
World’s Halo

Qing-er, an ordinary 18 year old girl, unfortunately bit the bucket too early and died young. Waking up, she realized she had a new lease on life and had transmigrated into a fantasy world. Spiritual beasts, cultivation, sacred treasures, fantastical things that made her eyes shine. However, she celebrated too soon. Faced to face with the protagonists, she was in fact a pitiful supporting character to put it nicely and a mob character to put it truthfully.

kirihibird · Ost
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8 Chs

Forest (5)

"Shixiong," the younger boy looked to his Shixiong, "she's crying."

He gave the other a pointed look, signaling that the other should do something about it.

Amusement flashed in the teenager's eyes as he saw his shidi at a loss at what to do. His shidi was usually pretty clever, always having words to counter what people say to him. But now because of the little girl's tears he became tongue tied.

Signaling he would handle it, he turned towards Long Xiu Yun. With a gentle voice he spoke, "Are you alright? We'll give you some time to be alone. If you need anything you can call for us."

Long Xiu Yun sniffled as she watched them shuffle out of the tent. Her tears slowly stopping after some time. Her turbulent emotions calming down slightly due to her crying. A stabilizer that she didn't know she needed.

Pulling herself together, she moved the little cub onto the floor from her legs. Taking off the top of her gown, she moved to undress being careful not to pull at her wounds. Turning her head, she wanted to take a look at her back even though she knew she wouldn't be able to see anything from this angle. However, the dull searing pain that ran along her spine was evident with every movement she made.

Larger azure scales than the ones she saw on her arms entered her sight. Stunned, her left hand reached out over her shoulder to touch them. A cool sensation was transmitted to the tips of her fingertips. Her fingers traced the top of the scales ever so slightly.

That's right. When she was running away, she had felt something breaking out from her back when she urged herself to move faster. She was so focused on running away that she didn't pay attention to what it was.

Wings spanning from her neck to her butt protruded out from between her shoulder blades. Trying to move them, she aggravated her back injury that surrounded them. Grimacing in pain, Long Xiu Yun waited until the pain past to change her clothes.

Going out of the tent, she spotted the two boys sitting by a fire, eating. The little cub next to her running towards the younger boy's arms.

Hearing the noise, the two boys looked over. Long Xiu Yun had changed her pants for the one he had given her. However due to her newfound wings she still wore the top of her gown and used the shirt as a make shift cloak, not wanting to cut a hole into someone else's clothes. The size was a bit too big hence she had to roll up the sleeves and pant legs, but it was cleaner than her previous outfit at least.

The two boys didn't say anything. The older one handing her a plate of meat as she sat down next to them. Long Xiu Yun ate a few bites, feeling a piercing stare as she did so. Looking up from her plate, the younger boy's eyes were glued to her.

Feeling uncomfortable, she stared at the older one. He took notice right away, watching as she shifted her gaze to his shidi as though asking him to do something. His eyes were staring intently at her face, lingering on her little horns and eyes. It was like watching an excited puppy and nervous little bird interacting with each other.

"Yijun that's enough. Can't you see you're making the child uncomfortable." He spoke with a chuckle. "Don't mind him. It's just his first time meeting someone with your features. Mine as well."

His shidi had only been cultivating for a little over a year. It'd be strange if he knew the ways of the world. This was barely his second time coming out of the sect for training and there were many things he found new and exciting as he followed after his shixiong.

"Why were you alone? Where are your parents?"

Long Xiu Yun turned her attention to the older teenager at his question, not sure how to answer. If speaking about her real parents, then you wouldn't be able to find them in this world since she didn't technically belong here. If your speaking about this body's parents, Long Xiu Yun's parents, then they would be at the Long residence that occupied this mountain and forest most likely.

She didn't know if they would be searching for her but the care that she's seen looked genuine. They would probably be worried that their youngest daughter had gone missing.

"...What about you guys? Why are you in this forest?"

"Is this how you should speak to your elders?" Yijun piped in on the side.

Long Xiu Yun glanced at him, "Then big brothers, why are you currently here in this forest?"

Yijun had nothing to say at her quick change of address, petting the little cub in his arms.

"We're looking for something." The older teenager dodged the question with a smile on his face.

Long Xiu Yun nodded. It wasn't really smart to hope for an answer when they were strangers, especially when she looked like a child. She changed her question, "Than can I ask where these two big brothers came from?"

"That's not hard. We came from Clear Water Sect."

"It's the best sect there is." Yijun proudly boasted on the side.

Long Xiu Yun nodded to show her understanding finding the name familiar. There was also the boy named Yijun. His name was familiar as well. Since she had transmigrated, it was possible that she could have transmigrated into a novel like those stories she's read but so what if she did.

She still had almost died here.

It was the same. This place was real. No matter if it was a novel or not, it doesn't change the fact that she'll have to live here now. Whether she could go back or not was unknown and she still didn't know if she had died in that car accident or not.

"Then big brothers, are you heading into the forest again?" Long Xiu Yun didn't know her current location, only that it was at the edge of the forest. Whether she was near to her home or not was still up for debate. It was best for her to stick to these two young teens given her current state.

"That's right." The older teen didn't hide this insignificant detail.

"Is it alright if I come along with the two big brothers?" Long Xiu Yun asked after a moment of silence.

Hearing her request, the older teen hesitated. He glanced at his shidi, unknown thoughts hidden behind his gaze, before smiling gently at Long Xiu Yun, "Alright."

"Shixiong?!" Yijun spoke in surprise, confused as to why he agreed.

His shixiong turned to him only saying, "I have my considerations."