
World: DIVE

In a world of science and magic, shut-in otaku Shin'en Jun possesses a unique ability called 'Dive.' By immersing himself in novels, stories, games, and anime, he unlocks the power to journey into their worlds. Guided by martial prowess and limited magic, Jun unravels hidden depths and alternative storylines. But as he explores, things begin to go awry. In a quest to find out the mysteries of his ability and the dangers in his world, Jun navigates a blurred line between fantasy and reality, confronting personal demons and forging his destiny.

Saigetsu_Wysteria · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 — A New World

Blade Locke Academy.

Functioning as an academy city, this academy is the first of its kind, dedicated to nurturing Blade users, also known as Bladers. The Blade Locke anime series revolved around Bladers battling against rampaging monsters in a post-Invasion world.

'I can't believe I'm seeing this for real.'

Jun found himself standing at the gates of Blade Locke Academy.

Earlier today, he entered the portal that appeared after the countdown, ending up transferring into this new world. Even though he appeared in an unfamiliar bedroom, he was quick to find his bearings as he already expected this. Fortunately, he didn't need to do more as his system already prepared things for him.


[D.I.V.E. Correction Clause]

Name: Yagami Jun

Background: Son of two senior researchers at Sector 6. Seeing that their child is talented in handling weapons, they decided to enroll you at Blade Locke Academy to become a Blader.

Timeline: One year before the start of the series. Today is the third day of school. You have missed two school days due to moving into your new home.

Make sure to attend school starting today.

Note: Your status has been adjusted to comply with this world's standards. Missions have been assigned during your stay in this world. You may check them once you arrive at the Academy.

[Failure to complete the Main Mission will result in the deletion of D.I.V.E. and the start of your one-month death countdown.]


Where good news comes is where bad news follows.

As he remembered the penalty he would receive on the off-chance he failed his mission, Jun clenched his fists hard as he realized one thing:

His Unique Ability is as much a danger to him as it is a blessing.

'I can't afford to be complacent. I need to personally assess everything even if I know the story of the anime.' Jun thought as he remembered one key detail.

The timeline he is in is a year before the series.

There are many things to do and consider. Jun decided that he couldn't just remain passive and do nothing. Calming his breathing, Jun looked ahead as he saw students walking past him.

"Remember the drill. One step at a time." Jun murmured to himself as he stepped past the Academy gates.


Following the directions given by a helpful student, Jun navigated his way to the administrative building. Walking down the clean concrete road, Jun appreciated the moment of tranquility as he looked at the vibrant trees lining up on the sides and the occasional chirp of birds as they danced in the air. For a world that's supposed to be invaded by monsters, a small beautiful piece of scenery gives wonders.

Once Jun arrived at the administrative building, he gasped in awe as he gazed at the infrastructure in front of him.

The administrative building stood tall with a sleek modern design, exuding a regal presence. Its polished mahogany doors and reflective glass facade were framed by ornate columns, evoking a sense of honor and order. The wrought iron balconies told the academy's story through intricate designs, and a bronze plaque showcased the academy's insignia, a pair of crossed blades encircled by laurel wreaths, radiating a feeling of accomplishment and purpose.

'Being the center of everything in the series, it looks much better in real life.' Jun mused as he walked inside the building.

Inside, the building buzzed with activity that matched its outward appearance. Aside from the front desk, the ground floor housed the admissions office, where new students like Jun received their class assignments.

However, this building was more than just a gateway for newcomers; it was also the heart of the academy's operations.

This building wasn't merely an administrative center; it also doubled as the primary residence for many of the academy's staff, who worked diligently to ensure the academy's smooth operation. The top floors were not just for living but served a plethora of functions beyond just academics.

It is also the central hub for the academy's missions, resource center, and other facilities. It is also where the Disciplinary Office and the Student Council are located.

The topmost floors served as a strategic center for reconnaissance and an assembly point for emergency meetings. In times of crisis, teachers, administrators, and students alike gathered here to formulate strategies, share intelligence, and plan the academy's response to threats. It was a place of strategy and preparation, a sanctuary where the fate of the academy was often determined in the anime.

'I can look around later. I should find my class designation now.' Jun shook his head and headed towards the admissions office.

As Jun reached the office, he knocked on the door a few times, waiting for a few seconds before opening the door. Inside, he was greeted by the sight of a stern-looking bespectacled woman working on the papers on her desk.

His posture straight, Jun saluted the woman.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I'm here to request my class assignment. Recruit Yagami reporting for duty."

The woman, hearing him, stopped what she was doing and stood up before returning a salute.

"At ease, Recruit Yagami. Please provide your identification."

"Here are my documents, ma'am." Jun handed over a tablet, a Credence Slate, to the woman. It came along with his admission letter from the Academy. He brought it with him as he would need it at all times during his stay in this world.

The woman placed his Credence Slate on a platform on her desk. When the platform flashed green, she opened a drawer and took an envelope. "Thank you, Recruit Yagami. Here is your class assignment," the woman said as she handed over the envelope as well as his Credence Slate, "Read it when you go out."

"Thank you for your time, ma'am." Jun gave a salute to the woman before heading out of the office, carefully closing the door shut.

Once outside, Jun opened the envelope with bated breath. Unfolding the paper, he discovered his assigned class.

Yagami Jun, First-Year, Class D-2.

Jun let out a soft sigh. He understood the rationale behind his placement. Despite his impressive martial prowess, his magical capacity is severely limited. It was a factor that could hamper his overall performance as a Blade user.

Still, he will never let this handicap stop him. Placing the paper back into the envelope, Jun walked out of the administrative building with renewed resolve.


After asking for directions, Jun found his classroom. As he came near the door, he was met with a figure who embodied a sense of experience and authority. A middle-aged man with a few white hairs scattered amidst his dark hair, stood by the door, exuding a sense of quiet competence.

His build was on the leaner side, and his posture was impeccable. His attire was as neat and serious as his demeanor. The man wore a black suit, paired with equally dark pants. Adorning his left breast pocket was a pin, featuring the insignia of Blade Locke Academy, that drew Jun's attention.

'The depiction they gave him in the anime is nowhere near this.' Jun's eyes were full of admiration as he stared at the man.

The man noticed him, and fixing his red tie, turned towards Jun.

"Student Jun Yagami, I presume?" The man said as he extended his hand towards Jun, palms facing downwards.

"Yes, sir. I apologize for missing the first two days of class." Jun met the man's outstretched hand with his own, clasping it firmly, as he bowed his head.

"So I've heard. I see you've settled down well?"

"It took a while, but I've adjusted well enough."

"I'm happy to hear that. Well, you're right on time. Class is about to start." Releasing his hand, the teacher opened the door and went into the classroom with Jun following behind him.

Jun took a deep breath as he stepped into the classroom for the very first time. What met his gaze was a tableau of twenty-three pairs of eyes, each fixed upon him with a mixture of curiosity, intrigue, and perhaps a trace of assessment. He could feel the collective attention of the students as they watched the newcomer.

The teacher, having led Jun into the room, made his way to the front of the class, reaching the podium with deliberate steps. As he did so, he raised a hand, gesturing for Jun to find a seat.

"Please, Jun," the teacher's voice carried a calm authority, "take your place at any available desk."

Jun nodded at the teacher and walked toward an empty desk. He chose the desk at the leftmost side at the back.

Seeing him sit down, the teacher took a chalk from the podium and started writing on the chalkboard.

After a few moments, he put down the chalk and faced the class.

"My name is Juichiro Furukaze. You will call me Furukaze-sensei. I will be the advisor as well as the instructor of the Class-D first-year students." Furukaze looked at the students for a while and continued. "Now, it's time for me to properly explain the Academy's education system."

Jun listened carefully as Furukaze-sensei explained the rules and other important things. This academy will be at the forefront of many events, even before the main plot, so he must always be ready to react to any situation.

After a while, Furukaze-sensei narrowed his eyes, and his demeanor suddenly became imposing.

"Contrary to what most of you expect, D-Class students play a vital role in supporting higher-ranked Bladers," Furukaze-sensei explained as he stared at the students. "You'll often find yourselves in rescue missions and acting as scouts, exploring areas with potential monster presence. It's a role of great responsibility."

"You may feel that you're lacking compared to others in terms of abilities, but never think that you're a failure."

After saying those words, silence enveloped the whole class. Even Jun found himself affected by the words of his teacher as he furrowed his brows and cast his gaze downward. Noticing the atmosphere, Furukaze-sensei knocked on the podium a couple of times to get their attention. "Now, let me explain a few more things."

Jun listened attentively as the teacher continued to explain that D-Class students would receive combat training and participate in field drills, something that E-Class students did not have as part of their curriculum.

"D-Class students have a unique opportunity," Furukaze-sensei added. "Your performance and improvements will determine the guidance and teaching you receive from teachers. If you catch a teacher's attention with your dedication and progress, they may offer you personalized training."

Hearing this information, the atmosphere inside the classroom became lighter as the students' eyes seemed to burn with passion. Furukaze-sensei saw this and gave a small smile as he addressed the class.

"That's almost everything. Your class schedules will be sent to your Credence Slates, so be sure to check them later. For any free slots, you may choose a class of your liking, but make sure to choose wisely."

"The rest of the day will be your free time. We will begin classes in earnest tomorrow." Furukaze-sensei walked out of the classroom as the students stood up and bowed at him. After he left, the classroom was filled with noise as the students turned and conversed with each other.

"Hey," a blue-haired girl sitting beside him nudged his shoulder, "What do you think after listening to Sensei earlier?"

Jun distanced himself a bit from the girl and said, "N-Nothing much?"

An awkward silence enveloped the two of them as the girl didn't know how to continue further.

"I-I see." The girl said after a while.

Jun then noticed some students wanting to approach them. Not wanting to strike up a conversation with others, Jun stood up and left the classroom in a hurry.

It's not like he didn't want to make friends, but Jun knows that he cannot hold a proper conversation, and the fact that he has a lot to think about will just make him absent-minded.

With nothing else to do, Jun decided to explore the academy facilities. Hearing the bustling of students from the other classrooms, Jun headed down the corridor.

His first destination will be the training grounds.

I should get rid of procrastination as soon as possible.

Saigetsu_Wysteriacreators' thoughts