
It's Impossible To Negotiate If You Don't Know What You Or The Other Party Wants


May 28, 9:11 am, Canberra, Australia

Meredith smiled diplomatically, keeping calm.

"Well, there is a lot to cover," she said. "How about you introduce yourselves to us?"

Gadiel looked pointedly at the Prime Minister, who coughed.

"They've already done that, sorry," he said, shifting in his seat. "But if you don't mind-"

"It's fine," said Gadiel, his smile dropping just a little. "I understand."

He introduced himself and Tarik once more, careful to keep his face up. The one good thing about growing up gay in a homophobic environment was that Gadiel was very aware of his expressions and mannerisms, as well as other peoples. In order to keep from being ostracized, beaten up, or disowned, Gadiel needed to be able to tell how people felt from their body language while masking his own. As such, he kept a façade of being a little annoyed at having to reintroduce himself, while watching the people watching him.