
Quest Item


June 9, 5:50 pm BT – 3:50 pm UT, A Town On The Outskirts of Kashgar Prefecture, China

The air seemed to stand still as Irade looked up at Maysäm. It felt like there wasn't enough air to breathe, her head spinning and her blood running cold as her words sunk in.

"What do you mean?" Irade managed to say. Her voice was weirdly normal. As if she hadn't just heard this lady confirm all her worst fears.

Maysäm didn't answer immediately. She took another long drag from her cigarette, looking back at the house as she blew smoke.

"I mean that there's no place for you here anymore," she said as she took another drag. "You should've stayed in...wherever you were before this."

Irade felt the knot in her chest loosen slightly, her breathing coming in a little easier.

"But I did used to come from here," she said. "My parents lived here."