
Vault of Eyir Pt. 2

"You did the right thing, Harry Potter. I'd heard tell of your heroic deeds. I know you're a good man. You made the right decision here this day, and don't forget that."

As Lorna Crowley's words wash over him, Harry grimaces. Her platitudes are appreciated, but ultimately unwanted. He's not pleased with himself… but he's even less pleased with Sylvanas for forcing his hand in such a way. Her parting gift, the wound in his shoulder, is already healing thanks to Lorna and Ashildir's efforts. The Valkyra Queen and the Gilnean woman have removed the arrow and cleaned the wound of the corruptive shadow magic Sylvanas could infuse her shots with.

His impeccable constitution was doing the rest, rapidly closing up the wound now that it was no longer held open by the arrowhead. His inner magic refused to let him remain even slightly injured for long, and he would be physically healed in just a few more minutes at this point. But being in tip top shape physically, was a whole lot different from being in tip top shape emotionally.

Frankly, his mind was a mess. He was second guessing every decision he'd made in the past few days at this point. He'd been forced to break his promise to Sylvanas, been forced to stop her from carrying out her mad plan. But… he wouldn't abandon her even now. She wouldn't like it, she might even hate him for it, but Harry was already thinking up ways to help her, regardless of how she felt about him at this point.

"Of course Master did the right thing. Silly girl, his actions are beyond your judgment. Whatever he does, it is the 'right thing'."

And of course, there's still Ashildir to consider. The Valkyra Queen's haughty tone takes Lorna aback, leaving the Gilnean woman seemingly unsure how to proceed. Before Lorna can do anything more than open her mouth however, they're interrupted by the return of someone they'd all thought had already quit the field, so to speak.

Appearing in a flash of golden light back in the pit of the Vault, is Eyir, leader of the Valarjar Val'kyr and titanic watcher besides. This is Helya's replacement… and Ashildir's Goddess.

No longer bound by the glowing blue chains of the Soulcage, Eyir nevertheless seems to be dealing with some serious shit, as she slams her large hands down onto the ground at the edge of the pit, gasping and shuddering. Even in her gigantic, inhuman state, Harry recognizes what she's going through quite well. This is a woman currently wrestling with her own wanton lust, her own damning needs.

Lifting her head, Eyir focuses on Harry with unerring intensity.

"Master of Death… what… what have you done to me? I am drawn to you even now, even without the Soulcage's control. I need… I need moooore~"

Her statement ends in a truly wanton, crass moan as one of her hands abruptly dips down under the lip of the pit, clearly making its way between the titanic watcher's legs as she gives in to her lust momentarily and touches herself right in front of the three of them.


Harry glances over to see Ashildir grinning wickedly. The Valkyra licks her lips at the sight of her Goddess reduced to such a state.

"You've gotten a taste of him now, Eyir! You might have fought the Banshee Queen's Will, but you cannot find your own! You subjugate yourself even now, eager to submit to your TRUE Master!"

"N-No… I follow… Odyn! I can't… I can't!"

And yet, despite her words, Eyir sounds less confident than she did back when Sylvanas was demanding her submission via the Soulcage. Indeed, the beautiful golden Val'kyr's tone sounds more like a whiny bitch in heat, than the stalwart champion she'd been then. No longer bound, no longer restrained except for her own avarice… had it worked, at least somewhat?

Sylvanas had sought to subjugate Eyir to her Will, to force her to do the Banshee Queen's diabolical bidding. She had failed. But, it would seem… something had still come of the attempt. Eyir's devotion to Odyn was broken, fractured at the very least… and now in conflict with her desire for more of Harry and what he could offer both as the Master of Death AND as a man.

"Why not? What has Odyn ever done for you? For any of us? Look upon the Master of Death's mast, Goddess! Know that you belong here, with us, worshipping this cock!"

Reaching down, Ashildir grabs up Harry's member, yanking it up and stroking it towards full mast right then and there. Eyir whimpers at the sight, staring unerringly at it, clearly unable to look away.

"I shouldn't… oh, I really shouldn't…"

And yet, the titanic watcher begins to shrink down right then and there, even as she crawls out of the pit. Returning to her more manageable size from before, this time of her own volition, the golden Val'kyr leader collapses to her knees a few feet away, touching herself more openly now. Harry can't help but be entranced by the sight. Here is one of the more powerful beings on Azeroth, a woman that had replaced Helya when Odyn betrayed her, and who Ashildir herself labeled a Goddess.

But there she was, half-succumbed already to Harry's cock. His seed from before is nowhere to be seen, but Harry doesn't think that's because Eyir wiped it off or even cleaned herself up before coming back here. No… he's fairly certain the basting he gave the golden woman was absorbed into her body, causing this… this half-binding of sorts to take place.

She wasn't enslaved to Sylvanas as the Banshee Queen wanted… but she was half-enslaved to him. And of Ashildir had her way, the binding would be complete, and Harry would have a titanic watcher to do his bidding. Was that something he wanted? No, more than that… was it something he needed to do, to stop Sylvanas' mad plans, and to perhaps begin building a powerbase of his own?

He had helped both the Horde and the Alliance over the years. He had protected Azeroth to the best of his abilities. But while things had… hm, gotten out of hand a few times, like with the Draenei back on Draenor, Harry had never necessarily set out to create his own powerbase before. And he was paying the price for that now, wasn't he? He'd lost Jaina. He'd lost Sylvanas. His connections to the Horde and the Alliance were frayed at best.

Perhaps it was time for something new. Perhaps it was time for him to take matters into his own hands and see about utilizing all of the relationships he'd developed over his years on Azeroth to his advantage. Perhaps… perhaps it was time for Harry to be in charge of his own fate, his own destiny. He would-

"Ah-ah, where do you think YOU'RE going?"

Blinking, Harry pulls himself free of his musings to realize that Ashildir has reaches out with one of her long, musclebound arms, and snatched up Lorna Crowley before the Gilnean woman could truly sneak away. Face bright red, the raven-haired human girl squirms in Ashildir's grip.

"I-I must report to my father and Lord Greymane! This… you don't need me here f-for any of this!"

Scoffing, Ashildir holds Lorna aloft with one hand, while still stroking Harry's cock with the other. The Valkyra Queen looks between her Master and the Gilnean woman for a moment before adopting an altogether rueful smile.

"Need? Perhaps not. But want? Most definitely. You fought admirably, human wench. And you deserve a reward for that fight. Don't try to deny it… I see how you gaze at my Master's cock."

"W-What! No! Don't be ridiculous! I don't-!"

"Silence! Your denials do you no credit!"

Ashildir finally lets go of Harry's cock, and before Lorna can say anything else, uses her freed up hand to grab the front of the smaller woman's clothing and rip them clean off her body. The Gilnean woman, clearly a practiced and stalwart fighter in her own right, squeaks in a decidedly feminine fashion, even as Ashildir slaps her hand up between Lorna's legs and slips her middle finger into the human's cunt.


The sounds of Lorna's arousal easily drown out her attempts at protest, as Ashildir shows her to be more turned on by everything that's happened then she's cared to admit. Harry raises an eyebrow as Lorna's lower lips prove to be much more honest than her upper lips. And soon enough, Ashildir's efforts yield results from her upper lips as well, as the Gilnean woman moans in reluctant pleasure.

Harry's cock twitches at the sight, leaking precum in anticipation. And he doesn't have to wait long, either. As soon as the Queen of the Valkyra sees the state her beloved Master is in, she beams and nods happily.

"As it should be… here is your reward for fighting so valiantly, human."

Lorna doesn't get another chance to protest, too busy moaning up a storm as Ashildir abruptly spins the smaller woman around and then impales her throat upon Harry's cock. Harry grunts, as he finds himself staring down at the upside down front of Lorna's body, with her nose buried in his ball sack and her neck bulging with the sheer size of his dick.

Ashildir does all the work, gripping Lorna's neck with one hand to jerk the poor woman up and down his cock like a flesh toy. Meanwhile, her other hand returns to Lorna's pussy, where she shoves three Valkyra-sized fingers into Lorna's cunt to prepare that hole for eventual taking as well.


It's quite the arousing sight, and Harry can't help himself. He reaches out and plays with Lorna's upside down titties as she's bounced upon his cock. Her hands grip at his legs for support, her drool and saliva running down his length rather than up her chin. But he can feel her moans reverberating up his dick along with her squeals and shrieks and can tell that his and Ashildir's efforts to pleasure the girl aren't… entirely unappreciated.

Meanwhile, even though Harry's attention is currently focused on Lorna and the way her tight little throat feels around his bitch breaker of a cock, Ashildir is not so… single-minded. The broken Valkyra Queen has not forgotten the presence of her former Goddess after all… no, not one bit.

Seeing Eyir squirming as she breaks Lorna in upon her Master's cock, Ashildir smirks evilly, considering how to best respond to the Goddess' gaze. In the end, she goes for something somewhat subtle. Spreading her knees apart and jutting out her ass temptingly, she knows exactly what Eyir will see… the white cream of Ashildir's Master, slowly trickling out of both of the orifices of Eyir's former champion.

And indeed, Eyir notices this almost immediately, the leader of the Valarjar Val'kyr moaning wantonly as she begins to crawl forward. It's more of a shuffle than a crawl, mostly because Eyir's hand remains between her legs, fingering her gushing, needy pussy as she moves, but even still, she makes it over eventually.

Once in position, Eyir leans forward… and as shameful as it is, pushes in, beginning to eat Ashildir out right there on the spot. The feel of Eyir's nose guard digging into Ashildir's asshole from the Val'kyr's helm is spectacular, and the Valkyra Queen moans throatily as she humps back into her former Goddess' face, while at the same time continuing to guide Lorna's body up and down her Master's cock.


It wasn't just Lorna's warm, wet throat around his throat that ultimately pushed Harry over the edge, oh no. It was that combined with Ashildir's tight grip on the poor human's neck. Lorna's throat would almost certainly have been tight enough all on its own to eventually get him off, but with Ashildir sliding her hand up and down Lorna's neck… it was like he was getting a throat-fuck and a handjob at the same time.

With a heartfelt groan, Harry finds he can hold back no more, and shoots his load up into an upside down Lorna Crowley. Needless to say, she's not prepared for this. Having spent the last little while being used as little more than a cock-cozy for his dick, Lorna is in no way, shape, or form, ready to take his seed into her gullet.

Instead, his release causes a cascade of cum to stream out of her facial orifices, his semen exploding from her nostrils and her mouth and flowing down his cock and across his balls as Lorna twitches and shudders in Ashildir's grasp.

Grunting, Ashildir pulls the catatonic Gilnean woman up off of his cock, flipping her around as Lorna ragdolls and dangles in her arms. She's not lifeless, her chest still rises and falls as she breathes cum bubbles through the seed clogging her nose, but she's otherwise wholly unresponsive, her limp form twitching and trembling but not doing much else.

Frowning at this, the Valkyra Queen tries slapping Lorna across the face a few times to bring the cum-burping young woman back to reality. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to do anything. Looking slightly upset that her toy has proven to be so… lacking in stamina, Ashildir hums consideringly for a moment, before glancing to Harry with a shrug and a grin.

"Well, she's still useful as a set of holes if nothing else, right Master?"

Before Harry can even begin to formulate a response to that, Ashildir plops Lorna right down onto his cock, impaling the insensate, catatonic girl's cunt upon his massive member right then and there. He's still completely hard after all. Lorna, meanwhile, for all that she was incredibly wet and partially stretched out by Ashildir's three Valkyra-sized fingers, is in no way prepared for the true size of Harry's member in her tight pussy.

In fact, Harry can't be sure since it happens so fast, but Lorna might have even been a virgin. Whether she was or not, it matters little, because her reaction to his cock no matter what is to wail stupidly in pain and pleasure as her cunt is stretched wider than it's ever been stretched before. Forcibly reshaped, her pussy walls try in vain to clench and cling to his cock, to hold him in place or even push him out… but to no avail.

Ashildir, meanwhile, has chosen to face Lorna AWAY from Harry this time for a reason. With the insensate Gilnean woman riding him reverse cowgirl, the Valkyra Queen is able to lock lips with the screaming girl, cutting off her squealing and intending to suck all of the precious white liquid from in and around the poor human's mouth to the best she can.

For a time, this is all that can be heard. Lorna's gurgling, Ashildir's slurping and messy kissing, and the squelching of Harry's cock as the Gilnean girl, trapped between a rock-hard cock and a musclebound Valkyra Queen, can do nothing but bounce and bounce and bounce. Harry's hands come up to Lorna's hips to steady her, but he can't bring himself to put an end to any of this.

He's only a man, in the end… a man with needs, and with a desire to conquer. Perhaps Lorna, like Eyir, can be a part of this powerbase he's already forming in the back of his mind.

Pulling back from the lip lock, Ashildir has a grin on her altogether messy face, even as she embraces Harry's latest conquest.

"Yes, sister! Give in! A-ah, submit, as I submitted and as the Goddess will submit! Join me in service to our Master, as a loyal cock-maiden!"

Of course, Lorna is still completely out of it. It's unlikely that she even hears Ashildir's words. Harry hears them though, snorting in amusement at Ashildir's designation of Lorna as his second 'cock-maiden' and drawing her attention in the process. Looking around the human woman's rag dolling body down at Harry, Ashildir's eyes are alight with fervor and devotion.

"Do it, Master! Flood her womb with your seed! Fill her to the brim! Reward her for her service to you, show her what loyalty gets her!"

If Lorna were still in her right mind, Harry doesn't doubt that the Gilnean woman would claim this was no reward. But as it is, she's too busy gurgling and moaning up a storm as her pussy walls clench down around his cock again and again and again. She's cumming hard for him, her insides squeezing his shaft as best as possible, so Harry… let's go. He fills and fills Lorna Crowley to the brim, pumping her womb just as Ashildir has asked.

By the time he's done unleashing a second load upon Lorna, the raven-haired Gilnean has passed out completely, her eyes fully rolled back in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Ashildir takes one look at Lorna's face and develops a satisfied expression as she pulls Lorna's limp form off of his cock and casts it aside.

"Very good. Now… now for the main course, my beloved Master."

The former Queen of the Valkyra sounds almost reverent as she reaches back and yanks Eyir's face out from betwixt her ass cheeks and thighs. Dragging the gurgling, moaning titanic watcher up around, forcing Eyir to shuffle forward until she's face to face with Harry's cock, Ashildir also kneels down right alongside her.

"Look at it, Goddess. Look at our Master's majestic member. Don't you want a taste? You already got an indirect one from me. Now… now you can have the real deal."

"I-I… I shouldn't…"

"But you will, all the same."

Ashildir shoves Eyir's face forward, and true to her words, the Val'kyr can't help herself. Once her lips are pressed against Harry's messy mast, the golden-skinned woman's tongue slips out involuntarily and begins to lewdly slurp up and down his shaft. The Valkyra Queen beside her wastes no time in joining her former Goddess either, and together the two of them press their faces against one another as they work along his massive bitch breaker.

Harry watches them both go at it, not entirely sure what he's feeling. Arousal, to be sure… it's quite the turn on, seeing the broken Ashildir breaking in Eyir as well. Not only is the former Queen of the Valkyra utterly loyal and submissive to him, her Master, but she's also eager to give her very own Goddess over to him for him to fuck to his heart's content.

Hm, what's not to like about that?

"P-Please… ngh, M-Master of Death… you must release me… I belong to Odyn…"

In between licking at his cock like the hungry little whore she is, Eyir tries to appeal to his good nature again, like she did before with Sylvanas. Unfortunately for Eyir, she's going about it all wrong this time. Reaching out, grabbing onto her helm forcefully, Harry snarls.

"I owe Odyn nothing. In fact, I would very much like to give that bastard a black eye. So why in the world, would I release you back to him?"

Whimpering, mewling, reduced to nothing more than a slut by the mere presence of his cock, the half-bound titanic watcher just shakes and trembles.

"Y-You must… the status quo must be m-maintained! Too, nnngh, too much is at risk not to!"

Harry can't help but scoff at that.

"The status quo? Fuck the status quo. I made a promise to Helya… and regardless of how things have turned out between Sylvanas and I, I will keep that promise."

Eyir whimpers, but Ashildir… Ashildir grins savagely at Harry's confidence and callous attitude.

"As it should be, my Master. Take what you need. Accept nothing less than total submission. This bitch… belongs on your cock, don't you think?"

Eyir stiffens and tries to draw back at that, but with both Ashildir and Harry holding onto her, there's nowhere for her to go. More than that, she simply can't escape… not when she's already half-addicted to him and his essence. She wants more, they all know it. She came back of her own volition, even if she wants to try and play at being a captive now.

No… she could leave at any time. That she doesn't is a damning indictment of how far gone Eyir already is. Harry, smirking at this realization, releases his hold on the leader of the Valarjar Val'kyr's helm. Seeing him do this, Ashildir does the same. But that doesn't mean the former Queen stops talking.

"Go on, Goddess. Do it. Submit to his cock. Impale yourself upon his majestic member. You want it… we know you want it. Give into the Master of Death. Let him claim you as his servant, as he's claimed me."

Eyir throws what might have been a disgusted look in her former champion's direction, even as Ashildir tempts and goads her in such a ham-fisted manner. But then, it doesn't matter how ham-fisted or blunt Ashildir is, because she has the truth on her side. Eyir does want this, and she can no more deny that then her need for air.

Slowly, shuddering as she tries to resist the temptation but ultimately fails, Eyir rises to her feet. Rather than flee while she has the chance however, the golden-skinned Val'kyr moves into place… and squats over Harry's massive cock. His member, sticking straight up into the air, presses against her folds as she brings him in line with the entrance of her sopping wet slit.

She's more than ready for him, Harry notes. She's been masturbating since she showed back up, so that's not a surprise. Still, it's rather humorous to him, and likely humiliating on her part, how her juices are literally gushing down his length while she hovers over his cock, hesitating even then.

Shaking in her squat, Eyir whimpers as she looks down the length of her shivering golden body at where they're about to be joined.

"… My sincerest apologies, Odyn… I can fight it no longer."

As she whispers a prayer to Odyn asking for his forgiveness, Eyir… finally begins to sink down his cock. Harry watches in silence for a moment, enjoying hearing that silence broken by Eyir's wanton, ugly moaning. She can't help herself. She's finally back where she belongs after all, for all that she didn't want to admit it. She's finally back upon his member, impaled there of her own volition, of her own choice.

As she sinks down his member, her hands come down upon his body, trying to arrest her momentum. She's attempting to control the speed at which she moves, but Harry… Harry doesn't like that.

"Hands behind your head. And don't move them."

Eyir jolts at his barked command, and before she even has a chance to truly process his words, she's already obeying. Her hands go back behind her neck, clasping there as her chest is thrust out as a consequence of this action. If the titanic watcher weren't already in a place of complete humiliation and shame, she's certainly there now, what with her legs spread wide in her squat, and her entire voluptuous but also muscular body on display before him.

Smirking, Harry nods.

"That's better. Much better."

Eyir quivers at that, and even though her eyes remain hidden behind her Val'kyr helm, he can tell that the golden woman is trying to glare at him, albeit ineffectually.

"Y-You are… a monster, O' Master of D-Death."

Harry's own emerald eyes flash at that, and he claps his hands upon Eyir's hips, driving her further down his cock right then and there as he thrusts up into her from below. The partially bound Val'kyr cries out, cumming immediately from the sudden forceful sensation.

"Would you rather be in Sylvanas' hands then? Would you rather I helped the Banshee Queen break you to HER will instead?"

Gasping, mewling, and moaning, Eyir shakes her head in the negative. Though that doesn't stop her from talking smack.

"N-Nay… but, oooh, t-the lesser of two evils… is still evil!"

Harry rolls his eyes at that, scoffing.

"I'm not going to take that from you. From my point of view, it's Odyn who's evil. Or are we really going to say that him 'learning the error of his ways' makes up for all he did to Helya? Despite him changing his mind, despite him altering your mandate… he still left Helya to wallow in a Hell of HIS making for all this time. Your former Master is the true Monster, Eyir of the Valarjar Val'kyr."

Reaching up, Harry grabs one of Eyir's tits before she can even start to formulate a response to that and yanks her down so he can capture her teat in his mouth. He gives it a good, long suck before biting down harshly on the nipple and then letting go. Eyir cries out, even as she rockets back out of his mouth. Grinning viciously up at her, Harry just shrugs.

"As far as I'm concerned, I'm doing you a favor."

Eyir continues to moan, trying to shake her head to deny it, but seemingly at a loss for words at this point, even as she bounces up and down on his cock even now. Ashildir, on the other hand, is still quite capable of voicing her thoughts.

"He is doing you a favor, Goddess! In Master's service is where you belong… where we all belong! Odyn is not deserving of you or I's loyalty! He never has been! Submission to your one true Master starts now!"

Crying out, Eyir tries to deny it.

"No! I must not submit! I must-!"

But all three of them know that it's far too late for any of that. This is not the same situation that Eyir found herself in with Sylvanas a short time ago. The Soulcage is nowhere to be seen. This is simply Eyir's own desires, and Harry's power, working away at the last embers of her resistance. She believes she cannot submit, and so she tries to fight against it. But in truth, the golden Val'kyr wants one thing and one thing only. She craves it, even… complete and utter subjugation by Harry James Potter, the Master of Death.

With a growl, Harry grips tightly at Eyir's hips and calls upon his power. She thinks him just the Master of Death, but not anymore. No, he is the Master of Life AND Death now, and he uses that to great effect as he pushes his energy into Eyir. He doesn't cum just yet, but from the way she reacts, you might think he had.

No, while none of his physical seed fills her womb, his power DOES pour into her… and Eyir responds to it with a loud, lewd cry.


Shuddering, her hands still locked in place behind her head, the squatting 'Goddess' undulates and gyrates upon his cock as she proceeds to cum her brains out… and then some. Her entire body shakes and trembles, shivering in abject ecstasy while Harry's power flows through her, flooding her senses. She cums and then cums some more, orgasming over and over again.

Ashildir watches all of this, touching herself the entire while. Brought back to life by Harry's magic, the former ghostly Queen of the Valkyra knows better than most how it is to be filled with her Master's power. His intense essence, suffusing every part of your being… it's too damn much, one might say. For Ashildir, it's just right.

For Eyir too, it's proving to be just what the doctor ordered. Before long, the Goddess is howling upon Harry's cock, every ounce of reluctance slowly but surely fading away.

"No! Yes! No more… no, MORE! Fuck me! Oh, please fuck me!"

Of course he'll fuck her. That was never in question. Though, Ashildir apparently has other ideas. Suddenly standing up, the Valkyra Queen grabs Eyir by her shoulders… and yanks her back onto the floor, clean off Harry's cock. For a moment, he blinks in surprise and confusion, slowly rising as well as Eyir squeals and squirms in her former champion's grasp, suddenly bereft of Harry's member.

"W-Wait! Please! I need it! Give me more! Fuck me more, PLEASE!"

Ashildir holds Eyir in a headlock, grinning at Harry wickedly as she leans in and whispers in her former Goddess' ear.

"You're asking so nicely, Goddess… but you're forgetting the magic word."

Harry lifts an eyebrow at that, as Eyir goes still. And in that moment, as humorous as it is… he feels it as the binding solidifies, the connection between him and the titanic watcher crystallizing and thickening into a wide band of power and energy.

"Please… Master."

That is the moment in which Eyir finally, properly breaks. That is the moment in which she can hold her desire for domination and subjugation at Harry's hands back no longer. Staring up at him, it's obvious Eyir wants him inside of her, that she desperately NEEDS him inside of her. Her former champion has made her admit it, and now it's up to Harry to reward the Goddess for her submission.

Stepping forward, he kneels down between their legs. Ashildir still has Eyir in the headlock, until Harry grabs hold of the golden Val'kyr's ankles and yanks her legs up into the air. Folding the titanic watcher in half, he lets Ashildir take hold of Eyir's ankles, leaving Eyir presented atop Ashildir's body in a consummate mating press position.

So of course, Harry does exactly what's expected of him. He grabs Eyir by her golden thighs and slams his cock right into her waiting, gushing quim then and there. She shrieks and squeals as he begins to rail her all over again, pounding into her womb with great force. His bitch breaker pushes through her cunt, past her cervix, and into that most sacred of places with ease, leaving Eyir beside herself with pleasure.


All thought of duties, all thought of balance… has left Eyir's mind. In this, the leader of the Valarjar Val'kyr has only one purpose now, and that's serving Harry and his big fat cock. The Master of Life and Death has claimed her as his subject, and as he fucks into her at a rapid-fire pace with no end in sight, Harry decides then and there that he's unlikely to ever let her go.

Besides, he'll be a better Master for her than Odyn ever was. He'll use her in ways Odyn couldn't even fathom to use her. If Harry is going to be developing his own powerbase… well then, it only makes sense that he would need some very powerful subordinates.

He'd been on Azeroth long enough now. It may not be his true home, but it was a place he'd come to care about all the same. With people he'd come to love with all his heart, in his own somewhat twisted manner. Harry refused to abandon them… even those like Sylvanas and Jaina, who he felt betrayed by even now.

Harry would see that Azeroth was protected. He would make sure the Burning Legion was defeated once and for all. And he would finally acknowledge his power as Master of Death. It was long past time for him to stop fucking around, Harry was forced to acknowledge.

First though… he had a 'Goddess' to rail and cover with his cum. With a triumphant roar, Harry pulls out of Eyir's cunt and proceeds to paint her golden form white with his seed. Eyir, in response, moans wantonly and licks up what she can from her lips, while her hands rub at her golden tits. Ashildir also snakes her tongue out, pushing her head forward and slurping up his seed from Eyir's golden flesh.

Meanwhile, Harry is still rock hard… and not quite done claiming all of Eyir's holes, just yet. With the Goddess fully willing at this point, with her completely and utterly subjugated to his will, Harry slides his hands down from her thighs, up under to her buttocks… and lifts up a few inches.

Stuck folded in half, with Ashildir still holding her by the ankles, the titanic watcher finds herself suddenly showing off her asshole, her puckered golden anus flexing with need. Luckily for her, Harry is there to satisfy that need. His messy cockhead presses against this, Eyir's last unclaimed orifice, and Harry begins to push in right then and there.

Squealing, the Val'kyr raises no protest. She wants it, though she can't seem to voice that in so many words. Instead, Eyir is reduced to bestial noises as her anus is penetrated. One of the titanic watchers, forced to make shrieking, squealing noises at the top of her lungs as Harry penetrates deep, DEEP into her anus.

Fucking her bowels with a harsh, fast pace from the very beginning, Harry growls as he plows into Eyir hard and fast. Meanwhile, Ashildir grabs hold of Eyir's helm again and yanks the golden woman around, forcing her into a tongue-filled kiss. As Champion and Goddess, both disgraced and broken upon his cock, make out, Harry continues to slam Eyir down into Ashildir's body, continues to fill her clenching anal passage with his dick.

At the same time… the sound of nearby squelching catches Harry's ear, and he blinks as he realizes it's not coming from any of the three of them. Looking over, Harry chuckles at what he sees. Lorna Crowley has come back to herself at long last. Returning to reality, regaining her bearings after being fucked insensate and into something of a catatonic state, the Gilnean woman actually had an excellent opportunity to escape.

Indeed, if she'd simply slipped away in the aftermath, none of them would have stopped her. None of them would have even likely noticed her departure. It was the perfect opportunity for her to get away, really. Instead, she'd stayed right where she was. Instead, she'd remained… and was even now sloppily stuffing a full fist into her creampied, freshly fucked quim.

With her belly bloated outward from the sheer size of the load he'd left inside of the raven-haired young woman, Lorna moans wantonly, even as she scoops his cum out of her quim and brings it to her mouth for her to slurp off her fingers.

She looks unbelievably lewd, doing that. She looks quite arousing as well. Even as he continues to fuck Eyir's ass, Harry reaches out to Lorna… and beckons her to come to him. Eyes glazed over with lust and arousal, the young woman clearly having had something of a religious experience of her own from her time with his cock, Lorna slowly flops over onto her front.

Lifting herself to her hands and knees, she turns and crawls over to him, mewling all the while. When she reaches his side… Harry offers her his fingers. Not nearly as messy as her own, but still somewhat glistening in their own right. And Lorna… Lorna leans forward and submissively sucks at them, all while continuing to fist her cunt in the absence of his bitch breaker of a cock.

Lorna Crowley of the Gilnean Liberation Front sucks dutifully at his fingers, while Eyir of the Valarjar Val'kyr, and Ashildir of the Valkyra moan wantonly beneath him, singing his praises each in their own way.

It's not long before Harry feels himself tipping over the edge again. With a grunt, he proceeds to fill Eyir's bowels with his seed, even though his attention is mostly on Lorna at the moment. But then, he can feel the connection between him and Eyir constantly now. He doesn't even have to focus on it. She is his, and he is her Master.

Smiling, Harry resolves to fix things. Everything. One woman at a time.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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