
world's Apart

Dawn a final year student in high school came across an arrogant and proud rich child also the same age as hers but the twist is they met on the internet through chatapp. Dawn with the innocent mind of making friends with this guy she has never met before fell in love with him without realizing it. Wilson Jackson a proud and arrogant rich child was enrolled into Adventist High school, a public school to make him realise the struggles of other students and to teach him a lesson. Dawn and Jackson met in real life but unknowing to them they are chat buddies on chatapp.

Tifewasp1 · Teenager
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3 Chs


Ah, why is it so boring today, why can't I find anything to do. I have no where to go and am stuck here, home alone, how great. I really need to find something interesting to do quick before I die of this boredom. I picked up my phone and started swerving through my news feeds on chatapp when I saw him. 'who is this handsome looking dude's I thought to myself as I clicked on his profile and saw his name WJ. Even his name is gorgeous just like him. His deep gray eyes were sparkling just like the ocean and his full lips were enticing and tempting, his long eye lashes and his busy eye brow added to his special features, and his long gorgeous nails were really beautiful. Any girl would fall in love with him instantly but, I have no intention to crush on him or to make him mine, I just want to be friends with a cute guy, that's all. let's message him and see what he will say, this is going to be fun.