus: [ Puts on his gears and weapons. His armor gives a boost to all of his currents stats by times 7000%. His weapons the Legendary Chakrams Disks, increase his damage by 80%, plus his Necklace the life of the party Rygatoh, increases his stats and mana pool by 400%. Other bonuses include reduced damage by 30%, immune to level 4 or lower fire attacks, absorbs water to heal the user and heals the armor and everything the user is using. ]

Markus: Are you ready Kitaro?

Kitaro: [ Tries to Appraisal Markus with his equipment, ( Unable to read low level, unable to comprehend to strong, not strong enough danger danger. )

Merry: [ Mind] Hey Kitaro are you sure you want to fight him? He is going to win in 1 minute. Nothing higher. His necklace is the strongest. It gives him the power to regenerate all of his damaged body parts, weapons, tools, he is holding just by drinking water or being dipped in water. BECAREFUL.

Kitaro: [ Mind] Don't worry I will be slow.

Merry: [ Mind] If you be slow he will instantly one shot you.

Kitaro: Lets battle Markus.

Markus: Don't be to hasty. Hahaha let's make a field because the armor is still to powerful.

Terrick: Ill make the field everyone just help me support it.

Chantel: Okay, we have to make sure no weak spots.

Luke: " Hmmm. I wonder where is everyone else at? They must be at the training ground." [ Is eating food and planning on stuff for the future.]

Soldier: Hello we have a fight with Markus and Kitaro. Markus is going to use all of his gear to fight Kitaro.

Luke: What really we have to go see. " I get so see how powerful this so called Markus gear is. My gear is powerful myself, but I heard he is a beast amongst legends. [ Luke notfies the other kings a d queens not in the training hall. Sooner or later the other kings and queens goes to the arena to see the fight about to take place. This fight is going to be amazing some would say. Most of the kings and queens just want to see Markus armor because they know Kitaro will lose. ]

Story teller: This is the fight? Well it is more of a showcase of Markus' gear. This is how strong Markus is with the gear on.

Markus Level = 130 ( With Equipment)

Health = 400 ( 28,000 )

Mana = 300 ( 50,000 )

Stamina = 400 ( 28,000 )

Damage = 200 ( 14,000 )

Magic = 200 ( 14,000 )

Range = 200 ( 14,000)

Intelligence = 57

Dexterity = 40

Agility = 300 ( 21,000 )

Luck = 40

Charisma = 60

Faith = 3

Life Energy = 40 ( 140 )

Story Teller: This is a rough estimate. Markus would be able to defeat about 20 lower level tier Kaiju's with his gear on. Want to see how strong Kitaro is ?

He didn't gain any levels but he did gain stats.

Kitaro Level = 100

Health = 500

Mana = 600

Stamina = 300

Damage = 170

Magic = 190

Range = 110

Intelligence = 70

Dexterity = 30

Agility = 300

Luck = 50

Charisma = 50

Faith = 8

Life Energy = 20

Story Teller: Incredible right. But Kitaro will definitely lose. That's how power works.