

Despite the device being destroyed, I got pulled out of the world I was in.

Immediately after, I got thrown into a different one.

The place I reappeared in was shrouded in darkness. I couldn't see a thing. I could feel, however, the boy being teleported right next to me. I blindly grabbed him and pressed him against the wall, covering his mouth with my hand so that he wouldn't be able to scream. Fighting against my fading consciousness, I focused my whole attention on listening for any sound.

I waited, and waited, and waited…

Finally, I heard something. A creaking noise, some soft shuffling, and a low, quiet grunt.

It sounded like a person turning around in their sleep.

It definitely did not seem like we were in a base of a military organization, or a place where fighters were moving around to get into positions for a battle. Were we transported to a different world than we were supposed to? Was it the result of my desperate attempt at stabbing the device?

"Mmm dmmm khmm mmm…" The boy made incomprehensible sounds, attempting to speak.

I loosened my hand slightly, just enough for him to be capable of eligible speech, but remaining ready to silence him at any moment. "What."

"Please don't kill me…" the boy repeated himself.

Not kill him? When he was shooting at me just a moment ago? And he undoubtedly would continue to do so even now, if it wasn't for the fact that he was unarmed.

I rolled my eyes. "And why wouldn't I?"

"I…" The boy seemed to hesitate for a moment. "I c-can give y-you information?"


"Oh really? And why…" I was about to question him further, when I heard more sounds coming from the bedroom. It seems someone woke up.

"Kev? Have you heard that?" It was a woman's voice.

A man groaned in response and got up. "I'll check it out."

Fuck. Talk about bad timing.

I quickly knocked out the boy. I'd deal with him later.

The man walked into the room, turning on the light. I blinked a few times, blinded by the sudden brightness.

"What the…" Before he finished speaking, I jumped onto him and grabbed him by the throat. I pulled all the strength I had into my grip, but in my weakened state, it wasn't all that much. The man struggled with all he had, trying to push me away. Even though I was disturbing the reality laws, I still could end up losing.

I had no more knives left on me. I lost the last one destroying the device. What else could I possibly use?

With a sudden flash of inspiration, I reached into one of my inner pockets. Then I slashed his throat with one of my keys, putting all I had into this move.

He fell to the ground with a thud. The cut wasn't deep enough to kill him instantly, but at least he wasn't able to speak or fight back.

Now that the lights were on, I could finally see my surroundings. I was standing in an elegant living room. Yeah, it most definitely wasn't a base of the organization, but an ordinary apartment.

Feeling extremely dizzy, I supported myself on the wall and gripped my injured tight, hoping the pain would help me stay awake. I couldn't pass out just yet.

"Kev?" The woman in the bedroom seemed to be getting uneasy.

I dragged myself to the kitchen to find a knife. Good thing I was somewhat familiar with the layout. Once I got myself a weapon, I waited for her by the door in the living room. I didn't want to attack her in the bedroom, cause in my current condition, I was too slow. She would probably scream as soon as she saw me, and I didn't want to alert the neighbors. I needed to ambush her and go for an instant kill.

Eventually, she got out of bed and went to look for the man. "Kevin? Why are you…"

Just as she passed through the door, I stabbed her in the throat with the kitchen knife.

With whatever energy I had left, I did a quick search of the apartment to ensure that there was no one else left. Once I confirmed it to be safe, I passed out on the bed.


I was woken up by the sound of the alarm coming from a phone lying on the bedside table. I got up with a groan and turned it off.

My head hurt like hell, my throat was completely dry, and my body was aching all over, but at least I was alive. Being able to get some sleep helped me restore some energy. I still needed to heal my wounds though. I didn't even have a chance to remove the bullets yet.

I slowly dragged myself out of bed and went to the kitchen to get some water, stepping over the bodies of the previous tenants. I glanced at the boy from the organization. Thankfully, he hasn't regained consciousness yet. I forgot to tie him up last night.

After getting some food and drink, I was feeling much better. It was time to get to work. I shouldn't remain in this apartment for too long, after all. Whether it was the organization or people from this world, I didn't want to deal with anyone until I fully recover.

First, I checked the boy for any trackers, but luckily, I found nothing. Well, if they could track us, they probably would have arrived here by now. Which meant that I could afford to at least heal myself a bit before moving on.

Considering the state my body was in, healing would take quite a while. I probably would need to split it into several sessions. It didn't help that as I just arrived in this world, my ability to break the reality laws was at its weakest.

I sat down on the floor and closed my eyes, focusing on the wound on my chest. With some difficulty, I slowly pushed the bullet out of my body. Then, I started repairing all the tissues. The whole process was quite exhausting, but at least I was making progress.

When I eventually opened my eyes again, I found the boy staring at me with wide eyes from where he was lying tied up on the floor.