
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime und Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 52

'Ughh… '

'What happened… did I have a terrible nightmare?... why do my balls feel weird…'

Creep tried to scratch them with his dominant right hand, to no avail as they were tightly tied with a rope. The same can be told about his other limbs. They are tied to the chair, or at least a parts of it. As Sara's fury left him and a furniture in bad shape. His head is covered with sheet of cloth. Efficiently making him see black

'No! Not this again! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! That whore will pay to me!'

He uses his gift to try to control Sonia again… After a moment, he didn't hear any steps, as if she had not answered his call.

'What?! God said that the gift of hypnotising eyes should be permanent! What a scam! Shitty lying God!'

'Better question, how the hell did they know about it? It's unfair! That weird tall guy, it must be him!'

'I don't want to die by those psychos!'

As his last attempt to free himself he tried to move, and discovered something. A chair has broken so much that he could try to move the back of the chair which has separated from the part where it connects to place where you sit. He can exploit it to free himself and he does so. Slowly moving piece of wood that is supposed to be the back of a chair

At some point, he hears a loud snarl like that of a predatory beast, almost making him pee himself from the sudden scary sound.

'Shit! I'm not alone '

he halts his actions. Afraid of being cached in his deed. When Loud Snarls repeat themselves from time to time, he assumes person who was supposed to look after him has fallen asleep

His slimy hands work in perfect unison, a skill definitely attained from long hours of competitive gaming, at a high level. Swift motion makes almost no sound

Bit by bit, it moves up until he can touch the base of wood, where the stick ends. euphoric feeling of success almost makes him yell from happiness, but he stops himself.

Then he prepares to make one last motion, allowing him to free his hands

"My fellow isekai deep shit, you really don't want to continue"

Strange but weirdly familiar voice overpowers loud snarl's, as if not minding sleeping a person

His anger boils, that voice which ruined his glorious day.

'Isekai? So he really is from Earth. Maybe even a weeb, fan of Japan. I could trick him '

underneath a cloth materialises a smile

"I'm Chino Masanori, as you probably know first part is a surname. What should I call you?"

He eagerly waits for a response, as a faster response means higher interest in a conversation with him

Meanwhile, Lex is surprised by mannerisms of a random guy. When asking for a name, the person doing it should come forward. Still Japanese are on completely different from people of his country.

"I am Lex Diethard. How do you die Chino?"

"There is no need to call ourselves by surnames. Call me Masanori, Lex-Dono"

"How do you die, Masanori?"

Creep is weirded out by strange fixation on death.

'At least he wants to speak'

"In short, I got hit by a truck"

There was uneasiness between them in form of silence, as if most of city's noises had died down. And then one gigantic snarl shocked entire room. Then Lex laughed

"HAHA… Truck-kun has claimed another victim. I wonder when he'll retire. Sending baches after baches of infinite losers. Which uninspired god reincarnated you there? Loli? Old man, or one of your traditional heretic gods?"

Creep got pissed off at being called looser

"I'm not one of them! Before my death, I was a professional player in League of Legends. Earning hard cash, which many could dream of!"

"Cool, What fake god?"

'Shit! It's bad. He is completely uninterested, what a weird guy! Pro player isn't something you can meet every day. I need to change my approach.'

"How do you know about my ability?"

"Before that fake god!" Lex slams his armoured palm onto the floor, making another loud sound, even more than a Ludger's snarls

"I'm a deeply religious person. I want to know everything about a mysterious being that reincarnated you there. Oh, God, give me strength! There is only one true God! I'll do everything in my power to eradicate these inferior beings!" Lex said those words while articulating his voice to express his high fervour

'Oh religious nutjob. NICE! I could exploit him for my benefit! When I Saw him, he was White, Tall….Handsome….Blond with blue eyes….Fuck! What a lucky bastard! He must be Westerner, to be exact a German. Most of them believe in Jesus.'

"Don't worry, my friend. This thing is a heinous demon with six faces, six legs, and six arms. All of it black and emanating an omnious aura. It has cursed me with the ability to control others minds. I couldn't get the hang of it. This abnormal ability has partially controlled me!"

"Purge Devils! My brother, tell me more about this terrible course so I can help you!"

'What a moron he bought this bullshit. But there is a problem. When busty Loli told me about this gift, I was too concentrated on her giant boobs, and now I must say something believable to trick him! Shit!'

It Appears as if Two big, fat liars meet in one room and a war of information happened.

One lay to the other Creep, trying to gain the trust of Lex while he tried to gain knowledge on strange ability and god, upon whom he has sworn revenge

"This Curse was of the type that can change under some external factors. It will get more vicious with each passing day. I-I don't have that much time… after three months, I would die… help me please"

Creep told the truth mixed with a lies, like he did it many times to be more believable.

Moment later from nothing, Lex started to cry. Tears running across his cheeks have given him a more realistic feeling. It's sad that no one could see this spectacle

"Sad Tomorrow I w-would take you to my friend, who s-should help you. Poor soul. I'll not sleep tonight to make sure, DEMON! doesn't take your mind"

Lex comes to his prisoner and adjusts a piece of wood to where it was

Like if that would help me, crazy moron.

"So how do you know about my ability, and do you know where we are?"

Lex quickly responds

"My L-lord told me that I would have an encounter with a person who has dangerous eyes. This place E-Ranthell doesn't tell me anything good. Who would name something after hell, pure madness"

After hearing those answers two big stones that weighed over his mind disappeared

'ufff you're the crazy one here. He doesn't know anything about Overlord. He must be a guy who watched only Evangelion and praised it for it's deep symbolic meaning. I don't think he would be connoisseur of an Isekai anime. On the other hand, this guy referred to Truck-kun. Maybe he just saw it in a meme? Anyway, tomorrow I will be set free. All of you will pay for it. Especially this bitch!'

As two parties gained most of the needed information conversation, naturally died

After a moment, Creep had fallen asleep. Oblivious of his future.

Early in the morning, a few hours before sunrise Lex opens his eyes as if he has fallen asleep and woken up. Most people would assume that it really happened, but they would be wrong, as he has trained aura all of this time. His blue eyes shine in the night thanks to his [Night Vision] ability.

Common in Dark Elves, Goblins, and many subterranean races. His Skin and muscles ache from intensive training. He tries to massage his biceps to no avail as pain doesn't leave him.

Then he looks at snarling Ludger

'Ludger, Ludger. Because of you, my plan almost failed. Like if your body wanted pay to me for something that would happen today.

That guy, Chino Masanori, is a terrible liar. If you aren't a natural liar, then you shouldn't do it, or at least be smart about it. When trying to tell lies from truth there, are a few tricks, like looking for a person's tics and unnatural manner of speech. All of it is easy to read when you know this person, which can't be applied there. It was my first time talking to him, and he was tied and his face covered with a cloth. In your average person most of tics are on the face. it's Good for me that I Don't play fair.

Martial art of [Strengthen Perception] is Miraculous

Especially a variant discovered by Ludger [Strengthen Vision]

Three heads are better than one. As they say, Need is the mother of innovation

Hunter left in complete darkness was able to create a variant of easy-to-learn martial arts to meet combat needs. Humans from this world are able to grow past their limits in the middle of battle.

So if there was the possibility of making one variant, why not make another?!

In this spirit I have made another one called [Strengthen Hearing].

How that would help me with telling lies from truth? Stupid question

When normal people lie, their heart rate increases. Thanks to art I was able to hear when this guy lied. BUT! These snarls almost make me go batshit insane AGGHHH!!!

I was able to learn the following things

1 he lied about god

2 he was working in e-sports. Cool

3 Truck-kun is too vicious

4 His hack can change, or evolve. Bad news .It would explain why, after being beaten by Sara, it Influenced all of his face, I wonder if she has some resistance to it.

5 it's a shame that he was willing to talk… I really wanted to make 1 man 1 jar in real life

Last but not least, there will be more reincarnated guys.

On the same thought His brain began to ache

The worst kind would be guys who reincarnated in the world where Ainz, Suzuki Satorou lived. Around the year 2137 when Yggdrasil shut down. Full decked out guys with end game gear, Broken class builds. Classes similar to ones of Ainz friends, and FUCKING RICH! As in this world A bit different from the original. You can use rare metals up to Adamantium as coinage, the same can be said about Nazarick. Why is it so complicated Fuck!

Other kinds, like Creep should be manageable.

Another problem is the question what people got reincarnated there. If there are the same bad people like Overmentioned Creep it would be rough ride. Yeah I can imagine dudes who only want to fuck the shit out of Albedo, Shalltear, and other residents of Nazarick. Maybe other Characters like Renner…. I wish you luck, horny guys.

Enough of rest. Lets resume the training. Future will be disastrous if I don't protect This world.

As my name Implies, Lex Defender of Man'

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Hi, sorry for the lack of updates. My crippling addiction to Dota2 has made it hard to get back to writing

I plan to some extent mimic the way of writing in Overlord With my own MethMaxing characteristics.

In most cases, don't expect full blown chapters without Lex.

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Fuck Lizardman

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This site doesn't support dashed text lame, as I'll be using it as a thought from now. So we are back to ' '