
Chapter 1 The Start

"Hey Ryan did you complete the SAP?" asked my friend Leo.

"Nope, I completely forgot about that" I replied simply.

"Then what will you tell to Mr.Das, you 'forgot'"

Mr.Das was our project in-charge

"No, I'll just say I'll submit my report next week because it still has some errors and corrections waiting to be made."

"Nice excuse, I'll do that too"

"Sure, See ya later than"

And he left for his own class, he had it in block C, while my class was on Block B.

The next half part of my day was mostly the same normal as a day can be for anyone who is in college.

Going to boring 1-hour lectures, waiting for it to end, wishing that some hot professor would take up one of the lectures this time, and all that.

Then came the lunchtime when I once again met up with one of my friends, Rand, this well I will tell you this was the blindest if that is a word, arrow that struck true for me. I had no idea that I would ever become buddies with this guy, but I did so...

Oh! Sorry I got distracted.

So yeah so I met Rand during lunch in the cafeteria and talked somewhat about my day and listened to him, telling about the same.

During that time my phone pinged, which was strange because I am the guy that has his phone silent most of the time, so usually I would miss phone calls read messages late and all that.

So I was surprised that the message pinged, so I unlocked my phone and looked at the notifications.

The notifications were in a jumbled form so the first was the notif. of what music had played last, then my WhadsApp messages and finally the one I was looking for, it was in between my youdube recommendations, and I think that was also the reason I found it so fast I mean a bland message between the colourful and vibrant thumbnails of youdube that is easy so easy to spot.

So the notif. I got was from somewhere called HPS wondertainment(author: nice acronym *wink**wink* right *wink**wink*)

It read this: 🎉🎊Congratulations!!🎉🎊 you have been chosen as one of the lucky 100,000 from across the multiple realities to become the proud owner of the World Creator App an extraordinary app that transcends realities.

Would you like to install the App?

And looking at it I immediately wanted to return no, no actually I wanted to just clean that notif. and block whatever the heck website that came from.

After all, I am a sane man living in the 21st century, I am no dumb shit who will choose yes or no and get a virus in both conditions.

But my phone... well it had a glitch and somehow I pressed the yes button.

Now listen I know that glitch can be the most important and the luckiest that happened to other than being chosen that is, but at that time I did not know that.

That time the only thing in my mind was ' f@ck I am getting a virus' and as if to confirm my thought, the screen went out.

I freaked out, I literally freaked the hell out, I was taking a deep breath, trying to calm down, Rand sitting to my right was trying to help calm me, he had seen the spectacle of me pressing yes and the screen going out.

You know the feeling when you are playing a game or watching a movie and suddenly power goes down right at the final climax.

Yeah now take that feeling and multiply it by 10 times, now you guys can barely try to understand what was going through my mind.

I was going through hyped depression as we sat there.

The next part of the day went by in a burr, I barely remember even to this date what happened next, I only remember leaving the cafeteria with my friend and getting back to class than in the evening getting back to home in the evening through the bus.

At my house, I directly went to my room with barely a greeting to anyone I met on the way to stairs and on them.

In my room, I sat on the bed trying to process what happened today.

I don't know if it was due to the hype of the first day or my depression over the phone, but I soon fell asleep on the bed.

In my sleep I remember darkness, just darkness then suddenly some bells rang around me and I was in a brightly lit hall filled with a large strange crowd.

Before I could process anything, a booming voice suddenly rang around me saying