
Who Needs To Face Their Fears When You Can Just Run Away?


May 16, 3:30 pm, Canberra, Australia

Gadiel's father was a big man. Despite his age, he still hit the gym, and had the gains to show for it. When Gadiel was growing up, all the kids in his class agreed that his dad would beat all the other dads. It wasn't even a competition.

Despite all that, Gadiel knew that his dad was a pretty laid-back, easygoing guy. Despite his scary appearance, he was really a marshmallow who would cave at the slightest pressure from his wife or child.

The only time Gadiel had seen him angry was once when one of Gadiel's older cousins pushed him into a river while playing. The memory of his dad's rage had burnt itself into Gadiel's mind. From then on, he made sure to never make his dad mad on purpose.

So seeing him so worked up, chest heaving as he held up the picture, Gadiel felt as if a whole bunch of his childhood fears were coming true.

This was it.

His dad hated him.