
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, it took him years of engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  It is a Multiverse story. I have a few words for all past readers. I am sorry for all of the cringe that you were subjected to under my writing. It was bad, beyond bad, thus I apologise to you. When I read past chapters it was too much for me to bear the weight of cringe, it crushed all of my motivation to continue. After some time (And reading other cringe fanfics) I have returned with new winds in the sails. In short, many of the chapters will be scrapped and redone. The story contains: excessive violence, swearing, sweet gore, sexual assault (Tuare, yes it's about you), and other Crimes like many of them. Ancient problems require Ancient solutions. And more positive things like: themes of responsibility, lack of harem, bettering yourself, Exploration of Womanhood in Aristocratic society, A lot of nerdy stuff Sciences in general with more pressure on Biology (If I make any guff, point it out, I do basic research but on the other hand I'm dumb), Martial arts, Economics, Hypothetical modern warfare of guns and magic, religion, psionics?! And also jokes from my country and nonsense humour in general like this: Have you heard a story about blind Michael who lost sight after excessive gum chewing?| No. | The end. Or other things that I found funny: Once he told me while walking past the kindergarden. | EarlyAccess. I have like 200s of these Now I will tell you a few small spoilers. As you already know this fanfic is a multiverse story, The first World is the one of Overlord, and following that will be either My Hero Academia or Danmachi, When it comes to the fourth one I still don't know what to choose, probably a Dragon Ball to juice Lex up before the final confrontation. I digress, I'm still angsty about how The Mech Touch turned to shit because of the bitch and endless diluting of the story by the author, So it's possible that Lex somehow gets his hands on the system from Mech Touch, the metal scroll, and maybe one from Chrysalis, Multiple systems stacked on top of each other? Yes. In the story it will make more sense, believe me or not. However, if you like what I do it could be continued to encompass more IPs that I like. (I have few ideas for Re:zero) By the way, Lex only vaguely knows the IP of Overlord, other words will be completely alien to him. Another set of bigger spoilers regarding the first world. It will be split into parts. Adventurer arc mainly focuses on training and earning wealth (stealing all of the good quests from Momonga), Following it is Aristocrat arc where Lex raises to the status of nobility its main focus is managing the realm, economy and starting industrial revolution, expansion and another rise in status culminating in Lex becoming the de facto ruler of his own nation then preparation for inevitable. Last arc of the First world will be war with Nazarick. Yes, you heard it right war, I always felt that the Story of Overlord lacked a strong opposing force to hinder Nazarick's goals, also Nazarick's NPC won't have hardwired Loyalty, so at least one will get on Lexes side. One of the reasons for the conflict could be because of afromention Lexes industrial revolution and Momonga's distaste for his polluted home. Or just Lexes trolling, who knows? NPCs still will be loyal but this could change under Lexes and Momonga's actions I won't let Lex suck Nazarick's dick like many of the other writers do. The same will be true with other settings. Throughout this fanfic, Lex will become a better man and change people around him.

MatMax · Anime und Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 28

After a moment of asking pedestrians girl comes back

"There are two ways how to get so sewers, sewage treatment plant and hatch located in the slums"

"Both options sound like a shit"

Sara does a fake laugh "Haha~ very funny, I prefer to go through a treatment plant, as it should be cleaner"

"I agree"

she can't believe her ears "Really? Did you now agreed with my opinion?"

"Yes, more weird is that you don't ask about this blue thing, that Is my blood and how I get injured, its because I tried to cast magic and I fucked up a simple spell from the first tier"

"ohh" She looks at him, and to her eyes comes his black eyeballs "What about your black eyes? Its side effect of spell?"

"What?" he comes to shop for aristocrats as there is glass to look at himself

in the meantime, shop vendor day is like the day is polishing windows making them crystal clear, as shop being clear is a good way to greet potential customers, even more, rich ones like an aristocracy as they are picky when it comes to choosing stores, but when they pick one, it's a real Eldorado for owner

as the man Is giving his all polishing store windows, he sees a reflection of a man carrying something on his shoulder, from a huge posture and expensive-looking armour, he supposes that there is coming to another rich customer to impress him shop vendor works even harder, at the last moment he does 180* and makes one step, swift motions occurs where vendor because of his miscalculation and being generally fired up from potential cash flow, his face bumps into two soft peaches not being able to see he feels like his nose is stuck in something, the mouth has a weird sensation of something soft and hairy

Lex looks at the weird actions of the shop vendor "The fuck. Leave Ludger's ass and balls is peace sick Fuck"

The vendor hearing about balls tries to step back, but it becomes apparent that his nose is stuck In Ludgers ass, the more force he uses the more anus tightens. at some point, he starts to struggle grabbing butt cheeks, as he is suffocating by trapped nose and balls filling his mouth

Lex looks with disbelief at the pervert enjoying Ludgers ass so much that he begins to wildly move his face and hands around, because of this action loose pants fall off. Lex interprets this as an act of going further

"You crazy motherfucker, leave my friends alone!"He says so while delivering an awkward punch with the right fist at the man. as Punch connects, the fist strikes the man's jaw freeing him from deadly technique at the cost of broken bones and dislocated jaw. Inert body crushes through two of the three windows shattering them

"really people from this world are batshit crazy" Then he looks at the last Window, and he sees black eyes, at an instant window shatters too. Lex concentrates to stop leakage of sp, and in a few moments they are back to normal

In a matter of seconds, Sara comes followed by Local Guards

Guard 1 "What happened here? Why Nadir's shop is devastated?"

Guard 2 "And why do you have a naked man on your shoulder"

Lex "This pervert tried to rape my sleeping friend. When he was in need how I'm able to stay and watch as his dirty hands were madly assaulting his dignity? So I talked to him with my fist"

Guard1 starts to believe in Lexes half-truth half-bullshit "That would explain it, if someone did the same to my girlfriend, I would kill him"

Guard2 as an older more experienced person doesn't take it for granted "And what about that naked man?"

Lex lies "He got cursed by an evil witch, curse causes that if he sleeps while wearing something on him he wouldn't be able to wake up" In the meantime, he flaunts his mithril plate making the statement stronger

Guard2 seeing the plate and made-up story absolutely believes in it "We'll not waste any more precious time" and so the guards leave

"that guy truly wanted to get into his as-s?" Girl almost giggled

"Yeah that pervert almost did the deed, but when I saw that he taken pants off, I punched him saving Ludger now he owns me a favour, as I saved his ass from a rapist"

she finally can't last and bursts into a laughter

"There is nothing funny, he was a victim," he says with a face made of stone

his speech makes her only laugh longer

"Take us to that facility"


As they begin to see the facility half-asleep Ludger murmurs "Babe you don't need to be so aggressive"

"Ohh he at last starts to contact" Lex slaps a metal gauntlet onto the man's ass trying to hit the bone for the most of pain

"Wuaa" he by instinct grabs his aching ass "The hell Lex where I am?"

"We're going to massacre the rats" While speaking he puts the man down and takes out his gear and a short sword "Prepare yourself, by the way, you owe me a favour, as I saved your ass from a rapist"

Man begins to put equipment on "What he tried to do?"

Sara looks at their conversation from afar

"He like some biggest degenerate put his face between your ass cheeks, god- I mean that pathetic excuse of a god knows what he did to your balls with a tongue, at first I thought 'that must be an accident', but when he started to delight in it and taken off pants, I couldn't stand it. My fist collided with his red from perverted thoughts face and send him to a shabby shop"

"Thank you Lex I'll repay that favour with my life"

She just can't take it, laughing her ass off

"Stop it! My brilliant joke about sewers and shit doesn't even hinge you, but such serious stuff is funny?"

"Chill Lex, she has 16 winters, such a refined poop joke is too much for her underdeveloped sense of humour"

"You're right. Come here, Sara! You'll be our Tank! Let's see if you fending off an attack of rats will be as funny as I think!"

she comes closer with an evident gloomy smile on her pretty face

"I really need to?"

"Yes as it's your training"

"Can't you tank rats? In comparison to me, you have armour"

veins start to bulge on his forehead

"If you don't want to listen, you can come back to the village and after a year die from bandits"

At the mention of brigands her green eyes ignite

"Yeah Lets go! Exterminate that vermin tide!"

They come to the gate of the sewerage treatment plant

Watchman welcomes them

"Hejo folk why do you come here?"

From the group Lex speaks "We arrived to kill Rats, exterminate filth and All of the evil in this god-forgotten place!" he gets to hang on role-play while showing a green plate

"Woaahh mity adventurrers wellcum to my postt I call it poophole, be bearware of sneeeky rats and all cons- consum- cumconsuming slimes"

all of them look at the mentally challenged Watchman, as no one else with a clear rational mind would work in that stench

"No problem, my child with a grown body, but still young mind. Let us pass, I'll pray with all of my faith in god that you would be someday liberated from your mortal shackles, that are keeping your

mind from flying like a falcon, king of sky"

"Hehehe bard bard" He smiles at warm words that he doesn't understand