
World Hopping System: My harem is too big!

What would you do if you randomly fell into a new world that defies common sense? The kind where people are born with strange hair colours, eye colours and body proportions unbefitting of their age? Well, Akio just so happened to be in such a world. Yep, you guessed right. He's in a world of fiction — a world where various characters from all the animes he's seen are in, and very much real. But, Akio was also given a system to traverse worlds... ——— A/N: Current World: Demon Slayer MC is a degenerate and does whatever he wants, but he has some morals. Some... If you couldn't already tell from the title; theres gonna be world hopping and lots of women. This fic will probably make you lose braincells. The original world is gonna be a mix of slice of life animes, H-anime/manga and other works without fantasy elements(somewhat realistic) Other worlds that MC can hop to can be other animes, novels, manwha, manhua and manga. MC only has knowledge on anime, H-anime and some mangas, thats about it. Reasons why this fic might not be for you: netori, harem, wincest, cliche, overpowered MC, maybe slow pace, little to no character development, personalities may be inaccurate, some harem members may be forgotten(due to world hopping). Oh, there will also be a messed up release schedule: It could range from a day or two to a week or even a month, I just write whenever I want or feel bored, so, don't expect a daily release of chapters. But... I might feel a little motivated if I see those power stones up ;) I'm also not a good writer, please give me constructive criticism! Here's a list of all the fictional works in the original world(will add more): -A silent voice -Classroom of the elite -Kuroko no basket -My dress up darling -Food wars -Various h-anime

Abyssdragoncoolkid · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 5: Hopping Worlds


[World Hopping System]


[Profile: Komiya Akio]

STR: 8

DEX: 11

VIT: 9

MP: 5


Unassigned Points: 0




>Ryoman Sukuna(Incomplete)

 - Cleave

 - Dismantle

 - Reverse Cursed Technique

 - Fuga (Open)





"Okay, I see why it's Incomplete now. I don't have access to Malevolent Shrine which is a shame, but all these abilities are good enough for me to survive in most fictional worlds." Akio contemplated after reading his new abilities.

After Akio finished reading, he wanted to try and close the RPG panel. It would be rather annoying if he has to walk everywhere with it as it was hindering his vision.

With just a simple thought of "close" directed at the panel, it vanished in front of him.

"That's convenient. It wasn't joking when it said it was easy to use."

"I'll look into the [World Hop] feature after school." Akio decided.

He wasn't in a rush or anything. Though his excitement had been the highest it has ever been after reincarnating, it's not like he was going to neglect his life in this world.

Afterall, a world where fictional characters exists, despite there being no supernatural elements, has its own charm to it.

Akio left his room and went downstairs.

"Morning, Aki! I've made us some breakfast, your one is over there." Anna spoke.

"Morning. You really didn't need to make me and Rina breakfast though." Akio replied. 

"Hehe. I like cooking! Mom is always busy, so I've been practicing to help her out!" She stated.

"An angel has descended!" Akio thought, genuinely touched by how good her older sister is. Since his dad died, his stepmother had to bear much more burden. With three kids, it's no wonder Anna tried acting like the perfect daughter. 

As for Akio, he has some ideas on how to get money. Having memories of your past life meant you had an advantage in everything you did. Whether it's being smarter than most people your age or having knowledge way ahead of your time.

At first, before the system, he had wanted to invest in groundbreaking technologies or companies that have a high chance of success. Having knowledge on modern Earth meant he knew a lot of future trends. He could even make his own company if he really wanted to. Perhaps also invest. But, the main point is that he had a good amount of ways to make money: these were just some of his ideas. 

After thanking her, Akio went to try her cooking. After taking a bite, Akio showed a somewhat startled expression. Akio didn't think her food would taste so good considering her age and how she probably had less than 4 months of experience in cooking.

"Anna, it's really good!" Akio declared.

A slight blush formed on her cheeks before she replied, "I'm glad you liked it." 

After he had finished eating breakfast and packing up, Akio left shortly after.




Akio was currently sitting in class, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

Having nothing to do, he just looked at his stats panel to analyse it. 

"Going by game logic, STR is probably short for strength. DEX is dexterity. VIT is vitality. And MP probably stands for magic power?" Akio contemplated. Unlike games, Akio didn't know what his HP, stamina or how much magic he has.

In games, your wellbeing is generally measured in numerical values where, for example, you have a certain amount of HP. And if said HP drops to 0, you die. But considering it's reality, there are many factors that involve stamina and health points. Things like determination, will power and blood loss during fights would affect it.

"I first need to experiment with the points to figure out what each attribute does. As there's only 4 stats, there would probably be other factors that get enhanced when increasing it. For example, perhaps not only does dexterity make you more flexible, it could also perhaps involve cognitive functions like reaction time."

"And increasing strength could work in other ways as well. Does it involve muscle and bone density or does it just give you a virtual boost without a change in physique? If so, my stamina would also increase, but then there's vitality which could also mean the same thing... Too much to think about! I just hope by increasing my stats, it doesn't change my appearance too much. I wouldn't want to look like the next hulk or something." Akio pondered.

A few minutes had passed, as Akio was brainstorming, when the teacher walked into the class.

"Take your seats, class. We have a new friend joining us today." He stated.

"Hm? A transfer student?" Akio contemplated, taking a break from analysing his stats.

Shortly after the teacher said that, a girl walked in. Her hair was somewhat short and was of dark rose colour whilst her eyes were brown. She looked somewhat timid but had a vibe of kindness to her.

Cute, would be Akio's first impression.

"Okay, introduce yourself." The teacher spoke.

But, the girl simply remained silent.

"Is she nervous or something?" Akio pondered. She didn't look too nervous, but it seems she didn't hear the teacher.

However, the teacher lightly tapped her shoulder which had managed to make her do something. She took out her bag before retrieving a notebook.

"Ah, I see... She's deaf." Akio came to a conclusion after linking up all the dots.

Akio's conclusion seem to have been accurate as the girl had introduced herself via notebook and also stating that she was in fact, deaf. Her name was Nishimiya Shouko.

After her little introduction, Akio proceeded his day as normal. He just wanted to go home, excited to hop to a different world. 

For Akio, it felt as if time was moving in slow motion as his head was consumed by the thoughts of travelling to another world. However, he managed to last the day. Without wasting another second, he left the school and swiftly went to his house.

Entering his house, he quickly greeted his family before going to his room.

"What's got him in such a hurry?" Rina muttered.


"Let's see the [World Hop] feature now!" Akio decided.

Akio first materialised his system:


[World Hopping System]


[Profile: Komiya Akio]

STR: 8

DEX: 11

VIT: 9

MP: 5


Unassigned Points: 0




>Ryoman Sukuna(Incomplete)

 - Cleave

 - Dismantle

 - Reverse Cursed Technique

 - Fuga (Open)





Akio selected [WORLD HOP] which had changed his screen, providing him with options to select.

[Please select a format](?)

>World Hop

>Character Hop

>World Integration

"Huh. Are these the difficulties?" Akio contemplated before pressing the '?' so he can understand the function of the formats.

>World Hop allows the host to travel to another world with all of your abilities, stats, equipment etc.

>Character Hop allows the host to travel to another world via replacing a 'pre-existing' character. However, you can only keep your skills and stats.

>World Integration allows the host to travel to another world via completely integrating with the world. This means the host starts as a regular lifeform that follows the rules of the world. The World Hopping System would only help the host by giving points whilst the host has to grow stronger by himself through the 'power system' of the world.

>Rewards are gained by interacting with the world: Kill enemies, cause destruction, create friendships with 'important characters' and much more. As long as the host changes the history of the world, you will accumulate points to enhance your 'stats'.

>The amount of influence the system has over the world means less rewards. So, this means World Integration would give better rewards whilst World Hop would give the least rewards. However, the host has to take into consideration of the dangers of the world. The World Hopping System allows the host to leave and change worlds at any time, without limit. So, host should prioritise safety over rewards.

"That's quite a lot of information, but I think I got the gist of it." Akio contemplated. He then thought carefully before choosing Character Hop. It was obvious, as at the moment, Akio only has his skills to protect himself. So essentially, World Hop and Character Hop would be the same, but one gives more rewards.

As for World Integration, Akio wanted to get use to the World Hopping System and get more experience first. He likes a challenge, but he wasn't suicidal. 

After he had selected Character Hop, he had thought he would be travelling to a random world selected by the system, however the system had once again given him more options. He had recognised some of the worlds. Well, more like the names of the anime and manga. However, he also didn't recognise some.

[Randomly generating five worlds...]

[Please select a fictional world]

- Regressor Instruction Manual(?)

- Bleach(?)

- Demon slayer(?)

- Attack on Titan(?)

- Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint(?)

[Generate new worlds?]

"Hmm. I only recognise the 3 in the middle. The difficulties really vary by a lot. With my abilities, I could probably do whatever I please in Attack on Titan. But, that would be no fun. Maybe Demon slayer? It is also relatively easy, but characters like Muzan might prove to be a challenge with his regeneration and speed. At the moment, I would be classed as a 'glass cannon' with my stats but my destructive capabilities are very high."

"With what I learnt from the system. The best way to get rewards is by changing the 'history'. I'm pretty certain that's just another way to say: Do whatever you want."

Akio then decided to press the '?', next to the names of the worlds. He found out that it was basically just the synopsis of it: Providing general knowledge of the world etc.

"Regressor Instruction Manual and Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint both sound like a fun world to be in based off the synopsis."

"But, I think I should pick Demon slayer as my first world. It's relatively safe with my abilities and it gives me time and many opportunities to get used to them. I've never killed someone before and demons are a good way to start." Akio decided.

Akio confirmed his choice before his vision faded to black.


