
World's Creator

Yawan, a mere mortal, dies suddenly in his sleep and finds himself summoned to an otherworldly realm by an entity known only as the "Creator." The Creator reveals that Yawan is the son of one of his avatars, and bestows upon him a portion of his divine power, making Yawan a god himself. Overwhelmed and unsure of how to wield his newfound abilities, Yawan must learn to navigate this strange new world and use his power to create his own world. And maybe even use it for fun. Note: English is not my native language, nor is it my second language. Read at your own risk Inspired by Low Dimensional Game

Yawan · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Chapter 14 : Another Destiny

The sky was a deep, velvety black, punctuated by the glittering lights of millions of stars. As the unknown galaxy stretched across the sky in a silvery light-like river, dotted with bright, sparkling stars that seemed to dance and twirl in the darkness.

Each star was like a tiny point of light, twinkling with a brilliance that seemed to defy the vastness of space as each one is a testament to the infinite wonders of the universe.

There was a stillness and a calmness to the night, as though the whole world had paused to marvel at the beauty of the stars. The air was cool and crisp, scented with the fragrance of pine and earth, and the only sounds were the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant hoot of an owl or maybe a howl of a wolf.

As Yawan rested atop the mountain, his head cradled in his hands, he gazed up at the endless expanse of sky in awe. The breathtaking beauty of creation never failed to evoke a deep sense of wonder within him.

Before, he doesn't even dare to dream about lying like this, atop a mountain enjoying his time in nature, gazing at the beauty of the world. Now he can, every time he wants, or if he doesn't like what he saw right now, with a simple thought, he could transform this already magnificent vista into something even more sublime.

In an unexpected turn of events, he had ascended to the status of a deity, an Omnipotent being possessing boundless power over his own world. Something that never came out of his even wild imagination, It was a reality that he never even dared to dream of, beyond the scope of his wildest imagination.

Well, though he had once imagined the idea of acquiring great wealth or even becoming a superhero who saved the world, he never imagined that he became a God just because some entity said he was a child of one of his clones.

But now, as he basked in the glory of his godhood, doubts crept into his mind. What if all of this was merely a figment of his imagination? What if he was simply a patient in a mental hospital, dreaming of a world where he held divine power?

But, meh he doesn't wake up until now, However, as eons passed by at his command, he realized that this was no mere dream. Time had moved on, and he had become old, all while ruling over his realm with unfettered autonomy.

If that all including by the creation of the world of course. And well does his intervention in speeding up the world's time can be counted too? If so, then he has been in this world for thousands of years only, but still!

And even if he were to awaken in a mental hospital one day, he knew that he had already tasted the sweet fruit of godhood, he enjoy every second of becoming a God. Though he may not yet have fully embraced his divine destiny, he would continue to act as his heart dictated, without restraint or fear of consequence.

He already lay out some of the seeds, he can harvest them sometimes, or maybe not? Again, all he knows is he will do what he wants, as he pleases, as his heart tells him to do.

That boy Alan, well not his is not the first investment he has made for the Human race but is the biggest investment he's made so far. Even though he has made other investments in the other race, call it beastman by the Wolfman's Tribe, he obviously biased again humans.

Who makes him born as a human in the first life afterall?

The identity that he carries within him cannot simply disappear, even though he may sometimes act like an ordinary human, well a mortal. It's challenging to change his way of thinking, which is deeply ingrained in his being.

Alan, that helpless little boy now a big man himself, a King leading a whole big country, and the first in history. His ascension to the throne of a country cannot be detached from this very man, me, Yawan, intervention and has paved the boy's way for a smooth transition, without any obstacles or setbacks that could have impeded his progress to become a King. It's a smooth sailing journey and man, who doesn't be grateful to him after all of that?

Maybe Alan will call him daddy if permitted.

But meh, human's heart, who knows?

As for the others, Gruum, Huk, Jorn, and Drax, even though his time with them is not to long, except for Gruum as he is literally can be called his first student, now became a leader of an Alliance of Humans tribe to fending off Wolfmans and their human's cronies attack all year around.

And after they got news from the South about the Kingdom of Man that was recently created, they began to copy and adapt to their new understanding of a concept of a country. Andddddd, ba dum tsss, slowly there are born 4 principalities with Prince as their head state in the north, all equal in the alliance. Well, nope they selected Gruum as their leader, so literally, he is the Grand Prince, no?

It is progress, and it is part of their destiny. And Yawan just helping them a little yet they can grow to that extent. Unfortunately, they are older than Alan, except the youngest Drax that only 5 years older than Alan, all are in their 50s, so they are very likely to die soon. But at least they already laying a foundation for the North.

Well, Yawan too gives them a gift, not much just a power to make them a little bit stronger, braver, and loyalty from their subordinate. Well, North thingy.

Talk about the north, Yawan also remembers Rak, that False God already learns to do well with his Rock like head.

He thought back to the time when he had advised Rak, a false god, to harness the power of blood sacrifice and channel its side effects albeit just for a little. Yawan had suggested that this could lead to something great, and Rak had eagerly followed his guidance.

And that result was a group of his human followers who began to develop wolf-like characteristics, becoming the first Lycanthropes, or werewolves, as they were later known.

Pretty neat as he has not created something like that yet.

And, those betrayers as Northern Human's Tribe called them, were led by Torn, the Shaman Warrior and accomplice at that time. And where is the Shaman, well he got betrayed by Torn who has more ambition than him, so he and his wife have been killed by Torn. Poor but not poor fellow.

As Yawan reminisces, his mind wanders to the formidable Kaar Tuk, the wolf leader whose dominance extended over vast territories inhabited by both beastmen and humans and was steadily cementing his authority. It was remarkable how he had managed to unify such a diverse range of beings and establish his authority. Despite his past military campaigns, Kaar Tuk had chosen to halt his conquests, likely due to his recognition of the strength and dominance of the minotaur tribe dwelling in the mountains and the centaurs inhabiting the plains.

And now, a King of his own, he is a man, emm, a beastman of worth an investment too.

Moreso, Yawan too doesn't forget his words, Yawan had bestowed upon Kaar Tuk an incredible gift- the ability to transmute into a direwolf. This gesture exemplifies Yawan's benevolent nature and his willingness to share his immense power with those he deems worthy. It's hard to overstate the magnitude of such a gift, and it speaks volumes about Yawan's character.

Very great right? Of course, he is a kind person.

As Yawan pondered on the events that had transpired not long ago, an unsettling feeling crept upon him. He sensed a dark, corrupt energy seeping through the veil of dimensions and infiltrating his world.

With a deep frown etched on his face, he feel slightly annoyed by a wave of divine energy that felt dirty and corrupt emanating from it. He knew that something was amiss and that he needed to investigate further.

Or not? Nah, he will not let his game destroyed by some outer factor, so let's investigated!

As he tapped into the world's will and focused his gaze on the wheels of destiny. As he delved deeper, he noticed a subtle shift in the fabric of reality, but it came at a cost - a price that the world would have to pay.

Well nothing to him though, he can just cast over the price and everything will be back to track. But, he will not.

"Interesting, something may change, but because of that the world will become more interesting," his gaze looked into the horizon, until he saw a tall tree towering above the clouds.

"This is intriguing," he murmured, aware that a change was coming that would make the world more compelling. He cannot wait to participate in that.

But before that, let's make some warning first.