
Playing Around

My hand was covered in so many cuts that it seemed there was not even an inch of undamaged skin left. To make matters worse, the alcohol got in my wounds, making them sting terribly. I started to regret my choice of ammunition.

However, I did not have time to heal myself. I quickly glanced around, looking for anything else I could throw.

I noticed a stack of papers spilling out of the broken desk. I grabbed a piece and crumpled it up into a ball.

Right now it didn't matter what I would throw. My intention wasn't to do any damage. After all, they would just put their shields up, so it would be a waste of effort. I just needed them to think I am trying to attack, so that their attention would be fully focused on the ball.

My actual attack would be something else.

Once ready, I peeked from behind the barricade and threw the paper at them, putting only enough force to make it seem real. I didn't even bother to curve its path.

As expected, they lifted their shields, ready to defend themselves. Thanks to that, most of them slowed down their shooting for a moment, so I didn't need to put too much focus on blocking the bullets.

As soon as the ball left my hand, I flattened it parallel to the ground, and turned it around, curling my fingers at the same time. I tore a patch of asphalt covering the surface of the road, knocking one of the assailants out of their feet. Then I raised its temperature, bringing it to the melting point, and dropped it on the face of the guy.

I didn't have time to see how well it worked. I quickly pulled one of the large street lamps that I wanted to use for my next attack out of the ground, and hid back again.

Seven more to go.

I crumbled another piece of paper and attacked again.

This time, they appeared to be mindful of both the paper and the ground, but unfortunately for them, neither was the correct answer. I lifted my arm, raising the street lamp high in the air, and let it drop on the head of one of the fighters. Having a heavy metal object drop on him like that should be enough to take him out.

Six more.

As I hid once again, the fire ceased. Seems they finally realized it was just a waste of ammunition.

What will their next strategy be? I wasn't about to wait to find out. I grabbed the top part of a broken bottle. It was mostly preserved, so it didn't injure my hand any further, and with its sharp edges at the bottom, it was a decent weapon. They should be less wary of the things I throw right now, so it was worth a shot.

They were waiting with their guns pointed at me, ready to shoot as soon as I show up. All of them, except for one.

One of the fighters stood with his gun down, his shield just resting against his leg, talking on his walkie-talkie.

I originally intended to aim for a different guy, but of course, I couldn't miss such an opportunity. I changed the direction at the last moment, and send the bottle flying at him.

His walkie-talkie slipped out of his hand and fell on the ground, the bottle impaling his throat.

Before ducking back behind the barricade, I sent all the bullets I blocked that were still hanging in the air straight at them.

I didn't hope to achieve much with this move, but I was running out of time.

The guy who was just talking on the walkie-talkie. He must have been contacting someone from the organization. What was he discussing? Asking for a backup? Or new orders? Some new strategy?

So far, I only took out half of them. I could easily kill many more, but it would get annoying soon. I was starting to get tired.

It was time to stop playing around. I had enough fun for today.

I stuffed a bottle of vodka in my pocket, and raised both of my hands, lifting up two of the doors that made up the barricade. I could use them as both shields and weapons. Then, I leaped above the desk and ran out of the store.

I jumped into the middle of their formation. They were a bit disoriented for a second, but recovered almost immediately and started shooting at me. I tossed one of the doors, knocking one of the attackers down. It was nowhere enough to kill him, but at least he dropped his gun.

I constantly moved around, avoiding some of the bullets and blocking the rest. I took out the bottle from my pocket and smashed it on the nearest guy. Then I scooped out my lighter and set him on fire.

Not wasting any time, I jumped toward my next target. This time, I simply went for a good old slash on the neck. The last guy standing got the same treatment.

I turned back to take care of the guy hit by the door, but he was gone. Seems the organization teleported him out. It was a bit disappointing, but…

Nine out of ten. Not a bad score.

But I must say, there were way too easy to defeat, and so badly organized that it was laughable. I think they were even weaker than the two snipers I faced before. I don't know what kind of training the organization puts them through, but its methods seem to be severely lacking.

What was their deal? Seriously, it couldn't possibly be all they had. They even had some kind of technology that allowed them to travel freely between the worlds. Surely, they must be able to gather a better attack force.

I frowned, rubbing my forehead. My head was starting to hurt from breaking the reality laws so much.

All the attackers were gone, but I still felt a bit of the unsettling feeling lingering. I glanced up.

The man in a beige suit from before was standing on the roof, looking at me. He had the walkie-talkie in his hand.

I lifted the street lamp and threw it at him, but unsurprisingly, the space contracted and he disappeared.