
Control (Part Two)


July 26, ??:?? ??, ???, ???


Her face flickered on the screen, before the entire thing went black again. Sakura stared at it, shocked for a moment, before grabbing the wall. Realizing she couldn't, she started hitting it.

"Alice? Alice was that you?"

Behind her, another screen flicked on. Sakura turned to find Alice glitching on it again.


Before she could finish, the screen flicked off again.


Sakura grit her teeth, looking at the screens again. Alice. It had to be Alice.

But why was she here? Where was this place?

...actually, Sakura had a pretty good idea of what this was. Given everything the little man said, and what she had seen, then this place had to be...

...but if it was, then what was she doing here? Why did the Demon Lord send her here?

No. This wasn't the time to think about all that. It was all conjecture anyway. First, she needed answers.