
World's Revelation

The World is changing for the worst. It is nearing impossible to survive in this world. Common animals have turned into beasts, monsters from other dimensions have began to fall upon Earth, and worst of all there are no heroes strong enough to actually stop them. A group of humans, strangers to one another, have been called forth as this generation's final hope. The group of new heroes have little to no experience in battle, but the only way to survive is to learn of the hardships of battle. They learn that the World's Revelation has begun. They learn that they are the only hope humanity has left. Survival of the fittest and teamwork are the only way to survive now. Only the strongest will move on and the weak are mere meat shields. Will these humans be able to stop the Revelation?

WonderSuru · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Do or Die Pt. II

I sat in the waiting room and looked at my shaking hands. I balled them into fists and closed my eyes. I was uncertain about this battle. I knew there was no chance of me winning even at full power.

"What is the actual plan?" I asked Dearie and Baphomet.

"The plan is for you to lose, but lose leaving a great impression. That is why for this battle we are going to be helping you push past your current limits. If Bea could push past them to the point of reaching the strength of a Rank S only being a Rank B, I know you can too." Dearie answered.

"Exactly plus your genes are hundreds of times better than Bea. You actually inherited your mother's traits and she was no slouch of a woman or Dragon." Baphomet said.

I looked at the both of them, seeing how confident they looked and how much faith they are putting in this suicidal plan. It was like they both had something up their sleeves that they weren't telling me.

"Do you happen to know what type of Dragon I am, or what kind of dragon my mother was?" I asked.

"Oh yes I do, but I would've thought you figured it out when Bea told you." Baphomet said.

"What?" I asked tilting my head a bit.

"You're a Ryujin. Ryujin Clan Dragons are basically Dragon Gods and Goddesses. I still don't know how your father pulled such a dragon to be able to mate with her for her to have two offsprings but I can tell they had some real love..." Baphomet answered.

"Based on the information I am able to access, Ryujin Clan Dragons are only equalled by two other clans, Longshen and Ethereal Clan Dragons. Anyone of those three clans are classified Legendary and extremely rare. No other information for abilities and traits are recorded because they originated from Galheim...that only means your mother has been here for quite some time." Dearie explained as she read through the data she had.

I looked down and looked at my hands again. "I guess my human side is limiting what I can actually do huh?"

"Yep, but because of your human side your potential as a dragon and human are beyond normal standards. Look at this." Dearie said then showed a chart with my stats.

I looked at the digital interface Dearie brought up and looked at my stats.

[Name: Felix Knight]

[Age: 18]

[Strength: F {203}]

[Defense: F {203}]

[Agility: F {203}]

[Intelligence: C {890}]

[Charisma: D {452}]

[Potential: S {???}]

[Overall: F {325}]

"We can't even calculate your potential because of you potentially being a Demigod. But since your potential is so high...we have this plan. A good one." Dearie explained.

"It's called Operation: Dragon Boost! Dearie and I have been coming up with a new ability called Dragon Boost. It is supposed to increse your power by 10% each boost all the way to 100%, but here comes the limitations." Baphomet said.

Dearie showed the interface with had the ability description. "Dragon Boost is a passive ability meaning it doesn't take any slots from you. Each boost increases your power level, strength, defenses, speed, and senses by 10%, but each boost causes high blood pressure, stress on your body, and even if not mastered, death because of how much stress your body accumulates from such a powerful technique." Dearie explained.

"This is your plan? I might as well just let Kylran go crazy on me." I said.

Baphomet placed her finger on my lip. "Hold on! This works out well with your trait because your body will recognize that you may be in some form of danger and quickly adjust to these boosts. Your body is something others wished they had."

I looked at Baphomet and Dearie then closed my eyes, sighing. "I trust you two, but I feel like there's something more."

Dearie and Baphomet looked at each other then smiled. They heard the door opening and looked back to see a woman walking in.

"Felix. It is time." The woman said.

I stood up and calmed my nerves. I followed the woman who escorted me to the battlefield. Once we made it, I walked ahead and stepped out into my fate. As I looked around, it seemed as if there was a full house. Dragons from different islands came by to watch this battle take place.

I looked ahead and noticed Kylran sitting on the ground, meditating. I stopped walking and looked at him. Kylran stopped meditating and opened his eyes to look at me. He stood up and adjusted his gloves.

"Master...I am not too sure about this anymore." Layla said.

Irma watched us and smiled. "Mmm...I can see why, but something tells me that we are in for a good show."

{Act 14: Do or Die Pt. II}


Kylran crossed his arms and looked around. "Look around you, Felix. All of these dragons are here to watch me completely annihilate you, here to watch you embarrass yourself to the point of no return. After this, if you're lucky enough to have my mercy, you can tell your family about me, the Ace Dragon of Vyldru!"

I stared at Kylran and grunted softly. I tried to calm my nerves, but now I was antsy. Anything could happen to me at any moment in this fight. All I had in my mind was if I was going to be able to spend another day with Bea after this.

"Not that I will show any mercy. I know you only chose to fight me because of Layla. Fighting for a chick you barely even know. How heroic of you, but let me tell you...Layla isn't yours for the keeping. Once you're out of the picture, she'll come running back to me." Kylran said.

My mind was too clouded to even process what he was talking about. Memories of Bea and I kept playing in my mind on replay. I was actually scared because now the stakes were high.

[Rank A Mission: Survive Against Kylran.]

[Objective: Last 10 Minutes against Kylran.]

[Win Condition: Successfully last 10 minutes.]

[Lose Condition: You fall in battle.]

[Special Condition: Defeat Kylran using a Balanced Dragon Cannon.]

I closed my eyes and held my head a bit. "I can't do it...I...have too much to lose..."

"Felix." Dearie said.

I looked at Dearie and grunted as she slapped some sense into me. I was astonished by Dearie's actions and stared at her.

"Your life is at stake here. It's Do or Die now. You have only two options, fight Kylran and take your respect, earn your place with Irma and make Layla see that you're more than capable of saving her from Kylran and be able to see Bea again when you wake up the next day or die a worthless death. Which would you rather have?" Dearie asked.

"The first choice of course, but—"

"Enough buts!" Dearie yelled. "Listen to me Felix, you aren't walking this world alone. You have me and Baphomet at your side awaiting your every command. We won't let you down, but help us help you. It's time you put on your big boy pants...and show everyone you aren't weak. Show them WE aren't weak!"

I nodded as I listened to Dearie's speech. Her words touched my soul in a way I never thought anyone could.

"We won't let you die...Not now, not ever! Put your full trust in us, and face the danger in the eyes. Face Kylran and give it your all. All you need is ten minutes right? Then let's prove to him and everyone else what we can do. I know enough about you now to know your style of combat. I have optimized my settings to match you." Dearie said.

"She's right. She's been working on her OS to fit you and not Claudio anymore. She's running off zero limitations now and has completely optimized everything she can do for you. We're scared too because this is a coin flip, but...the best teacher is life and it's time to let her teach you!" Baphomet said.

I looked at Baphomet then noticed her determined smile. "Baphomet..."

"Trust me, Felmet. I know how scared you are..~ I am too because if you die...who else will be a Myth Class Monster with me?~ I need you and you need me so let's give it our all!" Baphomet said to me via telepathy.

I was able to finally calm my nerves then closed my eyes with a smile.

"Finally done talking to your pathetic systems? I want to get this over with so I can claim my prize." Kylran said with his arms crossed.

I opened my eyes and my body entered Do or Die Mode. I got into my Dragon Stance and exhaled. "I'm ready..."

Kylran noticed my stance and rose an eyebrow. He heard the trumpets and smirked. "Come at me, Human."

I wasted no time dashing toward Kylran and went for the first strike. He dodged my attack then countered, hitting me with a gut punch. I grunted as I stumbled back then went for a kick, but he dodged once again swiftly. He landed a powerful gut punch again then palmed my chest. I groaned as I was knocked back then slid backwards.

Kylran watched me then walked forward. He dodged a burst of wind being shot hit direction then rushed forward, striking my stomach with his knee then knocked me upwards with a kick. He shifted his weight to knock me away with a question mark kick.

I hit the ground and rolled backwards, recovering into one knee. I had already taken a lot of damage and he only hit me a few times. "I can't land a strike on him..."

"That's alright. Just keep focusing your energy on defense. Once your first empowerment kicks in, that's when we strike, but it seems like he's only focused on countering right now." Dearie said.

"Saving his energy...This man is no stranger to battles. By only going for counters, he saves much more of his energy than going on all out offense." Baphomet explained.

I stood up slowly and wobbled a bit. I wiped the sweat from my forehead then surrounded my body with Draconic Fire Energy. "Well both of us can't be on defense, if he isn't gonna attack then I will continue my onslaught. Dearie, let's go. Baphomet, charge up."

"Affirmative." Dearie said.

"Got it!~" Baphomet said then flew toward the sky and began to charge a Dragon Burst.

I got back into my stance then closed my eyes and channeled my Demonic Energy. "He's faster and smarter than me, but we have to use trickery to even come close. Dearie...I have an idea."

Kylran watched me and noticed Dearie firing a Laser Blast at the ground, creating a large smokescreen around the area. He continued to watch then noticed multiple silhouettes of myself running around. He watched each one then began to dodge their attacks then grunted as he was hit with a Light Blast from behind.

I ran around with my decoys then dashed toward Kylran at blazing speeds. I jumped forward and went for a spinning kick which trailed flames behind it. Kylran dodged my kick and noticed I ran off before he could counter. Kylran began to grow annoyed and roared loudly, blowing the smoke away. He noticed that the arena was now empty with only him standing on it.

"What the..? Where did he go..?" Kylran asked as he looked around.

Kylran heard rumbling from the ground then groaned as I emerged from the ground, striking him with an uppercut then kicked him away. He recovered off one hand then Dearie stopped time, allowing me to burrow underground once again and cover my tracks. Time resumed and Kylran watched even closer.

"I can't even sense him..." Kylran said.

I used my Human Side to my absolute advantage. While I was in my Human Form, my power level is so low that it's unable to be tracked. My plan was to stall out for ten minutes so I wouldn't risk the suicidal plan Dearie and Baphomet had planned since none of us was even over 50% certain that it would work.

Kylran heard rumbling again then noticed me emerge from underground again, but he dodged my uppercut then struck my body, only to realize it was a decoy. I emerged from behind him then blasted him with a burst of fire. Kylran groaned as he was blasted then grunted, stumbling forward a bit.

"Such trickery...~ He knows he can't win so he's using tricks to deal damage, but that can only work for so long..~" Irma said, studying my style of battle.

Kylran heard the ground rumbling again then dodged another attack and sensed the real me emerge behind him then elbowed my stomach. I groaned and coughed then grunted loudly in pain as he kicked me away. Kylran flew after me, now going in the offensive then kicked me to the ground.

I slowly stood up and felt Kylran grab my head then rose me upwards. He delivered one of the strongest punches I had ever felt in my life to my stomach. He was specifically targeting the core of my body which was a human's strong and weak point at the same time.

"I must admit...you are a crafty one, but it seems your luck has just run out!" Kylran laughed then tossed me up then grabbed my ankle.

I groaned loudly in pain as he slammed me to the ground. He rose me back up then slammed me on my back then tossed me up. He formed a sphere of energy in his hand then slammed it against my stomach, blowing me away. I groaned as I crashed into the wall and fell to my knees. My aura disappeared then I fell forward.

"Felix!" Layla yelled in distress.

Kylran laughed as he looked at me. "Is that all?! Is that really it?! That's all you have to offer?! I almost feel bad for you, Human!"

Irma watched me and grunted as she felt a sudden increase in my power. "He's...still standing?"

I slowly stood up and my hair covered my eyes. I held myself and grunted. My body was shaking, ready to explode.

"You're mad aren't you...?"





I grunted then roared loudly, my voice echoing through the skies. I bellowed and my Demonic Energy surged powerfully around my body as I began to recieve my empowerment. Everyone watched me and was in awe by my increase in power.

"Dragon Boost!" I bellowed then a symbol faintly glowed on my back. A faint red energy appeared over my Demonic Energy.

"So...you do have tricks up your sleeve and I was worried that embarrassing you might have become too easy.." Kylran laughed.

I looked at Kylran and rage began to fill my heart. I growled and my pupils became dragon like then I stomped my foot down and roared loudly once again.

"Look at this unhinged beast...Its time for someone to put you down!" Kylran said then propelled himself toward me.

"Let's go..." I said.

"On your command." Dearie said then readied herself.

I dashed toward Kylran and dodged his strike then countered with a gut punch, knocking him backwards. I roared, creating soundwaves using my Draconic Wind Energy to blow him away. Kylran grunted then landed on his feet and looked at me with a hint of disbelief.

"Switch!" I commanded then dashed to ask Kylran.

Dearie and Baphomet swapped then Baphomet quickly followed me. She finished charging her Dragon Burst.

I jumped up and went for another spinning kick, making Kylran block high. Baphomet took this chance to used her Dragon Burst against Kylran, blowing him away. Dearie and Baphomet swapped once again then Dearie reversed Kylran's time, pulling him back toward me.

"No mercy right?!" I roared as I palmed his stomach with all my might and knocked him away then rushed after him.

Kylran grunted as he recovered then groaned as I kicked him away. Kylran hit a wall of light then looked back. He looked up then dodged my aerial strike and landed a powerful kick on my side then pushed me back.

"No more games!" Kylran yelled then used his Dragon's Gaze.

"Now!" Dearie said.

I quickly rose my hands in the air and caused a burst of wind to blow upwards, making Kylran cover his face. I bellowed and delivered a powerful blow to his stomach, staggering Kylran. I dished out a powerful five hit combo then prepared to fire a beam of energy, but Kylran quickly recovered then gripped my face.

"Enough!" He bellowed then used his Dragon's Gaze, forcing me to look into his eyes. "Fall.."

My eyes shined then I fell to my knees. Layla stood up as she knew what was going to happen. She looked at the clock and noticed there was only two minutes left.

"Felix! You have to break out of his Dragon's Gaze! Don't let him control you!" Layla yelled.

"You hear that..? Your princess is trying to give you advice, but it won't work. You're under my command now." Kylran chuckled then gripped my hair and looked at everyone, listening to them cheer and chant. "Let's give it to him! He put up a good fight didn't he?!"

"Kylran! Kylran! Kylran!" The crowd cheered and chanted.

"Felix!" Dearie yelled and tried to break me out of Kylran's control.

"Shall I torture this human for challenging your Ace?!" Kylran asked and laughed.

The crowd cheered even louder. "Only the survival of the fittest! Kill that human! Weaklings are not tolerated!"

Kylran looked at me and smirked. "You heard the crowd. A live torture and execution it is!"

Kylran raised me up then slammed me to the ground and stomped on me. I groaned and coughed blood as he continued to stomp on me. His sadistic side began to show. He took pleasure in torturing and beating me to an inch of my life.

My vision began to grow blurry the more he ruthlessly attacked me. My ears began ringing, my breathing became irregular. Once the beating stopped he let me fall to my knees. He used his foot to make me bow down to him.

"You never had a chance. All those hits you connected, I let you hit me so you'd think you have a chance. You should've stayed in your place...coming to our territory uninvited. Thinking you can have Layla for yourself? Challenging me?! You're a foolish Human if you believe I would let you live after all this!" Kylran said then his eyes shined.

I stayed silent and memories of my life flashed in my head. I didn't want to die. I didn't want to leave Bea behind. I still had a goal, a goal I must complete. The image of the Red Dragon flashed in my head and I opened my eyes.

"Get off my head..." I said coldly.

"What? Did you say something?!" Kylran asked then pressed his foot against my head tighter.

"I said get off my fucking head..." I said then grabbed Kylran's ankle.

Irma watched and felt another massive boost but this time it was different. "This energy..."

"Yes...Awaken! Awaken your dormant power! Awaken your true power, Felmet! Show them your Clan's Power! Roar loudly and break that first gate!" Baphomet yelled.

I growled and my hair began to stand up. Kylran watched me in awe then noticed darkness entering my body and a faint symbol shine on my back. He got off my head then watched me stand up. I roared and transformed into my Shadow Dragon Form, but it looked different. My aura was now black and golden. Out of desperation...I once again was able to tap into my Ryujin Power.

I opened my eyes and they shined gold. The symbol on my back shined brightly then the markings on my sleeves shined as well, causing golden energy particles to flow around my body. I looked at my hands then noticed my energy.

Irma stood up and watched me with high interest. "No way...Layla, you didn't tell me...your new boyfriend is a Ryujin!"

"B-Boyfriend?! And I didn't know either, but what's a Ryujin?" Layla asked.

"The Ryujin Clan is one of the three strongest Dragon Clans in existence. They along with the Longshen and Ethereal Clans are all the Ancient One's Creations, the Elder Dragons as they are called. Felix has the Ryujin Power...and that in itself is nearly impossible to find taken the last Ryujin that lived was killed. Now it seems like Felix is the last Ryujin standing..." Irma said.

"Felix has an older sister actually, but she doesn't have draconic power like Felix does...so I guess Felix is the true sole survivor of his clan..." Layla said then looked at me.

Kylran was in disbelief of my increase in power. He was astonished by the amount of power he was feeling from me. 'He's still weaker than me and yet he continues to grow..! How high does his potential even reach?! How am I struggling to take down this pathetic human?!'

I looked at Kylran then lowered my arms. I generated my divine energy and entered my Balanced Shadow Dragon Form then glared at Kylran. "...Now that I have awakened my hidden power once again thanks to your help, our battle truly begins now. Whatever you thought worked against me no longer works now."

Kylran scoffed, thinking I was bluffing. "Yeah? What makes you think that?"

I stared at Kylran then smirked. "Go ahead and try your gaze...I will show you why I think that."

Kylran grunted at my confidence that came out of nowhere. He used his Dragon's Gaze against me. He noticed my eyes shining then grunted when he noticed his ability took no effect on me.

"Dragon's Gaze...A form of Mind Control. Just by staring into your eyes, you can make anyone weaker than you fall into your command...however against someone who has Unyielding Willpower, that doesn't work." I said then stopped walking.

Kylran stared at me and growled lowly. "You think you have a shot at victory..?"

"No..." I said then smirked at Kylran. "Our strategy was to gamble my life away essentially...and it worked out in my favor. I still haven't achieved my true form, but I am now awakened. With my Ryujin Boost stacked on top of my Shadow Dragon Form...there's no telling how high I can go now."

Layla stared at me in awe then looked at the other dragons who were also in awe at what I achieved. "Felix! Kick his butt, show him what you're made of!"

I smirked and swiftly kicked Kylran away then got into my Ryujin Stance. "Let's get this party started. I hope you're ready... because now it's my turn to show you what I'm really about."

The ten minutes have been passed and I completed my objective, but it was too early for me to stop now. I had to know how my new power worked. It was the perfect time to try it out. I was more confident with where I was now despite still being weaker than Kylran.

"Dearie." I said.

"Felix." Dearie replied.

"Go all out." I said.

Dearie smirked and her eyes shined. "Affirmative..."